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In-house review 2012 – Presented by K. Adjei Bediako.

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Presentation on theme: "In-house review 2012 – Presented by K. Adjei Bediako."— Presentation transcript:

1 In-house review 2012 – Presented by K. Adjei Bediako

2 Activities for 2011 Project Title 1:Evaluation of confectionery groundnut lines Project Title 2:Evaluation of high oil content groundnut lines

3 Research team Adjei Bediako Dr. J. Y. Asibuo S. N. N. Addy Dr. S. Amoah Funding: AGRA

4 General Introduction Groundnut is an important grain legumeGroundnut is an important grain legume Is a good source of protein and high quality oilIs a good source of protein and high quality oil Groundnut is capable of fixing atmospheric Groundnut is capable of fixing atmospheric nitrogen which can benefit a succeeding crop Groundnut is generally drought tolerantGroundnut is generally drought tolerant There is a gradual shift from using groundnut as oil toward confectionery productsThere is a gradual shift from using groundnut as oil toward confectionery products

5 Confectionery Groundnut The target for confectionery groundnut is manufacturers of “Ntake Burger”, pebbles and those who sell roasted groundnut. They have sweet taste and good flavour The seeds are exceptionally big

6 Some Distinguishing Characteristics ICGV 87412ADEPA

7 ICGV 87412 ADEPA

8 Objective To evaluate the performance of confectionery groundnut lines and select adaptable lines for further testing on farmers’ fields

9 Materials and methods No. of entries: 16 Design: 4 x 4 lattice square with 3 replications Locations: 5 (Ejura, Wenchi, Kwadaso, Atebubu and Fumesua)

10 Data collected Days to 50% flowering Days to maturity Pod yield (kg/ha) Shelling percentage Pods per plant Plant height (cm) 100 seed weight (g) Plants/m2

11 Table 1. Days to 50% flowering Entry FumesuaEjuraKwadasoWenchiAtebubuMean 1. ADEPA 2. ICGV 97049 3. ICGV 97045 “ 12. ICGV 98397 13. ICGV 97061 14.ICGV 98412 15.ICGV 98432 16.ICGV 98404 27 26 28 “ 26 28 30 27 29 “ 27 29 28 25 “ 25 26 27 25 27 28 27 28 “ 27 28 27 28 27 28 27 28 “ 27 29 26 27 28.2 27 27.6 “ 26 26.4 26.8 26.6 27.4 Mean Cv(%) SED 27 2.1 0.5* 28 2.8 0.6* 26 3.3 0.7* 27 2.4 0.53 NS 27 3.9 0.9 NS

12 Table 2. Days to maturity Entry FumesuaEjuraKwadasoWenchiAtebubuMean 1. ADEPA 2. ICGV 97049 3. ICGV 97045 “ 12. ICGV 98397 13. ICGV 97061 14.ICGV 98412 15.ICGV 98432 16.ICGV 98404 100 101 103 “ 99 101 95 103 101 93 97 “ 108 101 108 109 110 107 114 “ 110 108 112 103 118 108 109 “ 109 110 109 110 106 102 108 “ 105 103 105 108 107 105 102.4 106.2 “ 106.2 104.6 104.4 106.2 109.4 Mean Cv(%) SED 101 3.8 3.2 * 102 0.9 0.8* 107 5.4 4.8 NS 109 1.3 1.1 NS 105 2.9 2.4 *

13 Table 3. Pod yield (kg/ha ) Entry FumesuaEjuraKwadasoWenchiAtebubuMean 1. ADEPA 2. ICGV 97049 3. ICGV 97045 “ 12. ICGV 98397 13. ICGV 97061 14.ICGV 98412 15.ICGV 98432 16.ICGV 98404 738 773 670 “ 551 941 1546 700 723 851 1241 295 “ 751 499 580 705 513 1435 1662 2107 “ 1448 1353 1387 1913 1706 1783 2449 2335 “ 2355 1820 2874 2485 2612 1522 615 760 “ 529 105 566 749 807 1265.8 1348 1233.4 “ 1126.8 883.6 1390.6 1310.4 1272.2 Mean Cv(%) SED 755 36.9 228 * 674 22 288 * 1715 28.4 397 NS 2533 22.1 456.9 NS 674 31 230 *

