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Wait, THAT’S What Our Logo Looks Like? Your role in marketing.

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Presentation on theme: "Wait, THAT’S What Our Logo Looks Like? Your role in marketing."— Presentation transcript:

1 Wait, THAT’S What Our Logo Looks Like? Your role in marketing

2 What is Marketing/Branding? What people think of your company/organization How they perceive your company/organization Your mission, vision, values Who you are as an organization/company How you make them feel What you look like – colors, graphics, logo, tagline Uniformity

3 What is Marketing/Branding? Why is branding critical for the growth of New York State Women, Inc.? And how will branding help your chapter?


5 Consistent Branding IDs a Company You can identify McDonald’s simply by its “Golden Arches.” Why? Imagine how it would look with green “arches”... Or a “Golden Triangle.” Even independent Mary Kay beauty consultants sell through official Mary Kay websites. McDonald’s franchise owners cannot use OTHER colored arches to market its restaurants. Target uses the same look in all its stores and consistently the same motto – “Expect more. Pay less.” in all its advertising.

6 What is the NYSW brand? Mission To build powerful women personally, professionally and politically Vision To make a difference in the lives of working women.

7 What is the NYSW brand? PMS 294 (blue) and PMS 368 (green), Black or White (reverse) Use the logo for your chapter that is provided on the NYS Women, Inc. website Fonts: Helvetica, Times Roman, Arial

8 Dos and Don’ts DO use the complete logo. DO maintain clear space around the logo. DO print a reverse (white) logo on dark backgrounds DO print the full color logo on a light or white background. DON’T use half or partial logos. DON’T change the colors. DON’T place other graphics on or close to the logo.

9 What’s In It For Me? What branding and marketing materials are available for chapters? Communications has made it easy for chapters to have their own printed brochures, signs, etc. Best of all, signs, nametags, marketing, and membership materials will all be personalized with YOUR chapter name. Meeting Referral/Business Card Nametag Postcard Pocket Folder Membership Brochure/Application Sign Banner

10 NYS Women, Inc. Online Do you use email at work or to keep in touch with relatives? How many of you have a Facebook page? Do you use Google to find good restaurants? Or how to make that cute sweater for your granddaughter? The world is online now and so is NYS Women, Inc. The web is an important way to market our organization and attract new members. NYSW Website and Facebook images And to make it easier for you: RLComputing is offering chapters the opportunity for a website for $150.

11 What to Post: Facebook Facebook is a great place to enhance chapter’s online presence. What should you post? – Meeting announcements – What scholarships are available – Scholarship winners. – Pictures from your meetings And the advantage with Facebook is that your members can like your chapter’s posts, add their own comments, and post to their own FB pages: all of which adds up to more online presence and marketing for chapters.

12 What to Post: Facebook Renee Cerullo would be happy to create your Facebook pages and add you as administrators. Please let her know.

13 Press Release Tips 1.Grab attention with a good headline. 2.Get right to the point in the first paragraph. 3.Proofread it before you hit send!! 4.List your contact info at the top of the page. 5.Be concise: fit it all on one page. 6.Let them know where they can get more information: either add your chapter website or the NYS Women, Inc. website 7.Reinforce who we are and what we do: end your press release with description of your chapter and the NYS Women, Inc. mission and vision.

14 Press Release Tips (continued) Just a note on when you should send a press release: Most chapters will be looking for media coverage before their event so people can read about it and buy tickets: send your release as far in advance as possible. If you can, follow up a week before, a couple of days before, and the same day. Most newspapers publish community calendars in print and online, while radio and TV stations maintain online calendars where you can submit your events. WHO should you send press releases to? Your local television stations’ online calendar of community events is a good starting place. The local newspaper is a must. Most places have a free community paper that will also publish upcoming events. Other media outlets include radio stations, weekly newspapers that cater to smaller markets, and online publications. Women’s groups, YWCAs, local Rotary Clubs, and other local community organizations often maintain a calendar of events on their websites, so consider sending press releases to them, too. The best method for sending press releases is email, so make sure you have up-to-date email addresses.

15 Ideas What have been your chapter’s best marketing ideas?

16 Competitors Who are our competitors? – NAWBO – Chambers of Commerce – Service Organizations (Rotary, etc.) – ABWA – Zonta – Colleges and University Centers – ?

17 SWOT Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats

18 Goals of NYS Women, Inc. Membership (Personally) Encourage membership in chapters and participation regionally and statewide. Political representation (Politically) Challenge our members to act politically. Development (Professionally) Provide outlets for women to gather to learn from and be nurtured by one another to improve professional opportunities. Diversity (all three) Foster an environment of inclusion.

19 Objectives of NYS Women, Inc. Increase membership statewide from 550 to 600 members in fiscal year 2015-2016. Decrease average age of membership from 65 to 55 in fiscal year 2015- 2016. Increase diversity of membership in fiscal year 2015-2016 to include 10 new minority members. Increase NYS Women, Inc. meeting attendance from 40 to 75 in fiscal year 2015-2016. Increase membership in individual chapters which have fewer than ten members to at least 15 members in fiscal year 2015-2016.

20 Positioning Statement New York State Women Inc. is the foremost organization for women in New York State working to develop and nurture them personally, professionally and politically in a welcoming environment with relevant networking opportunities, professional develop seminars, and political action. We are committed to mentoring young women and fostering relationships among existing members. We will strive to encourage new membership and retain existing members.

21 Tactics – How? Advertising Public Relations/Promotions/Events Digital and Social Media Internal Communication

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