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Eléments de contexte autour des FCDR, TCDR, ECV, … Questions autour des données de Réanalyses Sophie Cloché, IPSL Groupe tendances et variabliltés, pôle.

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Presentation on theme: "Eléments de contexte autour des FCDR, TCDR, ECV, … Questions autour des données de Réanalyses Sophie Cloché, IPSL Groupe tendances et variabliltés, pôle."— Presentation transcript:

1 Eléments de contexte autour des FCDR, TCDR, ECV, … Questions autour des données de Réanalyses Sophie Cloché, IPSL Groupe tendances et variabliltés, pôle observation, 12/02/2015

2 CDR: Terme générique Climate data record (CDR) is a time series of measurements of sufficient length, consistency, and continuity to determine climate variability and change. These changes may be small and occur over long time periods (seasonal, inter ‐ annual, and decadal to centennial) compared to the short term changes that are monitored for weather forecasting. A CDR is a time series of a climate variable that tries to account for systematic errors and noise in the measurements. FCDR: produits N1 Time series of re-calibrated and/or inter-calibrated signals for a family of sensors together with the ancillary data used to calibrate them. TCDR: produits N2/N3 dérivés des FCDR (N1) Thematic Climate Data Records are long ‐ term data records of validated and quality controlled geophysical variables derived from FCDRs. TCDRs are specific to various disciplines, and often generated by blending satellite observations, in situ data, and model output. ECV: produits dérivés des FCDR: 50 variables listées par GCOS (Global Climate Observing System) Essential climate variable (ECV) is a geophysical variable that is associated with climate variation and change as well as the impact of climate change onto Earth. Groupe tendances et variabliltés, pôle observation, 12/02/2015

3 L1: Sensor Data Records (SDRs) Data (Direct & Remotely Sensed) Fundamental Climate Data Records (FCDRs) Thematic Climate Data Records (TCDRs) Climate Data Records or Homogenized Time Series Homogenization and Calibration Time-tagged Geo-Referenced Converted to Bio-Geophysical Variables L2+: Environmental Data Records (EDRs) Converted to Bio-Geophysical Variables Climate Data Records

4 Qui produit les FCDR/TCDR? Groupe tendances et variabliltés, pôle observation, 12/02/2015 NOAA/NCDC Climate Data Records NASA Earth Science Data Records program / MEaSURES CM SAF ESA/Projet Climate Change Initiative (CCI) Projets type COPERNICUS, ….. Collaboration/coordination internationale via GSICS (Global Space-based Inter-calibration System) et SCOPE-CM (Sustained and Coordinated Processing of Environmental Satellite Data for Climate Monitoring). SCOPE-CM is a network of agencies and operators of environmental satellite systems (CMA, EUMETSAT, JMA, NOAA) and interfaces with WMO, WCRP, GCOS, CGMS, CEOS and GEO. It offers its support to coordinate and facilitate international activities to generate Climate Data Records (CDR) from multi-agency satellite data. Within SCOPE-CM, the contributing organisations coordinate their scientific and technical development activities and cooperate on the basis of shared and distributed responsibilities for the generation of global products. ……

5 Quelques exemples de distribution de CDR NOAA Climate Data Record Program FCDR: N1 SSMI, SSMI/S, N1 AMSU TCDR: cloud Properties, OLR, SST, NDVI,.. Projet NASA MEaSUREs: Making Earth System Data Records for Use in Research Environments ESDR (Earth System Data Records ) via les DAAC, classé selon différentes thématiques Satellite Application Facility for Climate Monitoring (CM-SAF) FCDR: N1 SSMI, SSMI/S TCDR : cloud properties, water vapor, radiative budget products,SST,.. Groupe tendances et variabliltés, pôle observation, 12/02/2015

6 In 2010, WCRP and GCOS asked for an international approach to ensure transparency, traceability, and sound scientific judgment in the generation of Essential Climate Variables/Climate Data Records (ECV/CDRs) Groupe tendances et variabliltés, pôle observation, 12/02/2015


