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Architecture Implementation Pilot: GEOSS, FedEO, Tri-Lateral Kickoff Meeting - 5&6 June 2007 Session #4c Biodiversity/Climate - Regional/Polar George Percivall.

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Presentation on theme: "Architecture Implementation Pilot: GEOSS, FedEO, Tri-Lateral Kickoff Meeting - 5&6 June 2007 Session #4c Biodiversity/Climate - Regional/Polar George Percivall."— Presentation transcript:

1 Architecture Implementation Pilot: GEOSS, FedEO, Tri-Lateral Kickoff Meeting - 5&6 June 2007 Session #4c Biodiversity/Climate - Regional/Polar George Percivall Open Geospatial Consortium

2 Architecture Implementation Pilot: GEOSS, FedEO, Tri-Lateral Kickoff Meeting - 5&6 June 2007 Slide 2 Session #4c: Biodiversity/Climate - Regional/Polar Scenarios from CFP and CFP Responses GEOSS Workshops Scenarios What should we do: theme, script, etc. Scenario Workplan starting point

3 Architecture Implementation Pilot: GEOSS, FedEO, Tri-Lateral Kickoff Meeting - 5&6 June 2007 Slide 3 Scenarios from CFP and CFP Responses CFP Section 2.6.3 - Climate Change: Regional effects –Regional decisions based on predictions of climate change Recognizing that the science to predict local changes is still advancing –model predictions must be combined with the local geographic and economic information to estimate the range of outcomes that will affect different locations in different manners. CFP Section 2.6.5 Ecosystems and biodiversity: Polar –International Polar Year (IPY) –Reconnaissance level overview of climate change impact in the Polar Artic, including but not limited to ecosystems and biodiversity. –A series of data themes (emphasis on polar projection and time series) will individually and a collectively demonstrate the potential impact of climate change on northern natural environment, economy and communities.

4 Architecture Implementation Pilot: GEOSS, FedEO, Tri-Lateral Kickoff Meeting - 5&6 June 2007 Slide 4 CFP Responses to Regional and Polar Argon/IM ESA/FAO Portal ESONET, ESRI FGDC GBIF GeoConnections GEOmon Meraka MinesParis SDSC SERVIR STFC Unidata UT/JAXA

5 Architecture Implementation Pilot: GEOSS, FedEO, Tri-Lateral Kickoff Meeting - 5&6 June 2007 Slide 5 IEEE/ISPRS/OGC GEOSS Workshop Series 2007 “The User and the GEOSS Architecture” Apr-07IEEE SoS and Signal Conferences Hawaii, USASOSE and Information infrastructure for GEOSS Jun-07Intl Symp on RS of Environment - ISRSE San Jose, Costa Rica Sustainable dev through EO, Agriculture Jul-07IGARSS07Barcelona, Spain GEOSS System components Aug-07IPY GeoNorthYellowknife, Canada Climate and biodiversity Sep-07OGC TCBoulder, CO USA Regional affects of Climate Change Sep-07AfricaGIS07Burkina Fasowater, health Nov-07Asian Conference on Remote Sensing Kuala Lumpur, MY Environment Disaster/Tsunami

6 Architecture Implementation Pilot: GEOSS, FedEO, Tri-Lateral Kickoff Meeting - 5&6 June 2007 Slide 6 GEOSS Workshop: IPY GeoNorth - Climate and biodiversity Workshop Theme: “The Impact of Climate Change and Variability on Biodiversity and Energy in the Arctic " Poles of the earth provide for convergence on many topics. –Tri-Lateral Agreement partners have common geographic interest in the North Pole –The International Polar Year is a large scientific programme focused on the Arctic and the Antarctic from March 2007 to March 2009. –IPY is organized through the International Council for Science (ICSU) and the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) Workshop precedes the First International Circumpolar Conference on Geospatial Sciences and Applications, Yellowknife, N.W.T., Canada, August 20-24, 2007 –

7 Architecture Implementation Pilot: GEOSS, FedEO, Tri-Lateral Kickoff Meeting - 5&6 June 2007 Slide 7 Potential Themes for Polar Scenario 1. Caribou movement and migration and the integration of snow pack data and greeness data from imagery 2. Polar Bear distribution and sea ice change and variability, with a focus on Hudson Bay, and, subject to information availability, Beaufort Sea and the eastern Canadian Arctic. 3. Polar mammal and bird distribution with information from Natureserve (

8 Architecture Implementation Pilot: GEOSS, FedEO, Tri-Lateral Kickoff Meeting - 5&6 June 2007 Slide 8 Polar datasets candidates Most recent national climate change impact models to show areas regions expect to be hotter, drier, wetter across the Arctic Caribou migrations corridors to demonstrate impact of climate change scenarios on a major economic species Annualized AVHRR to demonstrate to develop a time series of biological productively measures will indicate “biological resilience” National DEM data to show areas of potential sea level rise impact on coastals communities protected areas of the north to correlate with the above to demonstrate the potential impact of climate change and sea level rise on Ecoregions of the Artic Open water (polynias) and annual sea ice data to demonstrate the impact of species dependant on sea ice (such as polar bears) Locations of monitoring stations of various departments who part of the Arctic working group GeoBase typonomy layer and community locations.

