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Morcott Parish Survey Morcott Parish Residents Survey 2016 Title presentation2 Survey Purpose - Why undertake a survey? – Regular surveys every.

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Presentation on theme: "Morcott Parish Survey Morcott Parish Residents Survey 2016 Title presentation2 Survey Purpose - Why undertake a survey? – Regular surveys every."— Presentation transcript:

1 Morcott Parish Survey 2016

2 Morcott Parish Residents Survey 2016 Title presentation2 Survey Purpose - Why undertake a survey? – Regular surveys every two years will be beneficial by helping Morcott Parish Council understand current local opinion, ideas & concerns in the context of lifestyle and demographics. Survey data will help inform and focus Morcott Parish Council’s attention and aid decision making. Where appropriate this data can also be used by MPC to influence discussions with local Rutland councillors on issues that impact our community. – Whilst individual surveys will be used to support current and on-going activities, capturing slowly changing demographic and lifestyle data will allow us to measure and monitor changes within Morcott over the course of time. This longer term view will allow Parish councillors to formulate local policy with a broader and better perspective – Provide a periodic means of communication for Morcott residents to express their views Objective – To improve understanding of the majority of local residents’ and local business opinions and ideas About Morcott as a place to live or work About local services and amenities About the function of Morcott Parish Council and what it should focus on – To understand what works well for Morcott residents and what might work better in future? – To help identify support for new services or amenities needed but not currently provided, or currently provided but not needed. – To capture local demographic and patterns of work and lifestyle

3 Morcott Parish Residents Survey 2016 Title presentation3 Method – Two approaches will be adopted for capturing survey detail: Paper-based survey: sufficient copies delivered to every household Online - utilising SurveyMonkey or similar survey software – Survey data will be collated and stored in a password protected spreadsheet for analysis – Paper-based responses will be scanned and retained by the Parish Clerk – The Parish Clerk will be responsible for maintaining a repository of survey data – Data protection laws will be complied with and any identifiable personal information provided will be hidden or redacted before any data or analysis is made public Survey Timeframes – Draft survey prepared – August 31 st – Present draft survey purpose and framework at Parish Council Meeting on September 7 th 2016 – Proof read, pilot and refine Survey – September 2016 – Make online survey available - October 1 st – Disseminate paper surveys to residents - October 1 st /2 nd – Proposed response deadline - Sunday, October 30 th – Collate returned surveys and analyse results – November 2016 – Feedback initial analysis to Morcott Parish Council - December 2016 Survey population & audience – All Morcott parish residents, aged 7+ Survey frequency – Biennial

4 Survey Questions - Sections Title presentation4 Morcott as a place to live or work – This section looks to gain an understanding of how Morcott residents feel about Morcott as a place to live, what people feel about current services available, future residential development, and the role its Parish Council plays, and how effectively local news is communicated. It also seeks to understand local opinion on what improvements could be made locally, and whether individuals within Morcott would be prepared to be actively involved in the development of a Neighbourhood plan. Residents Work/Lifestyle – Looks to understand current working patterns and lifestyle activities of local residents. Questions seek to capture what, how and why recent technologies (mobile phones, internet ) are used by local residents and how these play a part in their lives. Finally this section looks to understand a little about what people do in their free time. Local Demographics – In this section, the survey looks to gain a better understanding of the characteristics of local MOC residents, including age, gender, health, occupation and ethnicitiy. By capturing this information we shall be able to record and better understand what potential services and support will be required by our local population in the near to medium term

5 Questions Title presentation5 Morcott as a place to live or work – Overall, how satisfied are you with Morcott as a place to live? Very satisfied, Fairly, satisfied Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied, Fairly dissatisfied, Very dissatisfied – How satisfied are you with the following local services and amenities? (Very, Fairly, Neither, N/A, add comments per entry) Refuge and waste collections, Bus Services, Broadband, Mobile Phone Signals, Call Connect, Highways and footpaths around the village, Mobile library, Verges and street scene maintenance, Mobile butchers, Local Health facilities, Local Dental facilities, Local education, Morcott Parish Council, – Please rank in order what you believe to be important to the future well being of Morcott? Reliable Transport links, Mobile communications and fast reliable broadband, Community spirit, Local clubs and activities, Village events, Limited housing developments, A neighbourhood plan, A vibrant, well run sustainable pub, Well maintained and attractive street scene, Other (Please list) – What are your views on future residential development within Morcott up until 2020? – this needs to be refined In favour of larger scale development ( 16+ dwellings) In favour of limited development (6-15 residential dwellings) In favour of very small scale development (1-5 dwellings) In favour of no future development Comments – The Localism Act 2011 sets out the framework within which eligible parish councils with an enhanced general power of competence to better enable them to take on an extended role and allow them to do the things they have previously been unable to do under their existing powers”. Would you be in favour of Morcott Parish council having additional powers of competency ? Yes/No/Maybe/ Comments – How do you find out about Morcott news Parish Council Website, Village Flyers, Village Notice Boards, Parish Meetings, Local Newspapers, Word of mouth, Social Media, Other (Please list) – Do you have any suggested improvements to how you find out about Morcott news (Free form) – How strongly do you feel part of the local community? Very, Fairly, Do not feel part of the community – What improvements could be made to and within the village? (free form) – What local activity groups do you play an active role in? (freeform) – If a Neighbourhood Plan was established, would you be prepared to serve on it? – How good are local bus links. (Very, Fairly, Average Fairly poor, Very poor) Do you use them? How often – How would describe Morcott to someone who doesn’t know it? (freeform)

6 Questions Title presentation6 Work/Lifestyle – Which of the following best describes your employment status? In full time work (>= 30 hours), In part time work (<30 hours), In full time education (School, college, university), Retired, Out of work and looking for work, Out of work and not looking for work, A homemaker, Unable to work, Self- employed, Other – If you work or study, how long does it take to commute to your regular place of work or study? I work from home, Less than 15 minutes, Between 15 and 29 minutes, Between 30 and 59 minutes, More than 1 hour, N/A, Other – In a typical week, which of the following forms of transportation do you use for work or shopping? Car, Bus, Train, Taxi, Bike, Motorbike, Walk, Other – Do you use the internet ? If yes, who is your provider? What do you typically use the internet for – Do you have a mobile phone? If yes, who is your provider? What do you typically use your mobile phone for? – Where do you normally shop? Local named towns, Online, Someone shops for me – How much exercise do you undertake in a typical week – nothing, less than 1 hour, 1-5 hours, more than 5 hours. What type of exercise? Walking, Jogging, Yoga, Fitness classes, Swimming, Cycling, Team sports – What non work activities do you regularly participate in during your free time? List of activities – In the last 12 months have you got together with others locally to improve things in your local area or have you volunteered your time to help other people or organisations in our area? If so, please name them? – Would you consider a local Utility Service Co-operative if you could get a better price for your utility bills ( Yes, no, maybe)

7 Questions Title presentation7 Demographic ( include commentary setting out this section) – What is your name (optional) – What is your email address – What is your gender? – What is your age? – What is your postcode? (Drop down list) – How long have you lived (been resident) in Morcott? – How would you evaluate your overall health? In good physical health, Mildly physically impaired, Moderately physically impaired, severely physically impaired. – Do you require additional support from home help services,etc (refine) – How many people reside in your home? – How many children of school age reside in your home? – How many pre-school age children reside in your home? – Where do your children go to school? – What is your occupation? – What level of education did you achieve?

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