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Unit 1: The Fall Roman, Crisis in the Classic World. WHG Week #4 WHG.

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1 Unit 1: The Fall Roman, Crisis in the Classic World. WHG Week #4 WHG

2 ©2004 Wadsworth, a division of Thomson Learning, Inc. Thomson Learning ™ is a trademark used herein under license. Maximum Expansion of Roman Territories circa 100 C.E.

3 Age of Augustus (27 B.C.E.-14 C.E.)  Augustus reigns at the very peak of Rome and its power and influence  Army  Standing army of 28 legions; 150,000 men  Auxiliaries, 130,000 men who were non-citizens  Praetorian Guard of elite troops; 9,000 men  Governing the provinces  Senate governed dozens of provinces and controlled the known world  Augustus was the most powerful man in the Western World  Stabilization of the frontiers  Augustus conquered the central Europe, maritime provinces, the Alps and then expanded control of the Balkan peninsula up to the Danube river and to conquered the island of Great Britain  Failure in Germany where three legions were massacred in 9 C.E. ended Rome’s territorial expansion.

4 ©2004 Wadsworth, a division of Thomson Learning, Inc. Thomson Learning ™ is a trademark used herein under license. Products of the Roman Empire, circa: 200 C.E. (time of the collapse of the Han Dynasty)

5 Trade, Industry, and Farming  Prosperity from trade with India and China -- food and luxury goods, provide the highest standard of living ever seen!  Virtual Tour of Rome (population exceeds 1 million)  A project between Khan Academy and Rome Reborn - with Dr. Bernard Frischer  Agriculture the primary occupation  Gulf between rich and poor expanding  Upper classes needed to be supported by increased taxation and use of slaves

6 Rome’s Legacy Rome’s Legacy  The Roman Republic introduced a form of codified law, the Twelve Tables of Roman Law and the Republic.  Restrain the upper classes from arbitrary action against the lower  Subject all citizens to common legal principles.  Law takes over characteristics of families, fathers, or landlords  Christianity. Today 1/3 of the world population.

7 Roman Legacy  With citizenship in the Roman Empire came full access to Rome-appointed judges and uniform laws.  Property Rights  Common Currency (money)  Marriage/Divorce The word "divorce" is from the Latin word divortium, meaning "separation," or "to turn and go separate ways."  Inheritance laws  Legal Code

8 The Rise of Christianity helps end the Empire  Jesus of Nazareth (Christos, Latin = Christ)  Jesus’ message transforms the Western World  Romans executed Jesus as a potential revolutionary  Paul of Tarsus (St. Paul)  Preached the words of Jesus, along with Peter Simeon (St Peter) the first Pope spread Christianity: Both were executed by the Romans…The early church was illegal.  Increasing tolerance of Christianity by the Romans  The Roman Empires would become officially Christian when emperor Constantine converts in 312 C.E.  Western Roman Empire = Roman Catholic Church  Eastern Roman Empire (Byzantine Empire) The Eastern or Orthodox Christian Church.

9 The End of the Western Roman Empire  Empire divided into Western and Eastern, weaken the west as trade shifts east to Constantinople.  Poor leadership in Rome: over-taxation, debt and loss of a common sense of being Roman  Invasions in the west end Rome in the West.  Huns (Hungary)  Visigoths (Western Germany)  Vandals (Eastern Germany)  Ostrogoth's (Central Asian, Black Sea region)  The Eastern Roman Empire will last as the Byzantine Empire until 1453 when it is conquered my the Ottoman Turks.

10 8 Reasons Why Rome Fell  1.Invasion by Barbarian tribes  2.Economic troubles/overreliance on slaves  3.The Rise of the Eastern Roman Empire  4.Overexpansion and military costs  5.Government corruption and instability  6.Barbarian Migrations (Huns)  7.Christianity, shifts loyalty away from Roman Gods and traditions.  8.Weakening of the Roman Legions

11 The End of the Roman Empire

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