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On the Pulse Housing routes to better health outcomes for older people Amy Swan – National Housing Federation.

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Presentation on theme: "On the Pulse Housing routes to better health outcomes for older people Amy Swan – National Housing Federation."— Presentation transcript:

1 On the Pulse Housing routes to better health outcomes for older people Amy Swan – National Housing Federation

2 Breaking the Mould: Re-visioning older people’s housing Housing and dementia Social care reform – integration of housing, health and social care Health and Social Care Act Amy Swan – National Housing Federation Background

3 Who are housing associations? Independent, not-for-profit landlords 860,000 older tenants Investment in housing development (£8bn a year) Investment in managing housing (£4.5bn a year) Investment in health and wellbeing of tenants and communities (£74m a year)

4 Innovative solutions help older people to recover their independence after illness, stroke, injury or trauma get people home from hospital quickly, while preventing hospital admissions and readmissions delay the need for more intensive care and support reduce the likelihood of emergency admissions help to stabilise and manage chronic conditions such as dementia enable people to remain in their homes to the end of their lives maximise the benefits of technology, such as telecare. Amy Swan – National Housing Federation

5 What’s in a case study? Contribution to NHS, public health and adult social care outcomes Contribution to Quality, Innovation, Productivity and Prevention (QIPP) programme Cost and efficiency savings to health and social care Central role of housing in providing coordinated and integrated services Amy Swan – National Housing Federation

6 Home from hospital – Alliance Homes Assessment and referral service delivered by Alliance Homes, Age UK Somerset, North Somerset Care & Repair, Rethink/Reconnect and Brunel Care Representative in hospital every day, working with discharge teams to process referrals, carry out single joint assessments and home visits, and provide support to patients. Particularly aimed at people who don’t meet FAC criteria, without friends and family Why it works? Commitment from local authority to prevention agenda, significance of housing knowledge and a settled home, commitment to partnership working, training to hospital staff and communication with senior management 500 referrals, saving of £343,000

7 Re-ablement and telecare – Coast ad Country Housing Referrals made by social care re-ablement team C&C installs tailored telecare packages 48 hours after referral Re-ablement assistants help people to use technology with 24/7 customer contact centre. Why it works? C&C’s knowledge of tenants’ needs and expectations, emphasis on tenants’ independance and management of risks in the home, integration with minor adaptations and equipment loan, and staff in hospitals ad social care settings. Potential saving of £400 per person per week

8 Social care reform - opportunities “Fragmented health, housing and support are letting people down. A failure to join up also means that taxpayers’ money is not getting used as effectively as possible, and can lead to increased costs for the NHS.” £1.3 billion for re-ablement available from 2013/14 Draft care and support Bill – Duty of local authorities to commission and provide preventative services, and promote integration of services and social care and housing to work together Integration framework for health and social care Telecare and telehealth –Three Million Lives campaign DH and Foundations – linking up HIA services to GPs/hospitals Care and housing fund £300m Use of NHS land

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