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Join thousands of Scouts from across the country for the largest Scouting fundraiser in Canada.

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Presentation on theme: "Join thousands of Scouts from across the country for the largest Scouting fundraiser in Canada."— Presentation transcript:

1 Join thousands of Scouts from across the country for the largest Scouting fundraiser in Canada.

2 2 Table of Contents Why fundraise with Scout Popcorn?...............................................................2 Fundraiser comparisons …....…………………………………...…………….. 3 Let’s get started!.…………………………………………………………………4 Plan your budget …………………….…………………………………….…....5 Placing an order and why Show ‘n’ Sells?.....................................................6 Logistics………..… ………………………………………………………..…….7 Fundraising Tips and Suggestion…………….……….………..…..…….…….8 Plan your tactics ………………..………………………………………....…..10 Practice your pitch ……………………................………………………...….11 Safety and Scout Popcorn………………………………………..……....……12 Group Strategies……………………………………………...…………….…..13 Scout Popcorn video……………………………….…………................…….17 Timelines………………………………. ……………………………….........…18 Council & Group Commissioner …………………………..……..……...……18 Group Coordinator ………………………………………..............................19

3 3 Why Fundraise with Scout Popcorn? Through selling Scout Popcorn you can fund big adventures 60% funds raised from Scout Popcorn go directly back to Scouting Youth gain valuable business skills and learn to set and achieve goals Youth learn the value of Planning, Doing and Reviewing Post Secondary Scholarship program Youth who sell $2,500 in popcorn will receive 6% of their total sales invested into their own post- secondary!

4 4 Fundraiser Comparisons Bottle Drive Scout Popcorn Cookies Selling cost? $5 per box Selling cost? $5 per box Selling cost? $15 - $65 Selling cost? $15 - $65 Profit per bottle? 5c – 10c Profit per bottle? 5c – 10c How many bottles to raise $100 for your Group? Profit per unit? $6 - $36 Profit per unit? $6 - $36 Profit per box? $1 Profit per box? $1 Around 2000 bottles As little as 20 bags of popcorn! Around 100 boxes

5 5 1 Set your goals! Identify the adventure you want to fund. 2 Identify and/or recruit a Group Popcorn Coordinator Or: Coordinate a team and identify individual responsibilities, expectations and your goals 3 Put together a budget and a calendar. The main fundraising campaign takes place from September to October so your calendar should reflect this. See the budget and the calendar page, plus links, for more ideas. Let’s get started! It’s as easy as 1, 2, 3! Quick Tip: Groups should ideally have this operating budget in place before September 1 st, 2016.

6 6 Plan your budget Set yourself up for success! Successful Popcorn fundraising starts with Plan, Do & Review. PLAN: Start with planning the big adventure(s) with youth and then figure the cost. Create a budget to reflect this. DO: Then fundraise for that big adventure(s)! Achieve your goal. REVIEW: Finally, review with your youth what they learned or experienced. Here are some helpful questions: –What do you know now that you did not know before? – Were you successful at meeting your goals? –What worked? What didn’t work? –How did you keep track of your sales? –Did anyone in the Group go over their sales targets? –What would you do differently next year? Did you know: There is an example template online to help you plan your budget and set your goals!example template

7 7 Placing an order and why Show ‘n’ Sells Once you’ve fundraised for your big adventure you can order by Group through Trail’s End online system. Scout Popcorn will be received and paid for via your Council Service Centre. Placing an order: Why Show ‘n’ Sell? Show ‘n’ Sells are a great way to get everyone excited to buy popcorn! By having Scout Popcorn on hand, customers are able to sample and purchase products right away! Good locations for your next Show ‘n’ Sell: –Sears Day –At your local grocery store –In front of a department store –In your local mall –At local events *Don’t forget to ask for permission to set up your stand in advance

8 8 Logistics Shipping, Storage and Tracking Tracking Tracking your popcorn supplies and orders properly and efficiently will be very important for a smooth fundraiser. Use a spreadsheet or checklist to keep organized. Encouraging your youth to use spreadsheets for this purpose will be great youth experience! Tracking Tracking your popcorn supplies and orders properly and efficiently will be very important for a smooth fundraiser. Use a spreadsheet or checklist to keep organized. Encouraging your youth to use spreadsheets for this purpose will be great youth experience! Storage Next step will be storing your popcorn. Find a volunteer who can store the popcorn. This should be planned out prior to ordering Storage Next step will be storing your popcorn. Find a volunteer who can store the popcorn. This should be planned out prior to ordering Shipping Work with your Council Service Centre to arrange the pick-up or shipment of your popcorn. If your Group is far from the Service Centre, extra charges will apply and should be included in your budget. Shipping Work with your Council Service Centre to arrange the pick-up or shipment of your popcorn. If your Group is far from the Service Centre, extra charges will apply and should be included in your budget.

