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WORKSHOP MECHANICS for the Regional Workshop/Consultation DOT-DPWH Convergence Program ANNEX II.

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Presentation on theme: "WORKSHOP MECHANICS for the Regional Workshop/Consultation DOT-DPWH Convergence Program ANNEX II."— Presentation transcript:

1 WORKSHOP MECHANICS for the Regional Workshop/Consultation DOT-DPWH Convergence Program ANNEX II

2 WORKSHOP OBJECTIVES a.Identify the priority tourism sites to be developed within the key tourism development areas (TDAs) indicated in the National Tourism Development Program (NTDP). a.Identify the airport and seaport gateways linked to the key TDAs. a.Identify the tourism roads leading to the designated priority tourism sites and service centers, proposed to be included in the DPWH infrastructure program for 2018-2022. a. Identify the needed tourism softscapes: 1) Under DPWH – signages, streetlights, view decks along tourism roads – to be integrated in the DPWH infrastructure program 2) Under TIEZA – visitor centers, green restrooms, and other product development- related structures within the tourism sites – to be included under the TIEZA infrastructure program. e. Propose the multi-year infrastructure programs and budgets of DPWH and TIEZA for 2018-2022, showing the proposed infrastructure projects in support of the priority tourism sites as identified above, together with the corresponding project costs and phasing of funding and implementation, within the estimated/indicative budget ceilings. f. Obtain the approval of the stakeholders, especially private sectors, for the criteria and process; g. Recommend, as deemed necessary, improvements to the criteria and process for the identification and priority-setting of proposed tourism roads in support of key tourism sites.

3 EXPECTED WORKSHOP OUTPUTS At the end of the workshop, the following are the expected outputs – which shall be agreed on by the participants, including the private sector representatives: – Lists, with maps, of tourism sites, in the order of priority, within the key TDAs identified in the NTDP, proposed to be supported by tourism road projects under the Convergence Program for 2018-2022. Corresponding lists, plotted on GIS maps, of road projects – including softscapes - proposed to be implemented under DPWH/TIEZA in 2018-2022 to support the identified priority tourism sites, with their brief scopes of work and estimated costs up to completion. Proposed tourism infrastructure programs and budgets under DPWH and TIEZA for 2018- 2022, which will indicate the road projects, including softscapes, to be implemented, together with the tourism sites that they will lead to and support, their brief scopes of work, costs up to completion, and annual phasing of funding and implementation. Other associated infrastructure projects needed to complement the tourism roads and tourism site development – e.g., improvement of ports, airports, water and sanitation infrastructure.

4 OTHER WORKSHOP GUIDELINES a.Before the workshop, participants are expected to prepare the following requirements/materials: –List of proposed tourism road projects, including softscapes, for 2018-2022 –Provincial development maps –List of airports/seaports infrastructure requirements –List of destination infrastructure requirements - e.g., water, sanitation, site amenities/ facilities –Geo-tagged photos of the tourism sites, tourism roads, and other tourism infrastructure project b. This workshop should be held in one or two days

5 c. To facilitate discussions, the participants may be grouped by TDA or TDA cluster, with around 15-20 participants per group d. Towards the end of the workshop, each group shall present its outputs. About 15 minutes shall be allotted for the presentation by the group including discussions e. The workshop facilitator shall designate: - documenter who will record and document the discussions; and - a timekeeper who will give each group a signal when the time is running out. f. The members of each group shall designate its spokesperson to report its outputs.

6 SAMPLE GROUPING ARRANGEMENTS Region V GROUP 1 ( CP1-A) CP1-A: Camarines Norte Camarines Sur Catanduanes GROUP 2 (CP1-B) CP1-B: Albay Masbate Sorsogon Name of Facilitators

7 TimeActivityPersons Responsible 8:00 - 9:00 AMRegistration 9:00 - 9:10 AMIntroduction 9:10 - 9:30 AMPresentation of DOT RD 1. 2018-2022 National Tourism Development Plan: Mid-term Infrastructure Plan 2. TRIP Criteria and Guidelines 9:30 - 10:00 AMPresentation of the DPWH RD 1. Status of TRIP projects 2. Program of work and multi-year funding 10:00 AM - 12:00 PMBreak-out session for the presentation of priority tourism roads from 2018-2022 12:00 PM - 1:30 PMContinuation of break-out session 1:30 - 5:00 PMPresentation of priority tourism roads and infrastructure projects per province SAMPLE PROGRAM OF ACTIVITIES Day 1

8 TimeActivityPersons Responsible 8:00 - 9:00 AM 9:00 - 9:10 AM 9:10 - 9:30 AMPresentation Contest 9:30 - 12:00 NNNext steps, action plans PROGRAM OF ACTIVITIES Day 2


10 Service Center Tourism Site Tourism Gateways Framework (Airports, Seaports, Bus Terminals, etc) Tourism Gateways Framework (Airports, Seaports, Bus Terminals, etc) STEP 1: Identify the Tourism Gateways

11 Form A: Tourism Gateways GATEWAYSSERVICE CENTERTOURISM SITEROAD NAME Example: Puerto Princesa City Airport Puerto Princesa Honda Bay Underground RiverAccess road leading to Puerto Princesa City Underground River, Puerto Princesa, Palawan

