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Reuse and Interoperation of Environmental Data & Processes for Aircrew Training & Mission Rehearsal Study Group (RIEDP-SG) ITEC London Excel – Tilbury.

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Presentation on theme: "Reuse and Interoperation of Environmental Data & Processes for Aircrew Training & Mission Rehearsal Study Group (RIEDP-SG) ITEC London Excel – Tilbury."— Presentation transcript:

1 Reuse and Interoperation of Environmental Data & Processes for Aircrew Training & Mission Rehearsal Study Group (RIEDP-SG) ITEC London Excel – Tilbury Room

2 19/05/2010 1 2nd RIEDP-SG Meeting - ITEC 2010 Agenda  Summary of Previous step  Meeting Objectives  Survey Task Kick Off  Common terminology Task Kick Off  Conclusion

3 19/05/2010 2 2nd RIEDP-SG Meeting - ITEC 2010  RIEDP TOR  Background and objectives of the RIEDP Study Group presented by acting chairman  Discussion between the SG members to improve the understanding of the SG’s scope  Revised version of the TOR to show that :  the focus is made on Aircrew Training and Mission Rehearsal applications,  and specifically taking into account the NPSI, AFCD, CDB, SE Core, and French approach processes and data models with the expectation to improve their interoperability and reuse in a standardized approach  as part of its outcome, the SG will recommend how to expand this focus to cover additional requirements.  Successful elections at the positions of :  Chair : Jean-Louis GOUGEAT  Vice Chair : Steve STEPHENS  Secretary : David GRAHAM  Principles of collective work  SISO Reflector based on list of attendees + additional proponents  E-mail and audio conference  Physical meeting during M&S Main Events in addition to SIW : ITEC, IITSEC  Actions  Submission of the Revised version of TOR to SISO (SAC et EXCOM)  Initialization of the RIEDP-SG Reflector  Distribution of the Slides of the First Meeting  Kick Off of the SG work by issuing a technical note on the characteristics of the Selected Initiatives Summary of 1st Meeting – SIW S10 Orlando

4 19/05/2010 3 2nd RIEDP-SG Meeting - ITEC 2010 Status of Action Items  Actions Items  Submission of the Revised version of TOR to SISO (SAC et EXCOM)Done  Initialization of the RIEDP-SG ReflectorDone  Distribution of the Slides of the First MeetingDone  Kick Off of the SG work by issuing a technical note on the characteristics of the Selected InitiativesPending  Questions  Determine formal expected 'delivery' from the SG ?  David’s question to Grant  Status of RIEDP-SG formal approval by SAC  Question to Grant  Access to Reflector  Question to all

5 19/05/2010 4 2nd RIEDP-SG Meeting - ITEC 2010 RIEDP-SG Tasks as per TOR : 1.Conduct an informal survey on on-going Initiatives 2.Define and document a Reference Database Generation Process:  a - Establish a common terminology  b - Identify common areas in data generation processes between communities  c - Identify requirements for one or more standard solutions 3.Synthesis  a - Assess the time and effort required for PDG activities  b - Produce Interim and Final Reports Focus of the Meeting  Kick off of  the Informal Survey (1)  Define and document a Reference Database Generation Process / Common terminology (2.a) Meeting Objective

6 19/05/2010 5 2nd RIEDP-SG Meeting - ITEC 2010 Informal Survey Initial Information Gathering  Review of Preliminary Information (SOGITEC work) Review of Preliminary Information Administrative Questions  Authorization of use of the documents  Answers by USAF, US NAVY, USSOCOM, … ?  Access Means  SISO Reflector suitable ?  Set up a FTP site ? Follow-on ?  How do we complement this initial work ?  DOD Standard Session Presentations from IITSEC 09  How do we elaborate / What could be a Framework for the Survey Report ?  List of Initiatives  Reference Documentation per initiative  Synthesis per initiative  Global synthesis

7 19/05/2010 6 2nd RIEDP-SG Meeting - ITEC 2010 Establish a common terminology USAF/AFCD View  Various Papers from I/ITSEC  Beginning of a process explanation  Mentionning will to reach a DoD Level Standard. Status ?

8 19/05/2010 7 2nd RIEDP-SG Meeting - ITEC 2010 Establish a common terminology USNAVY/NPSI View DNC WVS VMAP,UVMAP VPF DTED FFD Imagery Data Preparation and Correlation Refined Source Dataset ~80% Time/Cost  Origin of the AFCD  Also many papers  Significant Structuration Effort

9 19/05/2010 8 2nd RIEDP-SG Meeting - ITEC 2010 Establish a common terminology SOCOM/CDB view  Well known  Huge structuration Effort  Some Choices …  Common points with French (Sogitec) approach

10 19/05/2010 9 2nd RIEDP-SG Meeting - ITEC 2010 Establish a common terminology SE CORE/MDB View

11 19/05/2010 10 2nd RIEDP-SG Meeting - ITEC 2010 Establish a Common Terminology French Air Training View Raw Source Data Integrated Source Data Structured Source Data Enhanced Source Data Integration StructurationEnhancement Altimetry Planimetry Terrain Imagery Images 3D Models Attribution Polygonal Data Base Facettisation / Texturation / LOD Publishing Export Target Applications Target Data Bases Visual GCF Radar Sensors Mission Maps Export Data Base Open Flight STF VRML/X3D  Mostly shared between TTS and SOGITEC  Low Structuration Effort  Common Effort to start within French R&T Study

12 19/05/2010 11 2nd RIEDP-SG Meeting - ITEC 2010 NATO/Mission Land  DMT requires Creation/Sharing of Common Databases  Generic Databases because of NATO constraints  MSG-071 identified the requirements of this « Mission Land »  Static Part of the Environment : Terrain  What Standards to select ? COGENT3D  Vision based on the following assumption :  « Correlation Need does not imply Highly Structured Common Format » Other ? Establish a Common Terminology Other Initiatives

13 19/05/2010 12 2nd RIEDP-SG Meeting - ITEC 2010 Establish a Common Terminology Our mission : Set up the conditions to help aligning these Views by positioning them against a reference model

14 19/05/2010 13 2nd RIEDP-SG Meeting - ITEC 2010 Conclusion Action Items Next Meeting AOB

15 19/05/2010 14 2nd RIEDP-SG Meeting - ITEC 2010 SPARE

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