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Matthew 24. The Second Coming is like… Studio C 5 Day Weather Forecast:

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Presentation on theme: "Matthew 24. The Second Coming is like… Studio C 5 Day Weather Forecast:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Matthew 24

2 The Second Coming is like…

3 Studio C 5 Day Weather Forecast:


5 FEAR or CHEER? 1 st day of school Bishops interviews Driving tests 1 st date 1 st kiss Mission Marriage 1 st child 2 nd Coming

6 It is your first semester of your first year in college. You are excited to be in your first “grown-up” class. The teacher looks dynamic and exciting. He begins walking you through the syllabus, explaining the reading and other assignments due for the class. There are quite a few projects and papers to write, all of which are supposed to be organized into a single portfolio.

7 You notice that there is not a due date assigned for the homework collection. “When is all of this due?” someone asks. The teacher then says, “I am not going to tell you exactly, part of this class is going to be a little test of your personal responsibility. If I were you I would begin working on it now, and do a little at a time. Consistency is going to be the key to getting this all done. It will come due before the end of the semester that I will ask you to turn it in.”

8 How would you feel about the teacher’s challenge? Are you responsible enough to pass the class? What would be the wisest course of action? What would be the more likely course of action? How is this scenario like the Second Coming?

9 Joseph Smith—Matthew 1:4 (TWO QUESTIONS) 1. When will Jerusalem and the temple be destroyed? 2. What is the sign of Jesus Christ’s Second Coming and the destruction of the wicked? 1. Jesus Christ addressed the first question in verses 5–21 2. Jesus Christ addressed the second question in verses 21–55 PRINCIPLE: JS Matthew 24:11

10 “The word ‘steadfast’ is used to suggest fixed in position, solid and firm, unshaken and resolute (Oxford English Dictionary Online, 2nd ed. [1989], “Steadfast”). … A person who is steadfast and immovable is solid, firm, resolute, firmly secured, and incapable of being diverted from a primary purpose or mission” (“Steadfast and Immovable: Always Abounding in Good Works,” New Era, Jan. 2008, 2).

11 Joseph Smith – Matthew 24 Signs 22 23 27 29 30 31 32 33 41-43 Prepare 22 30 37 46 48 49 50

12 Name all the “Good” things that will happen to the world Restoration, Temples, Science and Technology, missionaries Church few, but powerful – 1 Nephi 14:10-17 Temples Cover the earth – Isa. 2:1-5, Micah 4:1-7 Adam-Ondi-Ahman 144,000 - who are they What will be the highlight? (D&C 27:5) Who’s invited? Who would you meet? Who would be the speakers? Subjects?

13 Name all the “Bad” things that will happen to the world Which signs of the times scare you? Armageddon - Megiddo (Map1, b3) 200,000,000 (Rev 9:16) 2 Prophets (Rev 11:2-3) Power (Rev 11:5-6) Celebration over their death (Rev 11:7-10) But the party ends (Rev 11:11-12) Judah converted in 1 day (Zec 14:4-5) 7 months to bury dead 7 years to destroy the weapons (Ezekiel 39:9-12) Matthew 24:22

14 “One of my fine missionaries who served with me when I was the mission president in Toronto [Canada] came to see me some years later. I asked him, ‘Elder, how can I help you?’ “‘President,’ he said, ‘I think I’m losing my testimony.’ “I couldn’t believe it. I asked him how that could be possible. “‘For the first time I have read some anti-Mormon literature,’ he said. ‘I have some questions, and nobody will answer them for me. I am confused, and I think I am losing my testimony’” (“When Shall These Things Be?” Ensign, Dec. 1996, 60).

15 The Savior taught: “He that remaineth steadfast and is not overcome, the same shall be saved” (Joseph Smith—Matthew 1:11). To be saved does not mean to be spared from all hardship. The Prophet Joseph Smith explained: “It is a false idea that the Saints will escape all the judgments, whilst the wicked suffer; for all flesh is subject to suffer, and ‘the righteous shall hardly escape;’ … many of the righteous shall fall a prey to disease, to pestilence, etc., by reason of the weakness of the flesh, and yet be saved in the Kingdom of God” (in History of the Church, 4:11; see also Journals, Volume 1: 1832–1839, vol. 1 of the Journals series of The Joseph Smith Papers ed. Dean C. Jessee, Ronald K. Esplin, and Richard Lyman Bushman [2008], 352–53).

16 “I asked him what his questions were, and he told me. They were the standard anti-Church issues, but I wanted a little time to gather materials so I could provide meaningful answers. So we set up an appointment 10 days later, at which time I told him I would answer every one of his questions. As he started to leave, I stopped him. “‘Elder, you’ve asked me several questions here today,’ I said. ‘Now I have one for you.’ “‘Yes, President?’ “‘How long has it been since you read from the Book of Mormon?’ I asked. “His eyes dropped. He looked at the floor for a while. Then he looked at me. ‘It’s been a long time, President,’ he confessed. “‘All right,’ I said. ‘You have given me my assignment. It’s only fair that I give you yours. I want you to promise me that you will read in the Book of Mormon for at least one hour every day between now and our next appointment.’ He agreed that he would do that. (“When Shall These Things Be?” Ensign, Dec. 1996, 60).

17 “Ten days later he returned to my office, and I was ready. I pulled out my papers to start answering his questions, but he stopped me. “‘President,’ he said, ‘that isn’t going to be necessary.’ Then he explained: ‘I know that the Book of Mormon is true. I know Joseph Smith is a prophet of God.’ “‘Well, that’s great,’ I said. ‘But you’re going to get answers to your questions anyway. I worked a long time on this, so you just sit there and listen.’ “And so I answered all his questions and then asked, ‘Elder, what have you learned from this?’ “And he said, ‘Give the Lord equal time’” (“When Shall These Things Be?” Ensign, Dec. 1996, 60).

18 President Joseph F. Smith: “We can accept nothing as authoritative but that which comes directly through the appointed channel, the constituted organizations of the priesthood, which is the channel that God has appointed through which to make known his mind and will to the world. “… And the moment that individuals look to any other source, that moment they throw themselves open to the seductive influences of Satan, and render themselves liable to become servants of the devil; they lose sight of the true order through which the blessings of the Priesthood are to be enjoyed; they step outside of the pale of the kingdom of God, and are on dangerous ground. Whenever you see a man rise up claiming to have received direct revelation from the Lord to the Church, independent of the order and channel of the priesthood, you may set him down as an imposter” (Gospel Doctrine, 5th ed. [1939], 42).

19 Name all the “Ugly” things that will happen to the world According to the scriptures (not your own ideas), how can the a wicked person be destroyed? Hail (D&C 29:16) –75lbs –16 ½" diameter –Travel at 200 mph Christ’s appearance to the world Why all the burning? Who will be burned? –Malachi 4:1

20 While we are powerless to alter the fact of the Second Coming and unable to know its exact time, we can accelerate our own preparation and try to influence the preparation of those around us.

21 What if the day of His coming were tomorrow? If we knew that we would meet the Lord tomorrow—through our premature death or through His unexpected coming—what would we do today? What confessions would we make? What practices would we discontinue? What forgivenesses would we extend?

22 If we would do those things then, why not now ? Why not seek peace while peace can be obtained? If our lamps of preparation are drawn down, let us start immediately to replenish them. Elder Dallin H. Oaks, CR April 2004, 7

23 Matthew 24

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