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Impact of HNI and Future Directions Helix Nebula General Assembly ESRIN, 21 September 2016 Wolfgang Lengert, ESA.

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Presentation on theme: "Impact of HNI and Future Directions Helix Nebula General Assembly ESRIN, 21 September 2016 Wolfgang Lengert, ESA."— Presentation transcript:

1 Impact of HNI and Future Directions Helix Nebula General Assembly ESRIN, 21 September 2016 Wolfgang Lengert, ESA

2 2HNI GA, ESRIN, 21 Sep 2016 ESA’s new mandated of the C-Min 2014 resolution: “competitiveness of European industry, at all level of the industrial chain,...”.

3 Wolfgang Lengert, ESA3HNI GA, ESRIN, 21 Sep 2016 Space environment OECD space economy at a glance: "The space sector plays an increasingly pivotal role in the efficient functioning of modern societies and their economic development. The use of satellite technology in navigation, communications, meteorology, and earth observation is giving rise to a growing stream of applications in such areas as air traffic control, transport, natural resource management, agriculture, environmental and climate change monitoring, entertainment and so on, which in turn are creating new downstream uses and new markets. Space is increasingly seen as a contributing lever for economic growth, social well-being and sustainable development. " " IT companies are becoming satellite operators and rapid growth in small satellite launches will mean more commercialisation of earth observation data.” Google as EO satellite operator has following mission statement: “rethinking geospacial bigger” “uncover signals of the global economy” Google as EO satellite operator has following mission statement: “rethinking geospacial bigger” “uncover signals of the global economy”

4 Wolfgang Lengert, ESA4HNI GA, ESRIN, 21 Sep 2016 4 Impact should be created by: Building a new satellite mission operations concept including our new Space industry. Adopt a new market-driven approach using “open & free” data as a catalyst enabling “consumer space” (e.g. GPS)

5 5Wolfgang Lengert, ESAHNI GA, ESRIN, 21 Sep 2016 4 parallel INFOaaS stimulus projects shall address the following objectives: Prove that InfoaaS in the marketplace environment provides sustainable revenues, Analyze the InfoaaS potential to create new jobs addressing modern information sector needs, Analyze and/or demonstrate if existing EC investments (e.g. Copernicus downstream services) can be reused. This project should provide indications how EC funded downstream service projects could become attractive to be picked up in a business environment. To provide evidence that the value adding chain works (price/cost throughout the value creation) Consider cross-domain (space & in-situ) use case developments

6 INFOaaS - Collaborative economy Atos - SparkInData – Oil & Gas Service - Land movement monitoring Business study Faculty of economics and business administration of Amsterdam Land movement monitoring service Leverage existing European assets & investments  Helix Nebula IaaS / HN team  SparkInData PaaS / Atos  DORIS project / IREA-CNR  ERS - Envisat data / ESA

7 7Wolfgang Lengert, ESAHNI GA, ESRIN, 21 Sep 2016 Science Data Cloud ●Using Sentinel-1 data ●Executed on CloudSigma and Planetek ICT ●Service offering made available on the CloudEO Store utilizing a pay per use pricing model ●Implementing revenue share & pay per use between the contributing partners

8 8Wolfgang Lengert, ESAHNI GA, ESRIN, 21 Sep 2016 Connected Nutrient Management The added-value (satellite map-overlay approach) N in Kg/ha = Actual Biomass Yield Potential + Yield increase of 3% - 6% could be achieved even on best soils = 60 – 120 €/ha more net profit Scientifically approved by multi-year research results of the TU Munich (Maidl, 2012) Fertilization StrategyYieldNitrogen applied Net Profit: Revenue – N-costs Uniform (conventional) 84.1 dt/ha246 kg N1 294 €/ha Map-Overlay Site-specific 87.1 dt/ha242 kg N1 353 €/ha +4.5% Smart Fertilization (Map Overlay)

9 9Wolfgang Lengert, ESAHNI GA, ESRIN, 21 Sep 2016 INFOaaS TEISS : 4 partners : CloudEO, SixSq, Siemens, EGI et Thales Services (INFOrmation as a Service) – INFOaaS TEISS is a multisided platform ecosystem, fostering re-use of each piece of the value chain, while valuing the ownership of Intellectual Property. This kind of ecosystems faces the lifecycle challenges of (1) fast implementation, (2) adoption, (3) scaling and (4) competition. INFOaaS on:  coastal monitoring for oil company  agricultural service Thales ESA INFOaaS Stimulus Open INFOaaS Stimulus co-ordination across partners: 1 common demo and flyer during ESA Big data conference 15/03/2016 Toulouse Space Show 29/6/2016 INFOaaS Stimulus co-ordination across partners: 1 common demo and flyer during ESA Big data conference 15/03/2016 Toulouse Space Show 29/6/2016

10 Wolfgang Lengert, ESA10HNI GA, ESRIN, 21 Sep 2016 Univ Amsterdam MBA students: 11 value propositions building on “open & free” satellite data addressing: Agriculture support for decision making for farmers Wind power in maritime transport Exploiting Algen for food and energy Fire prevention and monitoring Costal cultivation support Identification of domestic Cannabis plantation in cities ….  Analysis of environment, value proposition, expected revenue considering that satellites are a global data source.  Following entrepreneur scheme!

