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IUCN WCPA Priorities for Regional Vice Chairs Bernal Herrera/Central America.

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Presentation on theme: "IUCN WCPA Priorities for Regional Vice Chairs Bernal Herrera/Central America."— Presentation transcript:

1 IUCN WCPA Priorities for Regional Vice Chairs 2016-2020 Bernal Herrera/Central America

2 3-5 highlighted priorities/goals for delivering the Promise of Sydney in the region PARKS: Valuing and conserving nature A “Protected Areas Day” within the framework of the Congress of the Mesoamerican Society for Conservation Biology in Belize will be organized. A guidance for designing adaptation strategies in functional conservation areas will be published in 2016. Guidelines for designing and management connectivity conservation initiatives will be published. Enhance the participation of private sector in biodiversity conservation through regional platforms (Biodiversity Mesoamerica Partnership)

3 3-6 highlighted priorities for delivering the Promise of Sydney in the region PEOPLE: Equitable governance/Inspiring a new generation The identification of lessons learned and best practices to design and implement co-management processes in Central American protected areas will be finished.

4 3-6 highlighted priorities for delivering the Promise of Sydney in the region PLANET: Nature-based Solutions A draft guidance for designing climate change adaptation strategies in protected areas will be develop and applied in the field. Co-organize a side event in the framework of the National Climate Change Congress in Honduras regarding CC, protected areas and EbA.

5 Proposed activities for delivering the IUCN Programme in the region 2017-2020 ActivityPartnersResourcesNeeds Conduct at least 1 seminar of biodiversity value in 1 Central American country GEF - UNDPPartial funding from UNDP A “Protected Areas Day” within the framework of the Congress of the Mesoamerican Society for Conservation Biology in Belize will be organized. MSCBNone$1,000 Organize at least 1 meeting with private sector to enhance the role of biodiversity in ecosystem services provision GIZGIZ – UNDP GEF projects - Publish and disseminate the lessons learned and best practices to design and implement co-management processes in Central American protected areas will be finished To be definedNoneUS$3000 Co-organization of the side event regarding CC and protected areas SeveralEvent is organized by the government of Honduras $1000

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