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Him Academy Public School Hamirpur (H.P.) India. Presentation on Lohri (Makarsankrant) Festival.

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1 Him Academy Public School Hamirpur (H.P.) India. Presentation on Lohri (Makarsankrant) Festival

2 Lohri IIIIt is the harvest festival of India. IIIIt is celebrated in Northern India especially in the states of Punjab Himachal Pradesh and Haryana

3 Lohri celebrated in the country in different forms and with different names.  I I I In South India it is called Pongal, in Assam Bhugali Bihu in Andhra Pradesh Bhogi and in Central India it is called Maker Sankranti

4 Celebration MMMMostly celebrated on 13th January every year MMMMajority of Indian festivals are based on Lunar Calendar. HHHHowever Lohri is based on the solar or sun movements.

5 Why it is celebrated? IIIIt is celebrated to mark the end of winters.  T T T The earth farthest from the sun at this point of time starts its journey towards sun. TTTThe Lohri festivities are associated with the harvesting of the Rabi crops.  I I I In January the fields begin to show the promise of a good harvest. Thus the farmers gather together thanking the God for a good crop.

6 How it is celebrated ?  I I I It is usually celebrated in the evenings. A huge bone fire is lit in the middle of a ground. The bone fire symbolizes the sun during the Lohri celebrations.  G oing around the fire is considered holy. Every one circles around the bone fire, throwing sweets and savories into the fire. Milk and water are also poured around the bonefire.

7 How it is celebrated ? TTTThis ritual is performed for thanking the Sun God and seeking his continued protection. TTTThen they pick up the eatables tossed about the fire and distribute them as holy food to every one. Dances are performed by men and women on the energetic beat of drums.

8 How it is celebrated ? During this festival many carols are also sung. Children go house to house to sing the carols and the house owners give them offerings in the form of holy food and money. One of the most famous carols that is sung during the Lohri festival is-

9 How it is celebrated ? Sundri Mundri Hei! Hoi! Tera Kaun Bechara! Hoi! Dullah Bhatti wala! Hoi! Tera Kaun Bechara! Hoi! Dullah Bhatti wala! Hoi! Dullah Di Dhi viyahi ! Hoi ! Sher ShaKar pai! Hoi! Dullah Di Dhi viyahi ! Hoi ! Sher ShaKar pai! Hoi! Kuri de Mamme aaye! Hoi! UnaNe ChuRi Kuti! Hoi! Kuri de Mamme aaye! Hoi! UnaNe ChuRi Kuti! Hoi! Jimidari Lutti! Hoi! Jimidari Lutti! Hoi!

10 Kite Festival

11 " T h e ‘ P r a s a d ‘ o r t h e h o l y f o o d c o m p r i s e s o f a f e w s e a s o n a l s a v o r i e s a n d s w e e t s l i k e t i l s e e d s, j a g g e r y, p e a n u t s, p o p c o r n s, s u g a r c a n e e t c. Holy Food

12 " I t c o m p r i s e s f a v o u r i t e w i n t e r f o o d l i k e M a k k i K i R o t i ( m u l t i m i l l e t h a n d – r o l l e d b r e a d ) a n d S a r s o n K a S a a g ( c o o k e d m u s t a r d h e r b s ), P u l a o / K h i c h d r i ( r i c e p r e p a r a t i o n ). I t c a n b e e a t e n w i t h c u r d o r w i t h b u t t e r.. Traditional Dinner

13 Universal Value It conveys that a fresh start is always good. Though the modes of celebrating Lohri are different in India, but the massage conveyed by the festival is that the people should move away from dark negativity and thank god for all he has given.

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