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The Geology and Landforms of Wisconsin’s Driftless Area Cameron Brooks-Miller.

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Presentation on theme: "The Geology and Landforms of Wisconsin’s Driftless Area Cameron Brooks-Miller."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Geology and Landforms of Wisconsin’s Driftless Area Cameron Brooks-Miller

2 The Driftless Area Deeply cut river valleys Karst topography Dramatic bedrock uplands Undisrupted erosion and deposition Absence of glaciation Drift is a generic term for any sediments of glacial origin – whether till or outwash or ICSD. Why? How? Where?

3 The Paleozoic Plateau ● Extending within the boundary of southwestern Wisconsin, northwestern Illinois, northeastern Iowa and a portion of southeastern Minnesota ● Topographically elevated region of Paleozoic sedimentary rock the surrounds the Driftless Area. ● The Driftless Area lies within this region.

4 Bedrock Geology Sandstone Limestone Karst Environments Deeply incised river valleys and dramatic bluffs. Valleys have hundreds of meters of Quaternary deposits.

5 Features

6 Formational Influences Lakes Michigan and Superior Topography of bedrock Lowland channeling Bedrock highlands to the northeast Other hypotheses

7 Thank You!

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