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Allah is Goodness and the Goodness in.. Reciting the Quran and Visiting the sick.

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Presentation on theme: "Allah is Goodness and the Goodness in.. Reciting the Quran and Visiting the sick."— Presentation transcript:

1 Allah is Goodness and the Goodness in.. Reciting the Quran and Visiting the sick

2 Learning the Quran by heart in Arabic outside of the Fatihah is not an obligation – yet it is a Sunnan that brings about much goodness ● The Prophet used to recite the Quran on a regular basis and when reciting he would not fail to recite in a slow and pleasant manner. ● He would recite each letter and he would cut off his recitation at the end of each Verse and make the short vowels short ● He would also prolong his recitation when reciting the long vowels

3 Also before reciting, the Prophet would seek refuge with Allah saying: “A'udhu Billahi Minash-Shaitanir- Rajeem" "I seek refuge with Allah from the accursed Satan." And sometimes, he might say: "Allihumma, Innee Aluithu Bika Minash-Shaitanir-Rajeemi, Hamzihi Wa Nafkhihi Wa Nafthihi" "Oh, Allah! I seek refuge with You from the accursed Satan, from his prompting [his madness], from his blowing [his pride] and from his spittle [his poetry]."

4 The Prophet used to love to listen while others recited the Quran to him ● One person he used to ask to recite Quran for him was Ibn Masood. The Prophet would be so humbled from his recitation that his eyes would fill with tears. ● The Prophet would recite while standing, sitting, lying down, while in a state of ritual purity, having performed ablution and in a state of ritual impurity

5 There is also much Goodness in visiting the Sick and this includes Non-Muslims ● The Prophet used to visit those of his Companions who were sick; and Imam Bukhari relates how he visited a boy who used to serve him from among the People of the book, who was dying. ● The Prophet invited both the dying boy and his uncle to Islam. They both accepted and became Muslim ● When visiting the sick, the Prophet would come close to the sick person and sit at his head and ask him how he was; and he would stroke the sick person with his right hand and say: ● "Allahumma, Rabban-Nas! Adhhibil-Basa Washfi; Antash-Shafi, La Shifa' Illa Shifa'uka, Shifa'un La Yughadiru Sagman" ● "Oh, Allah, Lord of the people, take away the disease and cure him; You are the One Who cures and there is no cure except Your Cure — a cure that leaves no disease." ● Bukhari

6 The Prophet would also suplicate for the person: He used to say: "Oh, Allah! Cure So and so" three times. And when he visited a sick person, he would say: "Don't worry, you will be purified [of your sins] if Allah wills." And sometimes, he might say: "Kaffaratun Wa Tahar" "Expiation and purification." (Bukhari)

7 He would also sometime do incantation if a person was inflicted by ulcer or injury: He would place his forefinger on the ground and then he would say: "Bismillahi, Turbatu Ardina Bireeqati Ba'dina, Yushfa Saqeemuna Bi- Idhni Rabbina" "In the Name of Allah, the dust of our earth, and the saliva of some of us cure our patient with the permission of our Lord." It was not a part of his guidance to reserve a special day for visiting the sick or any special time. Indeed, he legislated visiting the sick for his people day and night.

8 The Prophet visited people regardless as to what the sickness was He would place his hand on the sick person's forehead, then he would wipe over his chest and his stomach and say: 'Allahummashfih" (Oh, Allah! Cure him), and he would wipe over his face as well. If he felt that the disease was terminal, he would say: "Irma Lillahi Wa Inna Ilaihi Raff an" "Verily, we are from Allah and to Him shall we return." Bukhari

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