14 Table 4. Shelling percentage Entry FumesuaEjuraKwadasoWenchiAtebubuMean 1. ADEPA 2. ICGV 97049 3. ICGV 97045 “ 12. ICGV 98397 13. ICGV 97061 14.ICGV 98412 15.ICGV 98432 16.ICGV 98404 64.2 77.3 67.1 “ 69.7 74.1 71.2 71.9 72.6 68.5 69.6 55.7 “ 66.3 66.1 56 63.7 73.9 54.4 43.7 62.4 “ 71.8 50 52.7 43.1 53.7 79.9 64.9 68.7 “ 65.6 66.9 62.4 69.3 76 52.7 64.6 43.7 “ 50 54.4 62.4 38.9 43.1 63.94 64.02 59.52 64.68 62.3 60.94 57.38 63.86 Mean Cv(%) SED 68.3 12.3 6.9 NS 66 19.8 10.6 NS 56 34.8 15.9 NS 66.8 12.6 6.9* 55.9 34.8 15.9 NS

15 Conclusion The lines have been subjected to multi- locational and on-farm evaluation Two of the lines have been proposed for release this year (ICGV98412 and ICGV 97049).

16 2.High Oil content groundnut evaluation Groundnut oil is a high quality edible oil It commands high price on the international market Groundnut seed with 50% or more oil content is regarded as having high oil content

17 Table 5. Prices of soybean oil, sunflower seed oil, groundnut oil, palm oil (Source USDA figures for February 2011) soybeansunflowergroundnutpalm 1998/99 1999/00 2000/01 2001/02 2002/03 2003/04 2004/05 2005/06 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 2009/10 Jan. 11 483 356 336 412 534 633 545 573 771 1327 826 924 1374 560 413 428 587 592 663 703 635 846 1639 837 956 1492 801 744 685 659 1139 1178 1102 931 1219 2018 1339 1291 486 309 235 329 421 481 392 416 655 1058 633 793

18 Objective: To evaluate improved groundnut lines for high oil content and select those adapted to the local environment

19 Materials and methods No. of entries: 12 Design: RCB with 3 replications Locations: 2 (Ejura and Fumesua)

20 Table 6. Days to 50% flowering Entry FumesuaEjuraMean 1. ICGV 00002 2. ICGV 00171 3. ICGV 00351 “ 8. ICGV 01273 9. ICGV 01274 10.ICGV 01279 11.MANIPINTA 12.ADEPA 28 26 27 “ 28 29 28 25 30 27 29 “ 28 31 29 26.5 28 “ 28 30 29 28.5 27 Mean Cv(%) SED 28 0.9 4.0 NS 29 4.5 1.1 *

21 Table 7. Days to maturity Entry FumesuaEjuraMean 1. ICGV 00002 2. ICGV 00171 3. ICGV 00351 “ 8. ICGV 01273 9. ICGV 01274 10.ICGV 01279 11.MANIPINTA 12.ADEPA 105 104 “ 102 104 101 104 105 104 109 “ 100 101 97 104 109 104.5 107 106.5 101 102.5 99.0 104 102 Mean Cv(%) SED 103 2.8 2.3 NS 102 3.8 3.1 NS

22 Table 8. Pod yield (kg/ha) Entry FumesuaEjuraMean 1. ICGV 00002 2. ICGV 00171 3. ICGV 00351 “ 8. ICGV 01273 9. ICGV 01274 10.ICGV 01279 11.MANIPINTA 12.ADEPA 1117 839 1042 “ 729 410 278 190 505 1333 1553 1237 “ 2149 1676 1082 1287 1892 1225 1196 1139.5 1439 1043 680 738.5 1198.5 Mean Cv(%) SED 763 25.3 344* 1548 18.8 350.5 NS

23 Table 9. Shelling percentage Entry FumesuaEjuraMean 1. ICGV 00002 2. ICGV 00171 3. ICGV 00351 “ 8. ICGV 01273 9. ICGV 01274 10.ICGV 01279 11.MANIPINTA 12.ADEPA 63.7 72.5 63.9 “ 66.6 75 60.7 66.8 68.3 41.4 52.9 80.2 “ 53.9 50.6 45.6 49.0 46.0 52.05 62.7 72.05 “ 60.25 62.8 53.15 57.9 57.15 Mean Cv(%) SED 66.4 11.4 6.2 NS 51.1 11.9 16.63 NS

24 Activities for 2012 Confectionery groundnut lines which have given consistently high yields will be tested on-farm Multi-locational testing of High oil groundnut and Aflatoxin resistant lines

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