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Introduction to Industrial Management 06/10/20161.

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1 Introduction to Industrial Management 06/10/20161

2 Administration Module Descriptor Book List Teaching Plan Staff Assessment – Poster Presentation – Class test 06/10/20162

3 Recommended text book G A Cole, Management Theory and Practice, 6 th edition, Letts, London, 2004 06/10/20163

4 Why Study Management? Integral part of your education! Requirement of I.Eng/C.Eng! Help you personally! Help you professionally! Perhaps one day you may become a Manager!!! 06/10/20164

5 What is Management ? Definitions of Management “to manage is to forecast and plan, to command, to co- ordinate and to control”H. Fayol. (1916) “management is a social process….the process consists of….planning, control, co-ordination and motivation” EFL Brech (1957). “managing is an operational process initially best dissected by analysing the managerial functions…The five essential management functions are: planning, organising, staffing, directing and leading and controlling” Koontz and O’Donnell (1984). 06/10/20165

6 What is Management ? Definitions of Organisation “Organisations are intricate human strategies designed to achieve certain objectives”Argyris (1960) “since organisations are systems of behaviour designed to enable humans and their machines to accomplish goals, organisational form must be a joint function of human characteristics and the nature of the task environment” Simon (1976). “organisations are systems of inter- dependant human beings” Pugh (1990). 06/10/20166

7 What is Management ? The Process of Management tied in with the systems approach Planning – deciding the objectives or goals of the organisation and preparing how to meet them – ends, means, conduct, results – organisation’s external environment 06/10/20167

8 What is Management ? Planning cont. – the organisations strengths and weaknesses. – Short or long term. Organising – determining activities and allocating responsibilities for the achievement of plans; co- ordinating activities and responsibilities into an appropriate structure. 06/10/20168

9 What is Management ? Motivating – meeting the social and psychological needs of employees in the fulfilment of organisational goals. Controlling – monitoring and evaluating activities and providing corrective action. 06/10/20169

10 Alternative Views of Management The Scientific Approach – Frederick W Taylor – Applying scientific methods to management – Brought the skill of observation, quantification, analysis, experimentation and evaluation to management – Replaced traditional approaches of intuition, personal opinion and guesswork 06/10/201610

11 The Process Approach – Henri Fayol – Focus on what a manager does – To manage one will :- Forecast and plan Organise Command (motivate?) Co-ordinate Control 06/10/201611

12 The Human Relations Approach – A reaction to the seemingly impersonal features of the scientific approach – Hawthorne Studies – People are motivated by social needs – Needs are satisfied through social relationships at work rather than work itself – Peer (group) influence – People perform well when they believe that their employer has genuine concern for their well-being – Douglas McGregor’s Theory X and Theory Y 06/10/201612

13 The Systems Approach – Concerned with people as individuals, their behaviour in groups, their individual motivations, their development within the organisation and their acceptance of new ideas – Does the organisational structure allow people to come together in the right groupings to do their work and make decisions? – Matching individual’s aspirations to those of the organisation – What is good for the organisation is good for the individual – Climate of learning and personal development – People centred approach 06/10/201613

14 Contingency Approach – It all depends on the circumstances – Impossible to prescribe a single solution to all situations – No one best way 06/10/201614

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