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Denton Independent School District. High School Enrollment School Size and Academic Achievement 10 Year Plan Timeline Cost Estimates Bond Amortization.

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Presentation on theme: "Denton Independent School District. High School Enrollment School Size and Academic Achievement 10 Year Plan Timeline Cost Estimates Bond Amortization."— Presentation transcript:

1 Denton Independent School District

2 High School Enrollment School Size and Academic Achievement 10 Year Plan Timeline Cost Estimates Bond Amortization

3 Elementary Projections by Region CapacityCurrentProjections Campus NameFunctional2012/132013/142014/152015/162016/172017/182018/192019/202020/212021/222022/23 Cross Oaks Elementary School740466508549571626686734782830884938 Paloma Creek Elementary School740743661716760789822828834840846851 Savannah Elementary School7406296557308009229841,0561,1421,2331,3181,408 Providence Elementary School7405026717187648299029731,0461,1261,2121,304 000No. 23633679718761672710750 No. 25 643 No. 27 2023 Blanton Elementary School740719757759779771796826842855888922 E P Rayzor Elementary School740693685680662683707751797850903959 Lantana Elementary 22 480 485501526546568597627 McNair Elementary School740548520527508506502509514515521533 Hawk Elementary School740711686667653647641648647650655654 Evers Park Elementary School740548544554574591613640664703748794 Newton Rayzor Elementary School740645680683697693665664652657669682 Borman Elementary School740449453457464478494531574628684752 Ryan Elementary School740605621619653683689736764801837869 735 No 26 Houston Elementary School740611638658676684719724710713 715 Nelson Elementary School740663647643642653643641 637 Ginnings Elementary School740626632647666671687703724741763785 Hodge Elementary School740684704711743762788812836868899932 Lee Elementary School740599614607635641661676694715738765 No. 24581600621 Rivera Elementary School740543580583589607616595600 609 Wilson Elementary School740612601578574560570577584593597599 Olive Stephens Elementary School740521525528509512495505501502501497 Pecan Creek Elementary School740715743766792812828845875899926943

4 Based on current data, Middle School #8 would be located east of Lake Lewisville, and would be needed 2017. The capacity of MS #8 may need to increase in order for two middle schools to service the 380 corridor area.

5 HIGH SCHOOL CAMPUS ENROLLMENT PROJECTIONS CapacityHistoryCurrentProjections Campus NameFunctional2011/122012/132013/142014/152015/162016/172017/182018/192019/202020/212021/222022/23 Denton High School 1,8421,9982,0432,0991,8781,9642,0842,1092,1702,2282,3022,395 Fred Moore High School 3172 John Guyer High School 2,1372,1982,3022,3672,1572,3312,4872,6712,688 2,6442,620 Ryan High School 2,1852,2882,4012,4642,0322,0882,1862,2172,2782,3562,4272,522 High School #4 00001,1771,3191,4081,5271,6001,7121,9112,076 Total High School 6,1956,5566,8187,0027,3167,7748,2378,5968,8089,0569,3569,685 High School growth 222361262184314458463359212248300329 Assumptions High School Number 4 attendance boundary includes all areas east of Lake Lewisville and includes all of the Navo Middle School attendance boundary The new Ryan High School attendance boundary includes all of the current Strickland Middle School boundary and Myers attendance boundaries. The new Denton High School attendance boundary includes all of the current Calhoun Middle School boundary and McMath Middle School attendance boundaries. The new Guyer High School attendance boundary includes all of the current Harpool Middle School boundary and Crownover Middle School attendance boundaries. Current High School Boundaries Current Middle School Boundaries

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