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Creating an e-Portfolio Assignment: Part I Dr. Bair-Mundy.

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Presentation on theme: "Creating an e-Portfolio Assignment: Part I Dr. Bair-Mundy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Creating an e-Portfolio Assignment: Part I Dr. Bair-Mundy

2 Creating an e-Portfolio What makes a good web page Introduction to HyperText Markup Language (HTML) e-Portfolio Assignment Questions before you start Introduction to SSH and UNIX

3 What Makes a Good Web Page?

4 What makes a good Web page?

5 What makes a good Website? Navigation bar Clutter-free Consistency Legibility of text Simple colors Currency Fast download time

6 e-Portfolio questions Who are your viewers? Type of information work you would like to do What are the primary or secondary language(s) of your viewers? English Hawaiian Chamorro Tagalog Other languages using Roman alphabet Welcome and Hafa Adai!

7 Contact Information Structure- inverted tree Curriculum Vitae Welcome Courses taken Projects Web Pages Pathfinder Research Papers

8 Links Link destination should be obvious If taking the viewer to a destination outside your e-portfolio let your viewer know. Especially true for a commercial website.

9 Icons On a Web page what does this mean? What does this mean to a Hebrew or Arabic speaker? The meaning of a sign is generally culturally-mediated.

10 Icons (2) Return to previous page Add textual description to icon

11 Avoiding clutter

12 Don't overload each page 4-7 objects maximum in short-term memory Chunk information

13 Chunking Grouping objects spatially Using graphical boundaries Grouping by color, texture, lightness, orientation Adding line spaces between paragraphs of text

14 Text 12 to 14 point type for continuous text Contrast with background Avoid using ALL CAPS Aloha ALOHA

15 Color contrasting 12 34 Same level of luminance 2 + 1 = Different level of luminance 2 + 3 =

16 Red & green problem 12 Not good 2 + 1 = A significant number of people are red/green colorblind.

17 Introduction to SSH

18 Library of Congress Thomas Website (normal view)

19 Library of Congress Thomas Website (2000)

20 Information security measures Anti-virus software Anti-spyware program Latest patches for all software Encryption

21 What is SSH? Secure shell program Encrypted transmissions Telnet-like utility Secure File Transfer Protocol

22 Secure shell client %ls %ls client server file1 file2 % file1 file2 %

23 Downloading SSH

24 Downloading SSH

25 Downloading SSH


27 Downloading SSH


29 Supported Software

30 Downloading SSH Scroll down

31 Downloading SSH


33 For Mac users There is a version of Secure Shell Client already on your Mac. For transferring files securely use Fugu

34 Fugu

35 SSH Secure Shell Client


37 donnab password

38 SSH Secure Shell Client


40 *******

41 Welcome to ================================================ Unauthorized access is prohibited by law in accordance with Chapter 708, Hawaii Revised Statutes; all use is subject to University of Hawaii Executive Policy E2.210. ================================================ ANNOUNCEMENTS: For Current Status and Alerts, see % UNIX is ready for your commands

42 Transferring files Fugu For pc users For Mac users

43 Secure File Transfer for pc users Files and directories on your computer Files and directories on remote computer

44 Fugu for Mac users Files and directories on your computer Files and directories on remote computer Fugu

45 Introduction to UNIX

46 Unix operating system % ls myfile.txt yourfile.txt % Command-line interface Utilities—programs to list files, tell who is on the system, what processes are running, etc. Editor—use to create HTML files for your e-portfolio

47 1 subdirectory 18 subdirectory 24 subdirectory UHUNIX file structure bin subdirectory Root directory home subdirectory usr subdirectory johnd Home directory donnab Home directory nahl Home directory

48 Basic UHUNIX commands pwd pwd print working directory tells you where you are in the file hierarchy ls lslist lists files and subdirectories cd cdchange directory Moves you up or down in the file hierarchy chmod chmodchange mode Assigns access rights to files and directories

49 More UHUNIX commands man man manual man + command provides access to electronic help files cp cpcopy cp sourcefile destinationfile copies the source file to a file with the destination file name rm rmremove file Deletes a file mkdir mkdirmake directory Creates a new directory

50 Where am I: pwd (print working directory) % pwd /home/18/donnab %

51 What files and directories do I have: ls (list files) aardvark.txt mail myfile.txt public_html whatsup.doc % % ls

52 The "all files" option: ls -a....addressbook.cshrc.inbox.login.logout.pinerc % ls.signature.ssh2 aardvark.txt mail myfile.txt public_html whatsup.doc % -a

53 The "long' option: ls -l % ls -rw-------1 donnab47616May 8 11:59aardvark.txt drwx------2 donnab 3584Apr 10 2002mail -rw-------1 donnab45927May 8 11:59myfile.txt drwxr-xr-x5 donnab 1024Mar 20 13:51public_html % -l ls -la

54 Changing my working directory: cd (change directory) cdchange directory % cd public_html % pwd /home/18/donnab/public_html % cd fun/images % pwd /home/18/donnab/public_html/fun/images %

55 Changing my working directory: cd cdchange directory %cd public_html fun donnab public_html mail imageshtml files

56 Changing my working directory: cd cdchange directory %cd fun/images fun donnab public_html mail imageshtml files

57 Changing to a higher-level subdirectory: cd.. cd.. % pwd /home/18/donnab/public_html/fun/images % /home/18/donnab/public_html/fun/ % /home/18/donnab/public_html/ % cd /bin cd.. % pwd Note space preceding dots

58 Changing my working directory: cd cdchange directory %cd.. fun donnab public_html mail imageshtml files

59 Changing access rights to a file or directory: chmod (change mode, part 1) % ls -l -rwx------1 donnab47616May 8 11:59myfile.txt drwxr-xr-x5 donnab 1024Mar 20 13:51public_html % r w x - r w x - - - - - - ownergrouppublic

60 Changing access rights to a file or directory: chmod (change mode, part 2) %ls -l -rwx------ 1 donnab 47616May 8 11:59myfile.txt drwxr-xr-x5 donnab 1024Mar 20 13:51public_html % r w x r - x r - x ownergrouppublic chmod755myfile.txt % ls -l -rwxr-xr-x1 donnab47616May 8 11:59myfile.txt drwxr-xr-x5 donnab 1024Mar 20 13:51public_html

61 % Getting help: man command man User Commands chmod(1) NAME chmod - change the permissions mode of a file DESCRIPTION chmod changes or assigns the mode of a file. The mode of a file specifies its permissions and other attributes. … chmod

62 % Getting help: man -k man access access (3f) - return access mode (r,w,x) or existence of a file cggglm cggglm (3p) - solve a general Gauss-Markov linear model (GLM) problem chmod chmod (3f) - change mode of a file dggglm dggglm (3p) - solve a general Gauss-Markov linear model (GLM) problem f77_ieee_environment f77_ieee_environment (3f) - mode, status, and signal handling for IEEE arithmetic fegetprec fesetprec (3m) - control floating point rounding precision modes -kmode|more

63 % Making back-ups: cp (copy) cp % ls myfile.txt myfilebk.txt my file.txt my_file.txt myfile.txtmyfilebk.txt

64 % Deleting a file: rm (remove) rm %ls myfile.txt myfilebk.txt % ls myfile.txt myfilebk.txt rm: remove myfilebk.txt (yes/no)? y

65 % Creating a new subdirectory: mkdir (make directory) mkdir % ls -l drwx------lis_610 -rwx------myfile.txt % chmod 755 lis_610 lis_610

66 % Logging out of the system: logout logout You are now logged out from the Sun Mon Feb 22 11:20:18 HST 2016

67 End of Part I

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