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Going batty: A look at the Only True Flying Mammal.

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Presentation on theme: "Going batty: A look at the Only True Flying Mammal."— Presentation transcript:

1 Going batty: A look at the Only True Flying Mammal

2  noun  the part of the body below the chest that contains the stomach and other organs

3 com·mo·tion  noun  noisy excitement and confusion

4 com·pe·ti·tion  noun  the act or process of trying to get or win something

5 es·cort  noun  accompaniment by a person or an armed protector

6 pa·ral·y·sis  Adjective  a state of being unable to function, act, or move

7 flex·i·ble  Adjective  capable of bending or being bent

8  Noun  An enemy

9  Verb  to raise (something) especially by using ropes or machinery

10 Max.i.mum  Noun  the highest number or amount that is possible or allowed

11 mo·bile  adjective  able to move from one place to another


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