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What do you know about the brain? How it functions, terms, etc…. What I know….. Share with your neighbor……

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Presentation on theme: "What do you know about the brain? How it functions, terms, etc…. What I know….. Share with your neighbor……"— Presentation transcript:

1 What do you know about the brain? How it functions, terms, etc…. What I know….. Share with your neighbor……

2 FUN FACTS !! What percentage of the brain is made up of “fat” ?

3 60% : the brain is the fattest organ

4 How many connections are formed in the first decade of a child’s life?


6 How many neurons are their in the human brain?

7 100 Billion !

8 Why do we yawn?

9 A yawn sends oxygen to the brain which helps cool it down, and to wake it up !

10 Brain Facts 1. Your brain is divided into a right hemisphere and a left hemisphere Each hemisphere is responsible for certain brain functions

11 What are you?? Right or Left Brain?

12 Are you left brain dominant or right brain dominant? 1.Listen to both statements. 2.If you are more like the first statement, take one step left. 3. If you are more like the second statement, take one step to the right.

13 Read statements

14 Characteristics: list some characteristics that you have Left dominant Logical thinking Sequential Concrete thinker Analytical Prefers to write and talk Auditory/visual learner Verbal Remembers names Takes few risks Math ( Algebra) Rational Things of one thing at a time Right dominate Prefers to draw and handle objects More likely to act on emotions Kinesthetic learner Pictures things t think and learn Follows written or demonstrated directions Creative thinking Musical abilities Emotional Humorous ideas Math ( geometry) Dreaming Remember faces Prefers essay tests

15 Why do we learn about the brain? 1. Drugs alter the brain’s chemistry and its reward pathway 2. Teens are more vulnerable to drug abuse 3. Are at a greater risk of becoming addicted

16 Brain Facts  Your brain is the command center or mission control of your BODY…it is like a giant computer  Do Do you agree or  disagree with this ?

17 The brain and its functions Cortex: logic and reason, decision making center Cerebellum: back of the brain: movement, coordination Brain stem: connects brain to spinal cord; basic functions: breathing, heart rate, digestion. Limbic system: sits on top of the brainstem and controls emotions and motivations. Pleasure center

18 Brain Cells: Neurons Over 100 billion Composed of dendrite, axon and cell body

19 Neuron and Synapses Thread like dendrites reach out to other neurons and pass information from cell to cell Synapses is the gap between nerve cells where information is exchanged

20 How fast do you think messages in your brain travel?

21 ….over 268 MPH

22 2 important chemicals in your brain are Dopamine and Serotonin Which one is the “calming” chemical? Which one is the “pleasure” chemical?

23 Answer Dopamine is pleasure Dopamine is the “feel- good” neurotransmitters, helping you feel energized, focused, motivated, and in control. Serotonin is calming Serotonin is the “happy” and calming brain chemical that can improve your mood and help you to sleep well.

24 Finish this sentence: The teen brain is still……


26 Pruning and maturation of the brain

27 Pruning Pruning: removing the weak and dead branches When the pruning is finished the brain is faster and more efficient But during this pruing process the brain is not functioning normally.

28 Maturation of the brain: Development from the back to the front. Blue represents the maturing brain. Brain scans from age 5 to 25

29 Earlier development of the back of the brain and later development of the front of the brain is responsible for the following characteristics: Preference for physical activity Less than optimal planning and judgment More risky, impulsive behaviours Minimal consideration of negative consequences

30 Why do I sometimes make poor decisions? You feel high emotion or intense peer pressure The still-maturing circuitry in the front part of brain are overwhelmed. This results in inexplicable behavior and poor decision-making

31 Teen vs. Adult brains Experts say that even at ages 16 and 17, when compared to adults, adolescents on average are more: Impulsive Aggressive Emotionally volatile Likely to take risks Reactive to stress Vulnerable to peer pressure Prone to focus on and overestimate short-term payoffs Underplay longer-term consequences of what they do Likely to overlook alternative courses of action

32 Pre – Frontal Cortex: last part of the brain to mature: when do you think it matures?.

33 In your mid - 20s

34 Facts and Functions of the prefrontal cortex AKA: CEO of the brain (list 3) 1. Area of the brain that is in charge of judgment and decision making 2. It is the last part of the brain to develop. 3. This is why teens are more likely take risks, are more vulnerable to drug abuse and act on impulses

35 Limbic system: The brain’s “pleasure system” motivation, emotion, learning, and memory

36 Limbic System Sits on the base of the brain stem One of the first parts of the brain to mature Body’s reward system

37 Teens and drug use The teen brain is still developing Drugs change the way the brain functions. Exposure to drugs at this critical time of their lives may cause future substance abuse issues.

38 To Summarize…. The brain is not a finished product, but is a work in progress. The greatest changes to the parts of the brain that are responsible for functions such as self control, judgment, emotions and organization takes place between puberty and adulthood This may explain why teenage behavior involves poor decision–making, recklessness and emotional outburst)

39 Nervous System Central nervous system (CNS) – brain and spinal cord Peripheral nervous system (PNS) – nerves that are away from the CNS Nerve damage to both Draw the diagram

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