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Elementary PowerPoint 3: Municipal Elections. Opening Discussion Have you ever voted for something before? How was the winner decided? Did you think the.

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Presentation on theme: "Elementary PowerPoint 3: Municipal Elections. Opening Discussion Have you ever voted for something before? How was the winner decided? Did you think the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Elementary PowerPoint 3: Municipal Elections

2 Opening Discussion Have you ever voted for something before? How was the winner decided? Did you think the process was fair?

3 Elections Elections are contests of leadership, ideas, power and politics. An electoral system or voting system is the method of choosing our politicians. Voting systems differ based on the way candidates are presented on a ballot and the process for determining who wins.

4 First-Past-the-Post First-Past-The-Post (FPTP) is the voting system currently used across Canada and for municipal and school board elections in Saskatchewan. The winning candidate must receive the most votes.

5 Example of First-Past-The-Post CANDIDATE NUMBER OF VOTES Thomas 340 Lisa 401 Mohamed 155 Emma 191 Question: Only one candidate is elected in the race. Which candidate is the winner?

6 The Municipal Election Process Chair of the Council: Mayors and reeves are all elected at large (by all eligible voters in the municipality). Reeves are only elected in rural municipalities. Question: Does your municipality have a mayor or a reeve?

7 The Municipal Election Process Councillors: Elected at large or by a ward or division system. In a ward/division system, the municipality is broken down into smaller geographic areas that vote for their own representatives. Questions: How many councillors are elected in your municipality? How are they elected?

8 Municipal Election Dates Municipal elections in Saskatchewan are held for each office every four years. Urban municipalities and northern municipalities will hold elections on October 26, 2016. Resort villages held elections on July 30, 2016. Rural municipalities have a staggered approach where they hold elections for selected divisions every two years. Each councillor holds office for a four year term. –Elections for reeves and councillors representing odd-numbered divisions will be held on October 26, 2016. –Elections for councillors representing even-numbered divisions are scheduled for October 24, 2018.

9 One Member or Multiple Members In single-member races, only one candidate is elected. –For example, such as in the case of a race for mayor/reeve or a council race where only one person is selected to represent one ward/division. In multi-member races, voters elect more than one representative. –For example, six councillors may be elected at large for the entire community. Under each election type, voters mark their ballots for as many candidates as there are seats up for contest (i.e., six choices if six candidates are elected at large).

10 Candidates A candidate is an individual who competes for the job of elected representative. Candidates campaign during elections to share their ideas and try to convince community members to vote for them. There are no political parties (i.e., Liberals, NDP) at the municipal level in Saskatchewan. The council candidates still have campaign strategies and a list of goals for the community, but they work as independent politicians.

11 Discussion Would you ever be a candidate and run for election? How would you share your message and convince others to vote for you? How can you find out more about how the council is elected in your community?

12 How does someone run for election? In order to run as a municipal election candidate in Saskatchewan, you must be: –At least 18 years of age on election day; –A Canadian citizen; –A Saskatchewan resident for the past six months; –Not disqualified from being nominated by the Local Government Elections Act or any other Act.

13 Getting to know the Candidates There are many ways to learn about your local candidates: –Traditional media sources (radio, TV, newspaper and magazines) –Social media (websites, Twitter, Facebook) –Candidate debates or town hall meetings –Campaign offices and events, door-to-door canvassing –Discussion with family and friends

14 Final Thoughts How should you compare and evaluate candidates? What qualities and skills do you expect from politicians? What local issues are important to you? What else do you want to know or research before making your decision?

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