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Active Learning in A Level Mathematics Slide 1 of 326.

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1 Active Learning in A Level Mathematics Slide 1 of 326

2 Aim To model a range of approaches to teaching A level mathematics which mean the students work harder than you!

3 Make a poster In pairs make a poster showing everything you know about transforming quadratics

4 Activity Split the pile into two according to some agreed criterion Choose the bigger pile and split into two Make a card to go in each pile Write above each pile a description of the class of equations in the pile.

5 Activity Small pile Original pile Small pile Big pile Small pile

6 Activity Choose 7 of the trig cards. Count out 7 blank cards For each trig card sketch the graph that goes with the equation. Remove and discard one of the trig cards Remove and discard one of the graph cards (not the one that goes with the missing trig card!) You should now have 6 cards with trig equations, and 6 cards with graphs. Pass your set to another group and ask them to match them.

7 Trig identities? A class was asked to vote on whiteboards whether the statements on the sheet were true or false. They had “thinking time” but weren’t allowed to talk to each other. They were asked to check some of them and provide convincing arguments for true or false. For this part of the lesson they worked in pairs. Which ones would you ask them to check and why? Choose one of them. What arguments would you accept as “convincing”?

8 Active ideas Make a poster – use as initial assessment, formative assessment,….. Give them the answers – now what were the question? Card activities – you make some…they make some.


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