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My Game’s A Hit…Now What Do I Do?

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Presentation on theme: "My Game’s A Hit…Now What Do I Do?"— Presentation transcript:

1 My Game’s A Hit…Now What Do I Do?
Becky Ann Hughes VP of Product Management, PlayFirst

2 Global Leader in Mobile Family Entertainment
Large catalogue of proven games IP 650M Diner Dash Downloads LTD iOS users are over 70% female, highly engaged #2 #2 #8 #15 #13 #16 #4 #1 #13 #22 #9 #4 #8 #15

3 Active Unique Users by Month
Purpose: Show the growth in MAUs due to high retention and focus on top of the funnel Shoe PFs ability to significantly grow user base in the best year,…

4 Keys to Sustaining Success
Commitment to Native Quality Metrics Driven Live OPS Team Distribution & Cross Promotion Building Customer Relationships

5 Carefully Planned Features
3+ Years in the App Store and over 100 Updates UX Optimization Game Center Mention iOS 6 Integration IAP Venues V.2.0 IAP Currency Retina Universal FREE 2012 2011 2010

6 FUE & Population Management

7 UI/UX Iteration Diner Dash, 2012 Diner Dash, 2010

8 Fresh Content

9 Keys to Sustaining Success
Commitment to Native Quality Metrics Driven Live OPS Team Distribution & Cross Promotion Building Customer Relationships

10 PlayFirst Metrics Driven Approach
Design, Features, Economic Model Assumptions about Player Behavior Analysis Actual vs. Model Player Income Spending Patterns Balances Pinch Points A/B Test Price Sensitivity Currency Sinks Time Delay Product Placement Spending Habits Optimized Design, Features, Model Price Time vs Money Value Proposition New Assumptions about Player Behavior PlayFirst Metrics Driven Approach PURPOSE: Communicate that while new content is important, you cannot have sustained performance without a strong foundation that include a metrics driven approach to live game ops. Components include: Start with a Strong Economic Model that includes assumptions on how players will behave Constantly analyze performance and create new theories & assumptions A/B Test New Optimized model and start again Content Can Help Monetization But a Strong Foundation and an Iterative Process is most important to strong Monetization

11 Funnel & Conversion Optimization
Top of the Funnel Conversion Points Additional Monetization Venue & Currency Bundles 20% Increase in Revenues Diner Dash Optimized Retention Diner Dash Optimized Conversion PURPOSE: Communicate how User Experience Optimization can significantly impact monetization. Improvements to ARPDAU impacted by the following: Better Retention at the Top of the Funnel Optimized Conversion Points for the Free version of the game Add additional options for players to monetize Level 1 +68% Level % Level %

12 Economy Tuning

13 A/B Testing AB Test on Price Tuning for 7 days illustrates how variant group had sunk more existing currency and converted at higher bundles Note: This was a multivariate A/B Test…which we are finding is much more effective than single A/B tests.

14 Keys to Sustaining Success
Commitment to Native Quality Metrics Driven Live OPS Team Distribution & Cross Promotion Building Customer Relationships

15 Focus Marketing Efforts for Maximum Impact
PlayFirst Promotion & Publishing Network P3N App Store Optimization Monitor chart rankings and installs daily

16 Keys to Sustaining Success
Commitment to Native Quality Metrics Driven Live OPS Team Distribution & Cross Promotion Building Customer Relationships

17 Build Strong Customer Relationships
Establish a direct line of communication Ongoing focus tests and surveys Rapid customer support response times Create and manage a community hub

18 Keep players engaged over the long run
40% older than 120 days 73% older than 31 days Purpose: Show our ability to maximize player population with limited influx of new users. This is DT Zoo Population Age

19 Keys to Sustaining Success
Maintain a backlog and carefully plan features Closely monitor customer behavior Keep a live ops team focused and motivated Focus marketing efforts for maximum impact Nurture a lasting customer relationship

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