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BONES PART 5 Jim, Tyler and Matt DR. T. Overview Affects levels of bones Bones effects exercise Current Issues/ Hot Topics.

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Presentation on theme: "BONES PART 5 Jim, Tyler and Matt DR. T. Overview Affects levels of bones Bones effects exercise Current Issues/ Hot Topics."— Presentation transcript:

1 BONES PART 5 Jim, Tyler and Matt DR. T

2 Overview Affects levels of bones Bones effects exercise Current Issues/ Hot Topics

3 Affects levels of bones Exercise stimulates bone formation by putting stress on the bone Bone cells migrate to the area under stress and secrete protein, mainly collagen, that eventually mineralize and become solid bone

4 Affects levels of bones Minimal essential strain is the threshold level that stress on the bone must exceed in order to stimulate bone growth. The threshold level is determined by the amount of activity a person does daily, and of a person exceeds that level, new bone is formed in that area

5 Two types of exercises Weight bearing – can be classified as either high impact or low-impact. Muscular Strength – Activities put stress on the bone at the insertion points of the muscle being trained

6 Exercises High Impact Dancing Doing high- impact aerobics Hiking Jogging/running Stair climbing Tennis Low Impact Using elliptical training machines Doing low-impact aerobics Using stair-step machines Fast walking on a treadmill or outside

7 Also known as Resistance Training Lifting weights Using elastic exercise bands Using weight machines Lifting your own body weight Functional movements, such as standing and rising up on your toes

8 Bones effect exercise If bone density is not at a normal level, it increases the risks of physical activity and exercise due to the high occurrence of falls and fractures Although people with osteoporosis may believe that exercise will ultimately lead to injury, this not necessarily the case. A structured program in safe environment can help reduce fall and fracture risks

9 Non- Impact Exercises Balance exercises Posture exercises Functional exercises

10 Low bone densities Fracture risk Muscle strength Range of motion Level of physical activity Fitness Gait Balance

11 Current Issues/ Hot Topic By 2025 – 3 million fractures, 1.5 million fractures ( broken bones) in the U.S. every year Currently $19 billion Cost $25.3 billion per year 10 million Americans 34 million are at risk

12 Current Issues/ Hot Topic About ½ of women over 50 break a bone About ¼ of men over 50 break a bone “Silent condition” don’t realize have bone disease

13 A new development With the Advent of Agriculture, Human Bones Dramatically Weakened Agriculture and technology Root cause of bone degradation over the past 1,000 years Old hunter-gatherers Old farmers Hominids’ bones

14 Current Issues/ Hot Topic Bone is the most transplanted body part Millions costing billions every year Growing own bone 3d printer, fat, cow bone, incubator So far tested in pigs 8 years Watch video – You can grow a human body from fat? – CNN Video

15 Questions

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