11 Wolfgang Lengert, ESA11HNI GA, ESRIN, 21 Sep 2016 The European cloud public-private partnership   unique diversity all working along a common goal Strategic Plan  Establish multi- tenant, multi- provider cloud infrastructure  Identify and adopt policies for trust, security and privacy  Create governance structure  Define funding schemes Strategic Plan  Establish multi- tenant, multi- provider cloud infrastructure  Identify and adopt policies for trust, security and privacy  Create governance structure  Define funding schemes To support the computing capacity needs for the ATLAS experiment Setting up a new service to simplify analysis of large genomes, for a deeper insight into evolution and biodiversity To create an Earth Observation platform, focusing on earthquake and volcano research To improve the speed and quality of research for finding surrogate biomarkers based on brain images Adopters Suppliers Additional Users: March 2016

12 12Wolfgang Lengert, ESAHNI GA, ESRIN, 21 Sep 2016 In order to allow establishment and growth of a “smart” ecosystem, the following principles have been identifier (HN - Big Picture Task Force) Fair and equitable access to all resources (data, intellectual properties, expertise, enabling / computing). The underlying implementation principle is intelligent and equitable brokerage within a competitive environment. R&D-driven governance being attractive for the private sector. The “smart” world relies on the dynamic creation of value chains, triggered by innovation. The global R&D environment intends the provision of full access to all assets as a commodity to be attractive for the private sector, including SMEs, to provide as part of a “smart” and sustainable economy11. Each market place participant remains in full control of the implementation of their data policy, Intellectual Property (IP) and the implementation of their T&C. Therefore identity management and tracking needs to be considered, to the level of those of financial systems today with respect to ownership, EU-compliant data protection, security and trust. The T&C defines both the scientific and commercial value of their IP, which is tagged and tracked (e.g. open and free for €0, but with applicable T&C). Traceability: similar to current financial systems and manufacturing components12, IP use and re- use needs to be traceable throughout the global system. As part of the solution proposed by INFOaaS, a chart could be defined adding few mo Introduce new rules, making Europe R&D environment mostly attractive for global IPR owners

13 13Wolfgang Lengert, ESAHNI GA, ESRIN, 21 Sep 2016 Impact Conceptually concerning mission operations …  still “cloud free”, despite that the 4 Stimulus projects proved that: “Science into business” works! New INFOaaS businesses have been created Re-use of scientific IPRs creates business opportunities New demand-supply relation ships are being created (cross-domain has not been exploited yet)

14 14Wolfgang Lengert, ESAHNI GA, ESRIN, 21 Sep 2016 Conclusion The 4 INFOaaS stimulus projects and the MBA students have shown that money is not in the “open & free” data, but can be earned by bringing them in a information context using: modern cloud technology (see the 4 HN strategic objectives) Building on diversity: open system  no limitation based on domain & themes; every contributor enriches the system! Complex value chains, bringing IPRs into ever new contexts (re-use),  Essential prerequisite: clear rules on IPR owner-ship and structures supporting it

15 15Wolfgang Lengert, ESAHNI GA, ESRIN, 21 Sep 2016 Conclusion on impact Helix Nebula is conceptually not used by ESA-EO  As of today no impact for EO satellite operations has been created! HOWEVER: European Association of Remote Sensing Companies (EARSC) has picked up the Market Place Idea from HN Bob had in June a key note presentation setting the scene for EARSC members to the market place build "Aerospace & Defence Industries Association of Europe” (ASD) communicated: – … given that both ESA and Industry share the concerns and challenges stemming from the paradigm change brought by the advent of the IT sector outside Europe (e.g. Google geospatial services, low-cost EO satellites, mass market potential for ground segment of Skybox Imaging etc.) the future EO Strategy ought to adopt a revolutionary, market-driven approach.” – ESA should consider the very likely impact of the potential revolution in market driven EO (and communications) in terms of its relationship with industry and in deriving solutions for its stakeholders and partners…."

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