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NERC Update Current Activities Ryan Quint, Ph.D., P.E. Staff Coordinator, NERC Load Modeling Task Force WECC MVWG Meeting June 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "NERC Update Current Activities Ryan Quint, Ph.D., P.E. Staff Coordinator, NERC Load Modeling Task Force WECC MVWG Meeting June 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 NERC Update Current Activities Ryan Quint, Ph.D., P.E. Staff Coordinator, NERC Load Modeling Task Force WECC MVWG Meeting June 2016

2 RELIABILITY | ACCOUNTABILITY2 Overview This presentation focuses on the technical aspects of NERC assessments and building advanced analytical capabilities  New or emerging assessments  Powerflow and dynamics modeling efforts  System analysis efforts  Technical subcommittee efforts

3 RELIABILITY | ACCOUNTABILITY3 NERC PC Deliverables White Papers: technical facets of topics, may make recommendations for further action. Technical Reports: results of analysis about specific topic; often in response to NERC BOT, FERC Orders, etc.; technical basis for Standards actions, informational filings to FERC, etc. Technical Reference Documents: topic-specific intended to be used by industry as permanent or “living” references. Guidelines Reports: suggests approaches or behavior in a given technical area for the purpose of improving reliability;  Not binding norms or mandatory requirements... may be adopted by a responsible entity in accordance with its own facts and circumstances. 1  Standards Committee authorization required for RG to become a supporting document posted with or referenced from a NERC Reliability Standard. 1 1 PC Charter – Nov. 2013 PC Charter

4 RELIABILITY | ACCOUNTABILITY4 2016 NERC Elections Planning and Operating Committee Nomination Period: June 2 – 24, 2016 Operating Committee: 2016 OC Elections2016 OC Elections Planning Committee: 2016 PC Elections2016 PC Elections  Operating Committee and Planning Committee Selection Process Operating Committee and Planning Committee Selection Process  Nomination forms­ — OC | PCOCPC  A list of open committee member positions – OC | PCOCPC  The committee charters – OC | PCOCPC Questions:  Email: or  Call: o Larry Kezele (OC) at (404) 446-9679 o Elliott Nethercutt (PC) at (202) 644-8089

5 RELIABILITY | ACCOUNTABILITY5 Case Quality Metrics Assessments Goal: shed light on potential model issues, address root causes, and track performance over time Phase 1 assessment completed in 2015 Phase 1  Initial set of metrics, identified areas for modeling improvement  Feedback loop with MOD-032 Designees, scripts published Phase 2 assessment in progress for 2016 Phase 2  Ramped up dynamics metrics, comparing Phase 1 performance

6 RELIABILITY | ACCOUNTABILITY6 Modeling Notifications Goals: Inform industry of  Obsolete models  Model errors/issues Recommend best replacements or practices ExamplesExamples: EX2000 Gas Turbine Governors GENTPJ

7 RELIABILITY | ACCOUNTABILITY7 Frequency Response Analysis

8 RELIABILITY | ACCOUNTABILITY8 Objective: understand modal characteristics of each interconnection using high-resolution, time-sync’d dataObjective  Mode shape, mode frequencies, mode damping ratio Provide utility industry with better fundamental understanding of inter-area modes and forced oscillations on the BPS Use actual data to characterize system; possibly benchmark with model-based approaches Explore oscillation analysis tools available to industry Source: Montana Tech Oscillation Analysis

9 RELIABILITY | ACCOUNTABILITY9 Power Plant Model Verification using PMUs Goal: guidance on disturbance-based model verification using PMU data as one available method for PPMV  Approved by PC for industry comment period at last NERC PC meeting  Comment period: June 15 – August 1  Final approval: Sept PC meeting

10 RELIABILITY | ACCOUNTABILITY10 Power Plant Model Verification and Testing Workshop September 20, 2016 | 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Eastern September 21, 2016 | 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Eastern DoubleTree by Hilton Atlanta – Buckhead near NERC Offices Click here for: Workshop AnnouncementWorkshop Announcement Click here for: Workshop AgendaWorkshop Agenda Click here for: Conference RegistrationConference Registration Click here for: Hotel ReservationsHotel Reservations

11 RELIABILITY | ACCOUNTABILITY11 Summer Reliability Assessment 2016 SRA New format to SRA report Anticipated Reserve Margin forecasted to be above Reference Margin Level for all Assessment Areas and Regions Aliso Canyon Gas Storage Facility Outages remains a concern  CAISO working with relevant entities to ensure minimized load shedding

12 RELIABILITY | ACCOUNTABILITY12 Short Term Special Assessments Operational Risk Assessment with High Penetration of Natural Gas-Fired Generation (HERE)HERE  Electric and gas industries should consider mitigation measures o Use of dual-fuel generators and firm natural gas delivery contracts  Risks to natural gas generation during summer season – not just winter  Aliso Canyon Gas Storage Facility continues to operate at minimum levels of gas storage. o Reliability of BPS could be impacted during peak load days this summer  Operational coordination between gas-electric industries decrease likelihood of wide-spread outage Soliciting input from industry on other high priority short-term reliability challenges  August 2017 Solar Eclipse, Variable Resource Curtailments, Accelerated Nuclear Retirements

13 RELIABILITY | ACCOUNTABILITY13 Reactive Generator Effectiveness Impacts of P&C on Effectiveness Penetration of dedicated reactive generators likely increasing due to retirement of conventional resources.  Reduction in dynamic reactive capability STATCOMs SVCs Synchronous condensers Protective systems must reliably coordinate with those of other BPS Elements

14 RELIABILITY | ACCOUNTABILITY14 NERC Clean Power Plan Study Phase II Report published 2016 (HERE)HERE  Collaboration with stakeholders to inform policy discussions and highlight potential risks to BPS reliability  Range of resource adequacy evaluations, several cases, different models  Framework for more granular studies at the state and regional level Renewables Growth Carbon Reduction Req’s Coal Retirements


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