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Hardware and software that can provide a good level of security In this presentation I am going to provide advices on hardware and software that needs.

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Presentation on theme: "Hardware and software that can provide a good level of security In this presentation I am going to provide advices on hardware and software that needs."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hardware and software that can provide a good level of security In this presentation I am going to provide advices on hardware and software that needs to be implemented in order to secure the network.

2 E-mail System  A spam is basically a fake messages that floats your mailbox. Some of these spam may be tender with some lottery wins but this is a fake cover to hide virus or other malicious program. Spam message may contain virus and other kind of malicious programs. It can also take lots of storage space on a server when ignored.  A hoaxing is a form of a phishing e-mail that will transfer you to the website in order to gain your personal data. Hoaxing can have different forms but basically it is a fake message asking you to provide your personal information including banking details. The hoax message comes from source you may know as it pretends to be trustworthy message by impersonating services such as e-bay, PayPal, Facebook or even banking services.

3 E-mail System  A Relay Agent is a piece of code that can be downloaded through internet by e-mail. The role of a code is to transfer you to the website which looks similar to the website you actually wish to visit. This makes a risk to network as your devices will be connected with external DHCP and due to that your device may work as a backdoor to network. The other risks associated are virus threat and possibility of personal data being stolen.  Secure MIME is a standard for public key encryption and signing of MIME data. This security measure allows us to encrypt Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension which is basically our e-mail service. The MIME can be installed on a computer or a server however there is need for individual key certificate.

4 Wireless Systems  Site Survey is a process used to design the wireless network which will provide the best wireless coverage, data rates, network capacity, roaming capability and Quality of Service (QoS) for specific area such as building. Site survey is a process that will allow you to design efficient and secured wireless network.  MAC addressing is used within a wireless security. Your wireless router allows for setting MAC filter. The MAC filter will allow only specific devices to connect with a network. You can specify which devices can be connected by providing their MAC addresses to the MAC filter.  The WEP, WPA and TKIP are the different types of encryption. Each one of this method uses different encryption technique. These encryption methods vary in security level. The WEP is the weakest encryption method as its key is not that long and complex as it is in other methods. WPA is an improved and more secured encryption method as it has more complex encryption key. TKIP is the most complex encryption method as it is implementing a key mixing. It is much more complex method and much more secured than any other listed.

5 Network Devices  Router is an interconnection device within a a network. It has some security features which you can use to improve safety of your network. The main security feature within a router is a password that protects router from unauthorized access. Every router comes with default settings which are all the same for every router produced. You need to remember to change those settings as anyone could access your router.  Switch is also interconnection device but it is much more complex that router. Within a switch you can set main password and also other password to protect configuration mode. Switch allows for encrypting passwords for even higher security. You can also disable ports which are not used at the moment so even if someone will gain access to the switch there will be no way for him/her to connect their device without disabling others.

6 Network Devices  Wireless Router is a network device within wireless networks. It has many features which can be used for improving security. Wireless router allow for setting password and username. It also allow for changing IP address from static to dynamic, set a MAC filter and encryption. Wireless router let you set which devices can connect with a network by listing their MAC addresses. You can also set an access policy that allows you for creating a time frame in which devices can connect to the network. Wireless router has its own basic firewall which you can set by yourself.

7 Transmission Media  A cable shielding is a security method used to protect wired networks. The shielding will block potential intruders from acquiring data that we are sending through a cable. The shielding makes sure that intruder will not have access to the wire and data that travels through it.  Whenever copper wires are used in installation they must be shielded otherwise they will cause a threat to your data and network.

8 Personal Access Control  Within computer security, biometrics refers to authentication techniques. They can check ours fingerprints, irises or voice. The scanner will scan your hand or an eye in order to compare it to the sample provided by authorized personnel. The access will be gained only if your scan will match with a sample provided. This type of security can be used to protect server rooms or devices. However the biometric system such as those scanning for voice sample can be tricked by recordings.  Digital signature is a mathematical technique for proving the authenticity of a e-mail or digital documents. A digital signature gives a recipient reason to believe that the message was created and send by well known source. Digital signature is a handy security measure which allow user to check for authenticity of the message received.

