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Bullying and Feelings © Changing Faces 2009 Registered Charity No Charity registered in Scotland SC

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Presentation on theme: "Bullying and Feelings © Changing Faces 2009 Registered Charity No Charity registered in Scotland SC"— Presentation transcript:

1 Bullying and Feelings © Changing Faces 2009 Registered Charity No. 1011222 Charity registered in Scotland SC039725

2 If somebody says something nice we feel happy If some body says something unkind we feel sad or hurt or angry

3 Is this boy happy or sad? How can you tell?

4 Is this lady happy or sad? How can you tell? How else might she be feeling?

5 How can you tell? How else might he be feeling? Is this boy happy or sad?

6 Is this man happy or sad? How can you tell? How else might he be feeling?

7 What is Bullying? Bullying is when a person is made to feel uncomfortable, upset or hurt on purpose. Someone can be bullied by one person or a group or people. Bullying happens more than once.

8 People Bully in Different Ways Bullying might be saying something unkind Bullying might be doing something unkind

9 What kinds of things might bullies do?

10 Bullying can be: hitting, kicking, slapping, pinching, biting, poking. hiding or spoiling someone’s things or work. name calling, unkind jokes, saying nasty things about family and friends. ignoring someone or not letting them play with you.

11 Imagine… Someone in the playground makes a horrible face at you. Then at lunch time they push you in the queue. In small groups roleplay: How this would make you feel. What you could do in this situation.

12 What can I do if I’m being bullied? Stand up to the person bullying you – Say “No, stop it!” in a loud voice. Tell someone – a friend, a teacher, any adult in school, someone in your family. Put on a brave face and ignore the person bullying you. Remember how great you are and smile. Take a friend with you if you think you might see someone who might say or do something unkind.

13 Imagine… You are with a good friend, when you see another person in your class making nasty comments to someone in the year below. You have seen this happen once before. In small groups role play: How this would make you feel. What you could do in this situation.

14 What can we do if we see someone being bullied? Tell an adult in school. Tell the person bullying to stop what they are saying or doing (you can do this on your own or with a friend). Call the person being bullied over. Ask them to play with you or talk to them about what’s been happening.

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