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The Weather Grade 2. Learning objectives 2.S3 pronounce familiar words and expressions intelligibly; 2.W3 write familiar words to identify people, places.

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Presentation on theme: "The Weather Grade 2. Learning objectives 2.S3 pronounce familiar words and expressions intelligibly; 2.W3 write familiar words to identify people, places."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Weather Grade 2

2 Learning objectives 2.S3 pronounce familiar words and expressions intelligibly; 2.W3 write familiar words to identify people, places and objects; 2.L3 recognise with support common names and names of places, recognise the spoken form of a limited range of everyday and classroom words

3 Lesson objectives All learners will be able to: -use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary in the speech; -ask and respond questions about weather. Most learners will be able to: -write ‘Weather’ vocabulary words; -use them in their speech. Some learners will be able to: - use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary in the speech correctly; - ask and respond questions about weather with minor/no mistakes; - complete all worksheets correctly.

4 Success criteria Learners have met this learning objective if they can: -recognise spoken language slowly and distinctly; - pronounce weather vocabulary words correctly; - write ‘Weather’ adjectives; - do most of tasks correctly.

5 Warm-up game ‘Show the weather’ 1.Show sunny weather. (Learners make ‘sparkling fireworks’) 2. Show rainy weather (Learners shake their hands down). 3. Show windy weather (Learners wave their hands up) 4. Show cold weather (Learners have to show that they are cold) 5. Show me fog (Learners close their eyes with hands and open, close again and open) 6. Show hot weather (Learners pretend as if they are waving a fan)

6 Learners are divided into 3 groups and are given 3 sets of ‘Weather’ cards face down. They have to turn over the cards and match the pictures with the words. They match and say the words pointing the pictures. The main objective of the game is to revise active vocabulary and practise pronouncing ‘Weather words’ in order to complete the next task individually. Game “Match cards ”

7 Word search Learners complete the worksheet. They are to write the words next to the pictures and find “Weather” words in the word search. A teacher monitors the written words.

8 A teacher shows the answers of the task and monitors the students. Learners check themselves.

9 Learners are in a circle next to the board, listen to the song ‘If you are a kid’, sing it and do the actions. XGUYs XGUYs Action song ‘If you are a kid’

10 ‘Weather board game’ Learners play ‘Weather board game’. They follow the instructions and answer ‘Weather’-questions.

11 Learners use virtual dice roller to play the game. They have to reach the treasure with the help of the ship.

12 Learners can submit the answer and know the result. They play with the words and pictures.

13 Some listening tasks are included as well.

14 This activity helps learners to revise the topic vocabulary and questions, to develop their logical thinking, listening skills. ‘Weather board game’

15 Role-play ‘Weather in different countries’ Learners are divided into pairs and are given 1-2 cards with the ‘Weather’ word or a picture from the set of cards (sunny weather, cold, rainy, hot, snowy). Learner may bring or a teacher gives the equipment: sunglasses, a hat(summer and winter), a jacket, a coat, an umbrella.

16 Role-play ‘Weather in different countries’ Learners pretend as if they are talking using a mobile phone. L1 is here. L2 went somewhere-to Alaska, India and so on. Learner 1-stands(sits)-to the left side with the phone and asks the question: What’s the weather like today? Learner 2- stands(sits) to the right side with the phone and he/she is wearing the clothes according to the given card and answers: It’s (sunny, cold, rainy, snowy…). Learners act out the role-plays.

17 Plenary Learners give feedback to each other on the lesson. It’s done in oral form. -Were the objectives achieved? Reflect on what learners have learnt from the lesson.

18 Learners are asked to close their eyes, put a hand on the chest and show: 1 finger- I don’t understand the topic, 2 fingers- I understand, but 50 %, 3 fingers- I understand and I’m happy with my results. Feedback

19 Thank you for attention!

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