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But Miss Beti, Why Are You Making Us Blog? Or: The Importance of Teaching Online Communication.

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Presentation on theme: "But Miss Beti, Why Are You Making Us Blog? Or: The Importance of Teaching Online Communication."— Presentation transcript:

1 But Miss Beti, Why Are You Making Us Blog? Or: The Importance of Teaching Online Communication

2 2 But Miss Beti, Why Are You Making Us Blog?

3 3 Title Goes HereTitle Goes Here T h i s i s t h e s t a n d a r d p a g e d e s i g n. T h i s c o n t e n t a r e a i s t o b e u s e d f o r b u l l e t p o i n t s. T h i s i s t h e s t a n d a r d p a g e d e s i g n. T h i s c o n t e n t a r e a i s t o b e u s e d f o r b u l l e t p o i n t s, i m a g e s, a n d g e n e r a l c o n t e n t. Presentation Title Should Be Placed Here.Presentation Title Should Be Placed Here. But Miss Beti, Why are You Making us Blog? But Miss Beti, What’s a Blog? In a nutshell, a weblog (blog) is an electronic diary or journal.

4 4 But Miss Beti, Why Should I Care? Does being born in the 21st century mean you are born knowing how to communicate online? If you are not a part of the global conversation, can you be a part of shaping the future? The internet is the world’s greatest information resource – to what extent are we harnessing its power? But Miss Beti, Why Are You Making Us Blog?.

5 5 Yeah, But Miss Beti, What’s The Point? Adding value to an existing conversation The language of discussion Combining different types of media Peer evaluation in a safe, moderated environment

6 6 But Miss Beti, How Are We Going To Do This?

7 7 But Miss, I Forgot My Password Why did I choose (No, they are not paying me to advertise for them…) It is different from most blogging platforms; it was created by teachers, for teachers. Teachers have administrative control over the students’ blogs and accounts (including resetting passwords if necessary) It’s safe – the students’ blogs are private by default; teachers can choose to make them public while still moderating content. It’s simple to use.

8 8 But Miss Beti, The Dog Ate My Homework

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12 12 But Miss Beti, Nobody Else Has To Do It! Creating an online resource of student work Empowering students to decide what they share and how they share it An easy resource to compare present work with earlier work to map out progress Easy enough for grade 1 Creating virtual classrooms Saving the environment

13 13 But Miss, How Can You Teach Me About Technology? It doesn’t matter – because I’m not We are exploring ways to communicate online

14 14 You May Know One…

15 15 You May Know Several…

16 16 But Nobody Knows Them All…

17 17 Discover Together…

18 18 But Miss, I Have a Question Please feel free to ask a question or make a comment if you have one… Thank you for listening

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