12 GuidelinesDOCUMENTS NEEDED 1. Check the proposed list of tourism road projects for 2018-2022 and PLOT them using the regional and provincial development maps. Based on the map, identify the following: tourism destinations, service and business centers, airports and seaports, national and local roads, municipal/city or provincial capitol, map scale, and labels of coordinates ) 2. Make sure that all the tourism road projects indicated in the list have proposals for softscapes. Example of softscapes- Installation of signages, lighting, safety devices, restrooms, etc 3. Make sure that the projects are RANKED according to PRIORITY. Note : Please refrain from submitting a long shopping list of projects 4. Ensure ranking is based on the Tourism Development Areas (TDAs) resulting from the latest NTDP. 5. Prepare sample of new proposed tourism road projects for the presentation. 1. List of 2018-2022 TRIP 2. Regional and Provincial maps 3.Copy of top ranked tourism development areas based on the latest NTDP. STEP 2: LIST OF TOURISM ROAD NETWORK (TRIP ROADS) -INCLUDING SOFTSCAPE INFRASTRUCTURE

13 FORM B: List of Proposed Tourism Road Infrastructure Projects (TRIP) for FYs 2018-2022 RANKROAD NAMESOFTSCAPES NEEDED Target Length (KM) PROPOSED AMOUNT FOR 2018-2022 (‘000) 1 Construction and Improvement of Urdaneta- Manaoag Road leading to Our Lady of Manaoag Shrine and Miraculous Virgin's Well, Manaoag, Pangasinan Construction of drainage and restrooms; and Installation of signage and lighting 2 Access Road from Brgy. Tono, Tibiao Road leading to white water kayaking, Tibiao Ecopark and Tibiao Fish Spa, Brgy. Tono, Tibiao, Antique Construction of slope protection and drainage; and Installation of signage 3 Rehabilitation/Improvement of access road from DZR Airport (Regional Gateway) to Service Center (Tacloban City Proper), DZR Airport - Coca-Cola Road, Including Installation of Signage & lighting Installation of Signage & lighting Note: For roads leading to specific tourist destination, include the phrase “leading to… (name of tourist destination)” For roads connecting a gateway to a service center or a tourist destination: include the phrase: “access road from (name of gateway, e.g. Airport/Seaport)… to (name of tourist destination and/or service center).”

14 Guidelines DOCUMENTS NEEDED 1. Using the Regional and Provincial Development Maps, PLOT all the projects leading to airports and seaports. 2. Ask the group to validate their proposed list of airports/seaport through coordination with other stakeholders 4. Prepare sample projects for the regional presentation. 1.List of tourism road projects leading to airports/seaports. 2.Project Development Map STEP 3: AIRPORT/SEAPORT INFRASTRUCTURE REQUIREMENTS

15 FORM C: List of Tourism Road Infrastructure Projects leading to Airports and Seaports RANKROAD NAMEAIRPORTS/SEAP ORTS Target Length (KM) PROPOSED AMOUNT FOR 2018-2022 (‘000) 1 Rehabilitation/Improvement of road leading to Calbayog Airport and Manguinoo Port, Calbayog CityAirport and Seaport 2 Improvement/Widening of access road leading to Benit Port (Saddle Area), San Ricardo, Southern LeyteSeaport 3 Rehabilitation/Improvement of access road from DZR Airport (Regional Gateway) to Service Center (Tacloban City Proper), DZR Airport - Coca-Cola Road, Including Installation of Signage & lightingAirport Note: For roads leading to specific tourist destination, include the phrase “leading to… (name of tourist destination)” For roads connecting a gateway to a service center or a tourist destination: include the phrase: “access road from (name of gateway, e.g. Airport/Seaport)… to (name of tourist destination and/or service center).”

16 Guidelines DOCUMENTS NEEDED 1. The DOT and DPWH regional officers shall coordinate with other stakeholders present in the workshop for the inclusion of other major critical infrastructure projects and destination/site infrastructure (i.e. water, sanitation, and power, among others) 2. Ask the group to validate their proposed list of destination infrastructure requirements by coordinating and interfacing their programs among tourism-supporting agencies. The group should only identify critical infrastructures needed in the tourism infrastructure program. 4. Prepare sample infrastructure projects for the regional presentation. 1. List of other site infrastructure requirements. STEP 4: DESTINATION INFRASTRUCTURE REQUIREMENTS (I.E. WATER, SANITATION, SITE AMENITIES/FACILITIES)

17 FORM D: List of Destinations infrastructure requirements (i.e., water, sanitation, site amenities/facilities) RANKTOURISM SITEINFRASTRUCTURE REQUIREMENTS PROPOSED AMOUNT FOR 2018-2022 (‘000) 1 Bangon Falls, Brgy. Tinaplacan, Calbayog City, Samar Sanitation, Water, Restrooms 2 Mt. Hamiguitan, San Isidro, Davao OrientalWater, Viewdeck 3 Tambobong Beach, Dasol, Pangasinan Facilities, Visitor Centers and so forth

18 Sample Provincial Development Map

19 CLOSING SESSION Summarize key issues and feedback. Identify next steps.

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