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Polarized America Chapters 3 and 4. Figure 3.1: Ideological Self Placement.

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Presentation on theme: "Polarized America Chapters 3 and 4. Figure 3.1: Ideological Self Placement."— Presentation transcript:

1 Polarized America Chapters 3 and 4

2 Figure 3.1: Ideological Self Placement

3 Figure 3.2: Party Stratification by Income [(Repub % top 1/5)/Repub % bottom 1/5)]

4 Figure 3.3 Income Effect on Party Identification Fourth-Order Polynomial Estimates Note: Dashed line is an estimate excluding responses to the 2012 NES. The dotted lines represent the confidence interval for the estimates using all years.

5 Figure 3.4 Income Effect on Party Identification Fourth-Order Polynomial Estimates for Southern Non–African Americans. Note: Dashed line is an estimate excluding responses to the 2012 NES. The dotted lines represent the confidence interval for the estimates using all years.

6 Figure 3.5 Income Effect on Party Identification Fourth Order Polynomial Estimates for Northern Non–African Americans. Note: Dashed line is an estimate excluding responses to the 2012 NES. The dotted lines represent the confidence interval.

7 Figure 3.6 Annual Income Effect Note: From PEW surveys conducted between 1997 and 2014 (N = 325,704). The dotted lines represent the confidence interval.

8 Figure 3.7 Republican Identification, Religion, and Relative Income Note: Lowess estimates from PEW surveys conducted between 1997 and 2014. The figures are based solely on white, non-Hispanic respondents.

9 Figure 3.8 Party-Income Stratification by State: White Respondents to PEW Studies, 1997–2014.

10 Figure 4.1 Citizenship and Voting in 2008 and 2010 Source: November Current Population Survey.

11 Figure 4.2 Median-Mean Ratios Source: November Current Population Survey, various years.

12 Figure 4.4 Ratio of Median Income in Categories to 72nd Centile, All Families Source: November Current Population Survey, various years.

13 Figure 4.5 Income Ratios, 1972–2012 Source: November Current Population Survey, various years.

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