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1 EVANGELISM (Personal)
**Acts 1:8 - Guidelines for witnessing. (1) The topic; “...witnesses unto Me.” (2) Prerequisite; "...power...Holy Spirit." (3) Scope; "Jerusalem (home first) to the ends of the earth." (4) Method; public, personal, or child evangelism. **John 4:4-34, Line fishing or net fishing. (1) Line fishing; The Master Fisher of men, caught a big one. 15 (2) Net fishing; the new convert (a woman) caught many. 39 1. Not all believers are evangelists, but all are called to witness.

2 (Lessons From The Master Fisher Of Men)
I He applied the BASIC RULES for WITNESSING: 1. Spiritually in tune; His devotional and prayer life. 2. He went where the fish were biting, in Samaria. 4 (1) “Cast the net on the right side of the ship...” John 21:6 3. Impartial; not ashamed of an outcast, woman of Samaria. 4. Friendly; He asked a favor – “give me a drink” - removes barriers. 7

3 5. He awakened her curiosity; " water" 14
6. He employed a basic rule in teaching. (Known to the unknown) 13,14 7. He was a good listener; He didn’t monopolize the conversation. 8. He respectfully & tactfully exposed her sin , 29, 39 (1) "Go call your husband." 16 (Religious but lost) 9. He met her on her own terms, "worship." 20-24

4 10. He convinced her of the emptiness of religion. 24
(1) Ancestral tradition isn’t reliable. 20 (2) Not ritual but in "Spirit and Truth." (Heart) 24 11. He pointed her to Himself - "...I am He." 26 (1) Not religion but relationship; "...I am He." 26 (2) Not a place (Mt. or Jerusalem) but a Person , 26 12. He never turned down a welcome. 40

1. The Father‘s will; "not my will, but thine." Lu 22:42 2. Love: cf. a magnet - sinners attracted - religious repelled. Lu 15:1 3. The Eternal "Great I AM" - stooped for one sinner. Ex 3:14 (1) His preferred ministry; "one on one."

1. He "must needs" go through Samaria. 4 2. He saw a precious soul; the disciples saw an outcast. (1) A soul is more important then a picnic. 32 (2) The disciples saw her as a "picnic basher." 3. He wasn't deterred by inconvenience, status or danger. 9

7 IV The RESULTS: 1. A thirsty soul drank of "living water." 15
2. A notorious sinner becomes a zealous soul winner. (1) She "left her water pot." She now had the eternal "WELL." 28 (2) She didn't wait till she was a theologian. 29 (3) Her message was simple; "come see a Man...Christ." 29 (4) Her mission field; Home first Acts 1:8 - “Jerusalem.” (5) Her credentials; a changed life / a zealous witness.

8 3. Mission accomplished: "I must go..." 4 - “I have meat to eat...” 32
4. The disciples received, "on the job training." 5. "Lo, I am with you always." Mt 28:20

9 1. Every sinner is a potential. - A fish waiting to get caught.
2. Every believer is a "licensed fisherman." 3. The fishing season; "in season and out of season." 2Tim 4:2 (1) When I don't feel like it. (2) When it seems inappropriate. 4. Statistics in Evangelism; Line fishing catches more then nets. 5. The "Four Spiritual Laws" don't work for me.

10 The End

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