9 9 Fundraising Tips and Suggestions Many ways to fundraise with Scout Popcorn! Take Order Go door-to-door with an order form. Collect the money when the customer places the order and confirm delivery date Advantage: Connects you with your customer. Tell them about the adventures you are planning with the funds raised. *Hot Tip – use a ‘Square’ credit card reader, your customer may not have cash on hand. Groups who have used this have reported big increases in sales!Square’ credit card reader Show and Sell/Deliver Bring some Scout Popcorn along with you when you’re fundraising. When your customer orders something off the order form, check the products you have with you to see if you can deliver the product immediately. Advantage: No return trip required for product delivery and money collection.

10 10 Fundraising Tips and Suggestions Show ‘n’ Sell Get permission to fundraise in front of a local store or mall Set up a display with Scout Popcorn for people to purchase as they walk by. Samples are always a good idea – people love to snack! Advantages: Selecting to sell in a high traffic area increases your ability to fundraise for your big adventure Fundraise at Work Ask your mom, dad or guardian to bring an order form to work. Advantage: Expands your customer base, and who doesn’t want a snack at work? Photo credit: 35/37 th Toronto Scout Group

11 11 Plan your tactics Great tactics to help YOU fundraise! Explain to potential buyers how you’re fundraising for your big adventure rather than ‘selling popcorn’ Order popcorn samples early to use as a ‘Show & Sell’ Advertise your fundraiser in the neighbourhood Consider accepting credit card payment by using a Square Credit Card Reader. Register online at Scouts Popcorn website! Square Credit Card Reader Wear your uniform so people know you are fundraising for Scouting adventures Have fun! Fundraising is a great way to have fun as a Section, Group or team Photo credit: Andrew Wallwork

12 12 Practice your pitch “Hi, my name is and I’m with the Scouts Group. We are fundraising for an event (describe) by selling popcorn. The popcorn is delicious and there are many different kinds to choose from. Will you please help support me by buying some popcorn?” If you receive a rejection for the following reasons, try using these lines: “The price is too high” We are fundraising for our big adventure, around 60% of proceeds go to local Scouting and you get a tasty treat out of your donation! “Popcorn is not healthy” Some of our popcorn is meant to be a treat, but we do have plain kernels that are trans-fat free and high in fiber. If you don’t want to purchase popcorn for yourself, you can also choose to donate some to the Canadian Armed Forces – they love treats!

13 13 Safety and Scout Popcorn Youth safety is a priority for Scouts Canada, make sure your Scouters are well informed on safety tips such as the following: NEVER enter anyone's home NEVER sell after dark unless you are with an adult NEVER carry large amounts of cash with you NEVER give personal information NEVER sell in front of stores or malls without permission. A responsible adult must be present NEVER sell at stop lights or street corners NEVER go to dimly lit areas or places where you are not clearly visible ALWAYS walk on the sidewalk and driveway ALWAYS sell with another Scout or with an adult you know ALWAYS notify your parent or group leader of any strange activity immediately ALWAYS walk away from any dangerous or uncomfortable situations ALWAYS fundraise in areas you know

14 14 Group Strategies Before September 1 st 1. Get your Popcorn Coordinator (Kernel) in place in the spring 2. Engage key Section Scouters in August 3. Prepare sales maps that show houses and/or street numbers. Each map should represent roughly 100 houses a. TIP: You can repurpose maps created for other fundraisers (e.g. bottle drives) 4. Your local Council Popcorn Coordinator will schedule your Blitz and delivery days; this should be communicated to your Section and Group Photo credit: 35/37 th Toronto Scout Group

15 15 Group Strategies In September 1.Hold a parent orientation night in early September a)Present some of the big adventures the youth have planned for the year and show how much it is going cost b)Tell parents that you intend to cover the cost of this program through one fundraiser: Scout Popcorn c)Youth learn valuable skills like budgeting, sales, and the value of money d)Present the popcorn scholarship through Trail’s End e)How we make sure kids stay safe while selling door-to-door 2.Engage Section Leadership Teams 3.Spend at least one meeting practicing sales pitches with youth. Use roleplaying and the sales pitch flow chart. Photo Credit: Ben Segall

16 16 Group Strategies In October 1.Popcorn Blitz Day! a.Youth should operate in small teams (Patrols) and take one sales map per team b.Each team knocks on every door of their sales home and records if: i.The sale was made/declined ii.No one home/come back later c.Collect payment on site and let customers know when you are going to deliver the product d.Best practice: Leave a note with a Group email that people can contact to buy popcorn 2.Individual sales: If youth want to sell product individually, give them a sales map that can be their territory for the rest of the campaign 3.Popcorn Blitz night! If you didn’t meet your targets during the Blitz day, or want just want to sell more, take one meeting night to do more door-to-door sales 4.Remind people of the sales deadline and get in your last minute orders 5.Double check and then submit your final sales order online