8 Core climax project (FP7): Coordinating earth observation data validation for Re-analysis for Climate Services Objectives of the project: Coordinate with COPERNICUS on-going activities and contribute to the formulation of the COPERNICUS climate service theme Propose a structured process for delivering ECVs through the stepped and quality controlled elaboration of Climate Data Records (CDR), the latter being derived from prioritisation of the most appropriate input data sets Propose a validation process aiming at qualifying the accuracy of the climate variables Propose a feedback mechanism ensuring that the results of the re-analysis process get appropriately reflected into updates of the CDR Propose a process to compare reanalyses Groupe tendances et variabliltés, pôle observation, 12/02/2015

9 Core-Climax: System Maturity Matrix Maturity SOFTWARE READINESSMETADATAUSER DOCUMENTATIONUNCERTAINTY CHARACTERISATION PUBLIC ACCESS, FEEDBACK, UPDATE USAGE 1Conceptual developmentNone Limited scientific description of the methodology available from PI NoneRestricted availability from PINone 2Research grade codeResearch grade Comprehensive scientific description of the methodology, report on limited validation, and limited product user guide available from PI; paper on methodology is sumitted for peer-review Standard uncertainty nomenclature is idenitified or defined; limited validation done; limited information on uncertainty available Data avaliable from PI, feedback through scientific exchange, irregular updates by PI Research: Benefits for applications identified DSS: Potential benefits identified 3 Research code with partially applied standards; code contains header and comments, and a README file; PI affirms portability, numerical reproducibility and no security problems Standards defined or identified; sufficient to use and understand the data and extract discovery metadata Score 2 + paper on methodology published; comprehensive validation report available from PI and a paper on validation is submitted; comprehensive user guide is available from PI; Limited description of operations cocept available from PI Score 2 + standard nomenclature applied; validation extended to full product data coverage, comprehensive information on uncertainty available; methods for automated monitoring defined Data and documentation publically available from PI, feedback through scientifc exchange, irregular updates by PI Research: Benefits for applications demonstrated. DSS: Use occuring and benefits emerging 4 Score 3 + draft software installation/user manual available; 3rd party affirms portability and numerical reproducibility; passes data providers security review Score 3 + standards systematically applied; meets international standards for the data set; enhanced discovery metadata; limited location level metadata Score 3 + comprehensive scientific description available from data provider; report on inter comparison available from PI; paper on validation published; user guide available from data provider; comprehensive description of operations concept available from PI Score 3 + procedures to establish SI traceability are defined; (inter)comparison against corresponding CDRs (other methods, models, etc); quantitative estimates of uncertainty provided within the product characterising more or less uncertain data points; automated monitoring partially implemented Data record and documentation available from data provider and under data provider's version control; Data provider establishes feedback mechanism; regular updates by PI Score 3 + Research: Citations on product usage in occurring DSS: societal and economical benefits discussed 5 Score 4 + operational code following standards, actions to achieve full compliance are defined; software installation/user manual complete; 3rd party installs the code operationally Score 4+ fully compliant with standards; complete discovery metadata; complete location level metadata Score 4 + comprehensive scientific description maintained by data provider; report on data assessment results exists; user guide is regularly updated with updates on product and validation; description on practical implementation is available from data provider Score 4 + SI traceability partly established; data provider participated in one inter-national data assessment; comprehensive validation of the quantitative uncertainty estimates; automated quality monitoring fully implemented (all production levels) Score 4 + soure code archived by Data Provider; feedback mechanism and international data quality assessment are considered in periodic data record updates by Data Provider Score 4+ Research: product becomes reference for certain applications DSS: Societal and economic benefits are demonstrated 6 Score 5 + fully compliant with standards; Turnkey System Score 5 + regularly updated Score 5 + journal papers on product updates are and more comprehensive validation and validation of quantitative uncertainty estimates are published; operations concept regularly updated Score 5 + SI traceability established; data provider participated in multiple inter-national data assessment and incorporating feedbacks into the product development cycle; temporal and spatial error covariance quantified; Automated monitoring in place with results fed back to other accessible information, e.g. meta data or documentation Score 5 + source code available to the public and capability for continuous data provisions established (ICDR) Score 5 + Research: Product and its applications becomes references in multiple research field DSS: Influence on decision and policy making demonstrated Groupe tendances et variabliltés, pôle observation, 12/02/2015

