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Musculoskeletal System Neurological System Digestive System Respiratory and Circulatory System Urinary System.

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2 Musculoskeletal System Neurological System Digestive System Respiratory and Circulatory System Urinary System

3  Bones  Joints  Ligaments  Cartilage  Muscles  Tendons  Bursa

4  Body’s control center  Brain  spinal cord  nerves  All nerves come from spinal cord

5  Body’s energy supply center  Mouth  esophagus  stomach  small intestines  large intestines  out of the body  Liver  Gall bladder  Pancreas  Appendix

6  Two systems work together to supply oxygen to the body  Respiratory system is the body’s oxygen transporting network  Circulatory system is the blood transporting network  Nose/mouth  trachea  lungs  alveoli  capillaries  pulmonary veins  heart  Blood circulates, continuously bringing oxygenated blood to tissues and CO 2 blood back to lungs

7  By-products result from other systems doing their job  Gets rid of by-products from energy breakdown  Kidneys filter out waste from blood + combine with water = urine  Stored in bladder until released from body

8 Causes  Compression  Tension  Shearing Length of time to develop  Acute  Chronic

9 Contusions Abrasions Punctures Cuts (incisions, lacerations, avulsions) Sprains Strains Cartilage tears Dislocations/subluxations Bone fractures

10 Sprain  Injuries to ligaments  Grade I, II, or III  Torsion or shearing force  Pain, loss of function, inflammation  Joint Instability Strain  Injuries to muscle or tendons  Grade I, II, or III  Torsion or shearing force  Pain, loss of function, inflammation, indentation over injury site

11 Cartilage Tears  Compression with twisting  Most frequently in the knee Dislocations/Subluxations  Awkward force placed on a joint  Most frequently in the shoulder

12 Fractures  Compression, shearing, or direct contact  Closed fractures  Open fractures  Avulsion fractures  Growth plate fractures

13 Tendonitis  Tendons become irritated by repeated overstretching/overuse  Different types depending on what part is injured  Chronic muscle strains  Repeatedly overworked Stress Fractures  Repeated stress or shock can eventually cause a bone to crack  Athletes in high impact or high velocity sports

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