9 Personal Access Control  Passwords provides the basic level of security. Passwords can be applied to any devices within a network. You can use it to secure your computer, server, router or switch. The password is the most common security measure as it is easy to set up. Everyone should use passwords as their makes sure that only authorized personnel have access to the devices.  Usernames should also be applied to aid the password protection. The username on it’s own doesn’t provide any security to your devices however if you wish to have a password you will need a username for it. The usernames ensures that only authorized people have access to the device. Within any server users needs to have an account to log in, creating an account includes setting a username and a password.  Permissions are also related to the usernames and passwords. When the account within a server is created you can secure your network even more so even if someone gained access to the server he/she will not have any rights or power to affect the data. The permissions provides the administrator with an ability to limit users access rights so only certain group of people will have rights to modify or delete data.

10 Security Level at a Device Level  Access Control is a feature similar to the firewall as it controls the data packet traffic and ensures that only relevant and safe data is traveling through network. Access control is implemented within a router that connects network with internet. The access control can also control the connections of end devices within a network.  Protocols are commonly used to specify the rules and regulations within any network. There are specific protocols which provide some level of security, HTMLS secures your connection with a website and SFTP secures the data transferred over a network.

11 Security Level at a Device Level  Log In is a process of logging into device. You can create a usernames and passwords for authorized personnel to improve a security at device level. Login into network is a good security measure as it ensures that only authorized personnel has access. Anyone who doesn’t have created account on a server will be not able to connect with the network.  Digital Certificates are commonly used for authentication purposes. There are different certificates which you can buy but each one is used to prove that the website is authentic and legit. The most common certificate is SSL certificate which authenticates business identity and set encrypted connection between customer and server

12 Encryption  Encryption is a process of coding information so no one will be able to read it. You can use encryption to encrypt confidential data that is stored on organization’s servers. Encrypting information will improve security of your network as even if someone gain access to confidential information he/she will not be able to read them.  There are application-specific tools used for data encryption. The organization can buy such software to encrypt any data that may be targeted by hackers. There are also free encryption software such as LastPass or BitLocker. Encryption software can be used to encrypt any data stored, it is also easy to use.  The encrypted data can be easily decrypted when needed however for this you need a key which was used to encrypt data. The key you can set by yourself before encrypting however you need to keep it safe in order to decrypt data in future.

13 Intrusion Detection Systems  Firewall is a security software that control the data traffic within network. It can be installed almost on any device including mobile phones, computers, tablets or routers. Firewall should be installed in order to control data traffic within a network and secure it from external threats.  Antivirus is a software that deals with a viruses on your device. It can be installed on end devices within a network and you can set it to scan and deal with any virus on your device. Antivirus can also warn you if you try to download infected files. It should be installed within every end device to protect whole network from viruses.  Antispyware is a software that deals with a spying software that act as other software. Spyware is a malicious program that gather information within network. It can be used to steal data or passwords. Antispyware should also be installed and configured to secure network from outside threats.

14 Intrusion Detection Systems  File Monitoring is usually a software that monitors and controls all of the files within a server in a real life. File monitoring software allow an administrator to create an actions which will be taken if some event occurs. This may be useful while monitoring confident files  Folder Monitoring is almost the same as file monitoring. The rules stays the same but in this case folders are monitored. Folder monitoring software allows user for reviewing the folder’s content. It ensures that users actions are monitored and recorded.  There are many file and folder monitoring software which improves the security of a network by monitoring the data. Such software may help in identifying internal threats caused by employee.

15 Intrusion Detection Systems  Honeypot is a mechanism that is used within networks for detecting and counteracting to attempts of unauthorized use of information system. The honeypot is commonly used within large organizations and corporation as it is very efficient way of protecting specific area of a system against attacks. Every organizations stores information which may be valued by others, for example banking details can be at risk of attack as their value is quite high.  Alarm within computer security can have many forms. It can be an alarm installed on a device to protect it from being stolen or it can be an alarm software installed on a device in order to alarm user on external attacks. The alarm software has many features which can monitor the device in order to determine either the device is used by authorized personnel or not. Such alarms can warn the owner of a device through sending a warning message on a mobile phones.

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