9 Architecture Implementation Pilot: GEOSS, FedEO, Tri-Lateral Kickoff Meeting - 5&6 June 2007 Slide 9 Relevant products Relevant products could be Snow Covered Area (SCA) and Snow Water Equivalent (SWE) derived from EO data. These products are operationally produced in near real time in several areas and several places (US Modis products, national products, very large area products). The products are widely used by water power industry, flood models, climate researchers etc. They think that for instance for the climate research community it could be very useful to know how this kind of information should be interpreted when combined from many sources (harmonization, metadata, accuracy). The possible SDI linked project could concentrate on product validation and comparison: what kind of metadata is needed (pixelwise accuracy estimates, other metadata (specially for dynamic raster data like these products), coordinate systems to be used (same products are used nationally and globally), raster formats, different services (download, view, upload, discovery, transformation), cross boarder comparison, international existing standards to be adopted, …

10 Architecture Implementation Pilot: GEOSS, FedEO, Tri-Lateral Kickoff Meeting - 5&6 June 2007 Slide 10 Data sources for Demos Suzanne Carriere of the Northwest Territories NDIDC near-real-time sea ice concentration product, now available as a layer in Google Earth. WMS contact from Geoconnections. CARMA group integrating spatial data to caribou data. – Sea-surface temp (remotely sensed) and its relationship to Seabird productivity, other population parameters and diet –David Irons, US Fish and Wildlife Service: –Grant Gilchrist, Seabird scientist: Shrubbing of the Arctic – SCANNET – a network of research stations across the Scandinavian Arctic: –

11 Architecture Implementation Pilot: GEOSS, FedEO, Tri-Lateral Kickoff Meeting - 5&6 June 2007 Slide 11 Atlas of Canada Atlas of Canada provides a WMS which serves base layers (road, boundaries, hydrography, populated places, etc.) for its 7.5 Million framework data set. –World –North Circumpolar –North America –Canada 1 million The World and North Circumpolar framework data sets have a limited number of base layers. Both the North America and Canada 1 Million framework data sets have an extensive set of base layers. Contact: Peter Bruton, Atlas of Canada

12 Architecture Implementation Pilot: GEOSS, FedEO, Tri-Lateral Kickoff Meeting - 5&6 June 2007 Slide 12 GEOSS Workshop: OGC TC - Regional affects of Climate Change Workshop Theme: “Citizens and policy makers in decisions based upon predictions of climate change. " –Recognizing that the science to predict regional changes in climate is still advancing, –Address interoperability arrangements for decision support tools and predictive models used around the globe to support policy and management decisions. –Specific existing tools and models will be demonstrated to show the current capabilities September 21 & 22 - follows the OGC Technical Committee meeting in Boulder Colorado –

13 Architecture Implementation Pilot: GEOSS, FedEO, Tri-Lateral Kickoff Meeting - 5&6 June 2007 Slide 13 GEOSS Architecture

14 Architecture Implementation Pilot: GEOSS, FedEO, Tri-Lateral Kickoff Meeting - 5&6 June 2007 Slide 14 Climate Scenario: Regional effects

15 Architecture Implementation Pilot: GEOSS, FedEO, Tri-Lateral Kickoff Meeting - 5&6 June 2007 Slide 15 GEOSS Workshop: OGC TC - Regional affects of Climate Change

16 Architecture Implementation Pilot: GEOSS, FedEO, Tri-Lateral Kickoff Meeting - 5&6 June 2007 Slide 16 AI Pilot Master Schedule KickoffJun 2007 Development Jun - Sep GEO Portal Evaluations beginJuly? –IEEE/ISPRS/OGC GEOSS Workshops? Integration and Demo CaptureSep 2007 –With ADC-IV –Kickoff of Version IOC+1 development ? Rollout of IOC Initial Operating CapabilityOct 2007 Additional Scenario development Summit and PlenaryNov 2007

17 Architecture Implementation Pilot: GEOSS, FedEO, Tri-Lateral Kickoff Meeting - 5&6 June 2007 Slide 17 AI Pilot Scenario Template Work Plan June - AI Pilot Kickoff –Develop societal benefit area scenario –Identify scenario specific data sources July - Confirm all components available on-line July - Client server testing August - Scenario sequence testing September - Scenario Capture Workshop (Washington DC) –Final Integration and scenario refinement –Scenario Capture and recording October - Post-production of Scenario Recordings November - Sumitt and Plenary

18 Architecture Implementation Pilot: GEOSS, FedEO, Tri-Lateral Kickoff Meeting - 5&6 June 2007 Slide 18 Scenario Capture and Recording - September Capture clients sceenshots and operator narration –Ideally movie segments will be less than 3 minutes in length to keep the loading time for each segment to a minimum. Record voices of the demonstrators in the screen captures –Recommend a prepared speaking script –recommend a headset with a boom microphone. Camtasia Studio 4 to record the Scenario screen captures – –Techsmith offers a free, fully-functional 30-trial of their software. –"raw" screen captures in.avi format are the deliverables –800x600 segments, OGC will then export to flash (.swf format) OGC “how-to” to be distrbuted later

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