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WELCOME TO ENGLISH 273 Orientation and Getting Started.

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Presentation on theme: "WELCOME TO ENGLISH 273 Orientation and Getting Started."— Presentation transcript:

1 WELCOME TO ENGLISH 273 Orientation and Getting Started

2 KEEP IN MIND This is an 8 week intensive course Usually around 150 or more pages of reading per week, plus assignments So put time in everyday Keep in contact with me so I can know how you are doing and help you address any concerns or confusions

3 EVERY WEEK YOU NEED TO: Do the assigned reading Keep notes in the margins of your book or in separate notebook for writing ideas and exam review (See the "Reading notes” handout under week 1 handout for suggestions) Listen to the podcasts Complete any listed assignments Look over

4 SHORT CRITIQUE PAPERS Each week you will have the opportunity to complete either 1 or 2 short critique papers. There are a total of 10. You will also read and respond to each others’ short critique papers. The papers are due promptly at the end of each class week. Due dates for Responses are more relaxed but should be posted by Friday of the following week. Depending how many of these you do you, along with exams and the research paper, will earn determine your final grade.

5 SHORT CRITIQUE PAPERS (CONT.) You will upload these papers to the Turnitin dropbox and also to a copy and paste the text to Forum on Moodle. Once you post to the forum, you can read other’s papers and post a 1 paragraph response to them. See Week 1’s “Assignments” section for written instructions and examples for the critique papers and response paragraphs.

6 OTHER MAJOR ASSIGNMENTS 3 Exams—open book, but not open internet. No copy and pasting. Final research paper. A complete draft is due week 6, and the final draft is due at the end of week 7. Full instructions are posted on Moodle.

7 GRADING BREAKDOWN To earn an A: (at least 900 points) Pass 9 Short Critique Papers Pass 8 paper responses Pass the research paper Earn at least a 90% average on exams To earn a B: (at least 800 points) Pass 8 Short Critique Papers Pass 5 paper responses Pass the research paper Earn at least a 80% average on exams To earn a C: (at least 700 points) Pass 6 Short Critique Papers Pass 4 paper responses Pass the research paper Earn at least a 70% average on exams To earn a D: (at least 600 points) Pass 5 Short Critique Papers Pass 3 paper responses Pass the research paper Earn at least a 60% average on exams All assignments, other than exams, are graded pass/fail. Redos are permitted only by spending a “Token.” For full details please study the syllabus. 1000 points possible. Here is how you earn each grade:

8 TOKENS To increase your control of your learning experience, and give you the grace and wiggle room we all sometimes need, each of you will receive five (digital) “Tokens” at the beginning of the semester. Think of these as emergency power-ups or re-dos. I will keep track of Tokens using a spreadsheet. To spend a token, simply send me an email. You may spend one token for any of the following: 48 Hour extension on an assignment (not exams) Correct & resubmit an exam for ½ credit on missed items (must be done within one week of the test’s return to the student) 5 bonus points on an exam ( limit 2 tokens per exam, only up to 100% maximum) Correct & resubmit a returned assignment that has failed to meet passing specs

9 WEEKLY COURSE LAYOUT Start by looking at the Weekly Reading Assignment. Then Listen to the Podcasts Then look at the Assignments section to complete: Short Critique Papers Exams Major Papers (weeks 3, 6) Your presentation if you signed up that week Finally, look in the Handouts & Resources section for aides, explanations, and assignment sheets for major projects.

10 This week’s reading assignment and to- do list This week’s podcasts Assignments due this week 1. Turnitin upload for papers 2. Forums for posting and responding to papers Handouts for this week 1. 2.

11 QUESTIONS? Contact me any time, day or night.

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