10 MaturitySOFTWARE READINESSCoding standardsSoftware Documentation Numerical Reproducibility and PortabilitySecurity 1Conceptual developmentNo coding standard or guidance identified or definedNo documentationNot evaluated 2Research grade codeCoding standard or guidance is identified or defined, but not appliedMinimal documentation PI affirms reproducibility under identical conditions PI affirms no security problems 3 Research code with partially applied standards; code contains header and comments, and a README file; PI affirms portability, numerical reproducibility and no security problems Score 2 + standards are partially applied and some compliance results are available Header and process description (comments) in the code, README complete PI affirms reproducibility and portabilitySubmitted for data provider’s security review 4 Score 3 + draft software installation/user manual available; 3 rd party affirms portability and numerical reproducibility; passes data providers security review Score 3 + compliance is systematically checked in all code, but not yet compliant to the standards. Score 3 + a draft Software Installation/User Manual 3rd party affirms reproducibility and portability Passes data provider’s security review 5 Score 4 + operational code following standards, actions to achieve full compliance are defined; software installation/user manual complete; 3rd party installs the code operationally Score 4 + standards are systematically applied in all code and compliance is systematically checked in all code. Code is not fully compliant to the standards. Improvement actions to achieve full compliance are defined. Score 4 + enhanced process descriptions throughout the code; software installation/user manual complete Score 4 + 3rd party can install the code operationally Continues to pass the data provider’s review 6Score 5 + fully compliant with standards; Turnkey SystemScore 5 + code is fully compliant with standards.As in score 5Score 5 + Turnkey systemAs in score 5 SOFTWARE READINESSMETADATAUSER DOCUMENTATIONUNCERTAINTY CHARACTERISATION PUBLIC ACCESS, FEEDBACK, UPDATE USAGE SOUS MATRICE: SOFTWARE READINESS Groupe tendances et variabliltés, pôle observation, 12/02/2015 TCDR CM-SAF Clouds (~12 ans) pour arriver au score 5 TCDR ESA-CCI SST (~5 ans) pour arriver au score 3

11 Groupe tendances et variabliltés, pôle observation, 12/02/2015

12 Quelques conclusions issues du Climate Symposium 2014 -> à appliquer à nos jeux de données!? : To enhance the value of existing observation records for climate research and applications, operational and research space agencies should put a sustained effort into re-processing and re-analysing existing archived data to produce temporally homogeneous products to study climate variability and change Metrics to assess maturity and facilitate use have been developed Robust, sustained climate observations and systems for processing and stewardship are required for both satellite and in situ data The current generation of scientists must fully document what they do to have a lasting legacy  Structuration au niveau Européen: COPERNICUS dont 2 des 6 services sont opérés par ECMWF C3S (Copernicus Climate Change Service), opéré par ECMWF; les produits envisagés : Consistent estimates of multiple Essential Climate Variables Global and regional reanalyses (covering a comprehensive Earth-system domain: atmosphere, ocean, land, carbon) Products based on observations alone (gridded; homogenised station series; reprocessed Climate Data Records) A near-real-time climate monitoring facility Multi-model seasonal forecasts Climate projections at global and regional scales CAMS (Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service), opéré par ECMWF: air quality/atmospheric composition, climate forcing, ozone et uv, solar radiation,emission/surface fluxes Copernicus Marine Service: opéré par Mercator-ocean; service pré-opérationel: MyOcean ITT en cours: 17 pour CAMS, 2 pour C3S, 8 pour Marine service Groupe tendances et variabliltés, pôle observation, 12/02/2015

13 Questions autour des réanalyses météo à l’IPSL Vos besoins en jeu de données de réanalyses? (résolution, format,..) Partager vos jeux de données Identifier les réanalyses d’intêret Intéret des analyses opérationnelles vs Réanalyse?? Partager vos retours d’expérience sur leur utilisation ……. Réanalyses disponibles à l’IPSL: ERA-40, ERA-Interim, ERA-20C, NCEP, NCEP-2, MERRA, CFSR Groupe tendances et variabliltés, pôle observation, 12/02/2015

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