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What’s New for the MES Product Suite Tom Hechtman & Jason Coope.

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2 What’s New for the MES Product Suite Tom Hechtman & Jason Coope

3 Talking Points Who We Are Our Products & Our Space OEE 2.0 Demo

4 Incorporated in 2003 Controls, Software and Process Engineers with significant background in Manufacturing Operations and Engineering Original developers of the MES Modules Who Are We? sepasoft sepasoft Spanish Verb sep-uh To know Soft-ware Noun Sawft-wair The programs used to direct the operation of a computer Software that empowers you to know

5 Inductive Automation white labeled the MES Modules Strategic Third Party Partners New model provides focused resources for the MES Product Suite. How You Know Us OEE SPC Instrument Interface Recipe Management Web Services Track & Trace Client Barcode Scanner

6 Our MES Product Suite Client Barcode Scanner OEE SPC Instrument Interface Recipe Management Web Services Track & Trace Client Barcode Scanner Inductive Automation white labeled the MES Modules Strategic Third Party Partners New model provides focused resources for the MES Product Suite OEE 2.0

7 What That Means For You Level 1 & 2 Tech Support for faster issue resolution Design Consultation Support New Online Help Documentation Online Training Tutorial, Videos, Focused Workshops Module Certification

8 Our Products OEE SPC Instrument Interface Recipe Management Web Services Track & Trace Client Barcode Scanner OEE 2.0

9 Our Space - Where We Fit DefineMeasureAnalyzeImproveControl Lean Six Sigma: DMAIC Business Case Project Charter Identify Stakeholders Create Team Process Map Gap Analysis Model Process Identify Metrics Validate Measurement Baseline Data Identify Root Causes Develop Solutions Implement Solutions Project Requirements Phase Project Implementation Phase Production Monitoring Continuous Improvement Activities Implement Controls Lean Manufacturing Tools For Continuous Improvement Initiatives Focused on the Manufacturing Environment Provide Real-Time Analysis, Monitoring and Control of the Manufacturing Process

10 Our Space - Where We Fit Integrating Enterprise and Manufacturing Control Systems Providing a bi-directional flow of data between Level 4 ERP and Level 1 & 2 SCADA The glue that makes everything work better Connecting The Dots… Level 4 Level 3 Level 2,1,0

11 OEE 2.0 Overview

12 Built on ISA-95 Standard for developing an automated interface between enterprise and control systems Objective to provide consistent terminology for supplier and manufacturer communications, provide consistent information models, and to provide consistent operations models for clarifying application functionality and how information is to be used OEE 2.0 Overview

13 Enhanced Production Scheduling Scheduler now based on the same components as the Track & Trace module providing Work Order Drag & Drop capability, Auto-Delay feature, custom categories (hold schedule) and routes. OEE 2.0 Overview Shift Management provides hooks into custom shift scheduling or can be tied into the Ignition Shift Schedule Management System

14 OEE 2.0 Demo

15 Equipment Modes Track line idle time, changeover, production, preventative maintenance, training, testing and even custom modes Ability to analyze time spent in each mode or mode category to clearly show the equipment utilization Complete control over which modes to include in OEE and production counts OEE 2.0 Summary Equipment States Formerly known as Downtime events, Equipment states can now be grouped, allowing multiple states to be considered as RUNNING by OEE i.e. Loading, heating, molding → RUNNING

16 Downtime Detection Methods Enhanced Key Reason Detection now supports primary cells anywhere within a line Work Center and Sub-Line Operation for complex manufacturing processes OEE 2.0 Summary Data Capture and Runtime Monitoring Support for Running Changeover (multiple products) 7/24 Production Data Recording Live OEE Values

17 Powerful New Analysis Engine Simplified and optimized to provide faster, more powerful analytics aggregating data from all MES sources as well as any custom value sources OEE Analysis now occurs on-the-fly. Criteria can be changed to reflect the OEE based on your selection Stored Analysis now supports User Security and ability to promote reports to Public Domain Share OEE Analysis with Other Systems and Web Reporting Tools using built-in system functions OEE 2.0 Summary

18 Designer Enhancements Production Model now saved as individual project resources Multiple developers can modify the Production Model Equipment States (formerly Downtime reasons) are now configured in the client Production items can be moved between gateways without losing their identity OEE Data collection continues uninterrupted even during production model saves Configurable MES Backup options will allow you to select and transfer product codes, work orders, operations etc. Tag provider is replacing OPC Production Tags OEE 2.0 Summary

19 MES Product Suite Roadmap MES Enterprise 2.0 Recipe Management 2.0 SPC 2.0 MaintenanceBatch ISA-88 TBA

20 Questions?

21 Thank You


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