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Presentation on Line coding technique Given by Mithun Majumdar IT/14/40.

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Presentation on theme: "Presentation on Line coding technique Given by Mithun Majumdar IT/14/40."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presentation on Line coding technique Given by Mithun Majumdar IT/14/40

2 Line encoding technique Introduction Characteristics of line coding technique 1. signal level versus data level 2. pulse rate versus bit rate: e.g, signal has two data level and pulse duration of 10ms 3. DC component: 4. Self-synchronization

3 Line encoding technique Schema of line coding technique Line coding UnipolarPolarBipolar

4 Line encoding technique Unipolar: >Two voltage level is used >positive for 1 >zero level for binary 0 Disadvantage: 1.Dc component problem 2.Long stream of 0’s and 1’s 3.Average voltage line is positive

5 Line encoding technique Polar: Overcoming from disadvantage of unipolar Classification of polar Polar NRZRZManchestar Differential manchester

6 Line encoding technique NRZ: 1.Use either positive or negative voltage Classification of NRZ: NRZNRZ-LNRZ-I

7 Line encoding technique NRZ-L(Non return zero-level): >Positive level binary 0 >Negative level binary 1 Disadvantage: 1.Long stream of 1’s and 0’s

8 Line encoding technique NRZ-I(Non return zero-invert) >.Inversion of voltage level represent one bit >Transition between positive and negative represent binary 1 and no change in voltage level is binary 0 Disadvantage: 1.Only Long stream of 0’s can’t understand by receiver.1’s can

9 Line encoding technique RZ(Return to zero): >Three voltage level >Positive to zero 1 >Negative to zero 0 Disadvantage: 1.Two signal change for one bit 2.Occupied more bandwidth

10 Line encoding technique Manchester: >Use inversion at middle of bit interval for both synchronization and bit representation >Positive to negative 0 >Negative to positive 1

11 Line encoding technique Differential Manchester:  Uses Inversion at middle of bit interval for synchronization  Presence or absence of an additional transition at the beginning of the interval is used to indentify  Transition means 0 and no transition means 1

12 Line encoding technique Bipolar: >Three voltage level >Zero state for 0 >1 st 1 is positive and 2 nd is negative and 3 rd is positive and so on

13 Line encoding technique THANK YOU SO MUCH Have a great day

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