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Reminders No to usage of “Ñ” Provide a valid personal Don’t input Not Applicable or N/A Contact Numbers School Name Spacing in your names Change.

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Presentation on theme: "Reminders No to usage of “Ñ” Provide a valid personal Don’t input Not Applicable or N/A Contact Numbers School Name Spacing in your names Change."— Presentation transcript:

1 Reminders No to usage of “Ñ” Provide a valid personal email Don’t input Not Applicable or N/A Contact Numbers School Name Spacing in your names Change the default birthdate in the system TIN number Password security Usage (unused accounts will be deleted) All others, pls. refer to DO 227 s. 2012 - Guidelines On The Use Of The Deped Email ServiceDO 227 s. 2012 - Guidelines On The Use Of The Deped Email Service

2 WHAT IS THE PURPOSE OF OUR DEPED EMAIL ACCOUNTS? You can also use your DepEd Emails to use the google apps like (Drive, docs, sheets, forms, google forms for survey, etch.) DepEd email will also pave way in having partners in your school programs, increase your credibility and gives opportunities to accessible web learning resources for instructional development Online storage using google drive is unlimited Deped is moving towards single sign on where deped email will be used to access the different information systems such as LIS (Learner Information System), EBEIS (Enhanced Basic Education Information System), HRIS (Human Resource Information System), PMIS (Project Management Information System), etch.

3 As part of the Department of Education’s thrusts and directions toward improving governance particularly in strengthening its internal systems and processes, innovations in its information and communication sytems are implemented that are aimed to: a. enhance existing communication channels in the Department making communication timely, reliable and accessible; b. provide its personnel a sense of distinct online identity and affiliation with the Department; and c. provide tools that will allow for teamwork among its employees in the planning, performance, and evaluation of tasks. Hence, promoting a culture of collaboration.


5 Search this site Click this (for creation and resetting of account)

6 Pls. fill up completely and accurately. Pls. make sure that all the data are correctly entered.

7 Don’t forget to click this once your finished entering all the needed information

8 Click submit button

9 All approved/rejected requests will be notified via text message to your previously provided cellphone numbers before you proceed to your personal email for the retrieval of your temporary password.


11 Once approved, a confirmation message will be sent to your personal email. Click this link

12 You will be requested to reenter the data you have provided in your registration

13 Click this

14 You can now use your email by logging in to using the password randomly generated by the system Click this Note: Our official e-mail address will be automatically created using the format:


16 Click this

17 You will be required to change your password before you can go to the main panel of your account inbox


19 Deadline for the creation of DepEd accounts will be on February 26, 2016

20 How to change your password and username in LIS? Watch this video!!!

21 For further assistance or queries, pls. contact me @ 09985712472/ 09154262156 or @ my facebook account Richard Deo Fondevilla. You can visit us @ the Division office, 2 nd flr., Planning Section for the immediate approval of all your requests.


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