17 17 Group Strategies In November 1.Collect your Scout Popcorn from your local distribution centre 2.Delivery day ending with a Popcorn Campaign wrap-up party! 3.Review your successes as a Section or Group –What do you know now that you did not know before? –Were you successful at meeting your goals? –What worked? What didn’t work? –How did you keep track of your sales? –Did anyone in the Group go over their sales targets? –What would you do differently next year? Photo credit: 35/37 th Toronto Scout Group

18 18 Timelines Council and Group Commissioner TaskResponsibleStartFinish Establish Council Team roles & responsibilitiesCouncil TL15-Mar-1616-Apr-16 In-person support visit 1 - Recruit groups to participateCouncil TL01-Apr-1630-Apr-16 Recommend Council campaign budgetCouncil TL01-May-1631-May-16 Organize Council marketingCouncil TL02-May-1630-Jun-16 Contact Group coordinators who missed seminarCouncil TL15-May-1615-Jun-16 Confirm Council warehouse requirementsCouncil TL01-Jun-1630-Jun-16 Order promotion productCouncil TL15-Jun-1630-Jun-16 Confirm Council warehouse locationCouncil TL30-Jun-16 Organize celebrity popcorn sale day*Council TL01-Aug-1631-Aug-16 Secure Council warehouseCouncil TL01-Aug-1631-Aug-16 In-person support visit 2 - planningCouncil TL15-Aug-1615-Sep-16 Confirm warehouse & equipmentCouncil TL01-Sep-1615-Sep-16 Receive & distribute Show & Sell productCouncil TL25-Sep-1605-Oct-16 Celebrity Popcorn sales dayCouncil TL25-Sep-1615-Oct-16 Week 1 Gp coordinator check-in callCouncil TL03-Oct-1607-Oct-16 Week 2 Gp coordinator check-in callCouncil TL10-Oct-1614-Oct-16 Week 3 Gp coordinator check-in callCouncil TL17-Oct-1621-Oct-16 Week 4 Gp coordinator check-in callCouncil TL24-Oct-1628-Oct-16 Reconcile Council orderCouncil TL01-Nov-1615-Nov-16 Receive product at warehouseCouncil TL15-Nov-1630-Nov-16 Organize & distribute group ordersCouncil TL15-Nov-1630-Nov-16 Council campaign celebration!Council TL15-Nov-1615-Dec-16 In-person support visit 3 - reviewCouncil TL01-Jan-1731-Jan-17 Submit evaluation to Key 3Council TL01-Feb-17 TaskResponsibleStartFinish Appoint Council Team LeaderC Key 301-Mar-1631-Mar-16 Appoint Council TeamC Key 301-Apr-1630-Apr-16

19 19 Timelines Group Coordinator TaskResponsibleStartFinish Recommend Group campaign budgetGp Coordinator02-May-1630-Jun-16 Organize Group campaign kick offGp Coordinator01-Jun-1630-Jun-16 Organize Group marketingGp Coordinator01-Jul-1631-Aug-16 Organize door-to-door saleGp Coordinator01-Jul-1631-Aug-16 Organize Show & SellGp Coordinator01-Aug-1615-Sep-16 Blitz Day # 1 (campaign day 1)Gp Coordinator25-Sep-1630-Sep-16 Week 1 results celebration!Gp Coordinator01-Oct-1607-Oct-16 Week 2 results celebration!Gp Coordinator08-Oct-1615-Oct-16 Week 3 results celebration!Gp Coordinator16-Oct-1623-Oct-16 Blitz Day # 2Gp Coordinator22-Oct-1624-Oct-16 Week 4 results celebration!Gp Coordinator24-Oct-1631-Oct-16 Reconcile Group orderGp Coordinator25-Oct-1631-Oct-16 Receive product at warehouseGp Coordinator15-Nov-1607-Dec-16 Distribute incentives & prizesGp Coordinator15-Nov-1615-Dec-16 Conduct customer pick-up eventGp Coordinator15-Nov-1601-Dec-16 Group campaign celebrationGp Coordinator16-Nov-1615-Dec-16 Facilitate youth reviewGp Coordinator01-Dec-1615-Dec-16 Surplus product Show & SellGp Coordinator01-Dec-1631-Jan-17 Organize remaining customer deliveryGp Coordinator01-Dec-1615-Dec-16 Submit evaluation to Group CommissionerGp Coordinator15-Dec-1615-Jan-17 IMPORTANT DATES - Scouts Canada Popcorn Campaign Begins September 25/16Ends October 31/16 Group Order deadline:October 31/16 Council Order deadline:November 1/16

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