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Innovative marketing methods By the German group.

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Presentation on theme: "Innovative marketing methods By the German group."— Presentation transcript:

1 Innovative marketing methods By the German group

2 Marketing methods Ambience Marketing/ Advertising Online / Viral Marketing Guerilla Marketing


4 Viral Marketing

5 Guerilla Marketing


7 Our street survey  Where do you realize the most advertising ? 1. TV/ Radio – 50% 2. Internet/ online – 30% 3. On the street – 20% 4. On vehicles – 0%


9 Our street survey  Do the ambience of a shop influence you? 1. Yes – 55% 2. No – 5% 3. In some cases – 40%


11 Our street survey What’s the biggest influence if you buy something? 1. Price 2. Quality 3. Cleanliness 4. Friendliness

12 Our street survey How do you react to advertisements on the internet? 1. I just follow the link – 0% 2. If the product is interesting I follow the link – 10% 3. I ignore the link – 90%


14 Our street survey Do you know the innovative marketing methods (Viral-, Guerilla-, Ambience marketing)? 1. Everybody knows them but nobody knows the difference between them.

15 Our street survey What’s your opinion about Viral-marketing? 1. I think it’s a very successful strategy – 70% 2. I think it doesn’t make sense – 30%


17 Our street survey Have you ever noticed Ambience Marketing campaignes? 1. Yes – 80% 2. No – 20%


19 Our street survey Do you think that teenagers are positively influenced by advertising against alcohol, drugs, smoking and unprotected sex? 1. Yes – 55% 2. No – 45%


21 Conclusion These innovative marketing techniques influence you to buy more products than you wanted

22 One interview

23 Innovative marketing techniques in our town Ketterer Getriebe in Furtwangen Smarts for the trainees Advertisement on cars 20-50€ a month

24 Thank for your attention

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