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Anti-Bullying Week Take a stand against bullying.

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Presentation on theme: "Anti-Bullying Week Take a stand against bullying."— Presentation transcript:

1 Anti-Bullying Week Take a stand against bullying

2 Different types of bullying VerbalPhysicalSocialCyber

3 When does it become bullying? …it’s bullying …help stop it. If someone is being made to feel bad...Several Times On Purpose

4 Stand up – tell the bully to stop. Take action – walk away or find help. Open up – tell someone you trust about the bullying. Protect yourself – it’s not your fault so make sure you get support.

5 Cyber bullying – What does this look like? Sending mean or unkind messages Sharing things about someone with others with the aim to upset or passing on things unkindly Stealing passwords and pretending to be someone else Using social media to pick on people publicly

6 Keep a copy of anything that you receive and show a trusted adult Think carefully before you choose to share anything with your friends. Keep your passwords a secret and keep them safe. Report the bullying to an administrator and tell an adult. Protect yourself – don’t be a victim of cyber-bullying!

7 Don’t send anything that you wouldn’t want to receive. Don’t share ideas, pictures, images, thoughts that you know would upset or embarrass someone. Respect other people’s security. Don’t say anything online that you know you wouldn't say in real life. Protect yourself – don’t be a cyber-bully!

8 It is just as bad as face to face bullying. If school finds out that children have been cyber-bullying (even at home) we will take it as seriously as if it happened in school. It is easier to trace the source of bullying online than in the real world so think carefully before you ‘click’. Some cyber bullying is against the law. Nothing is secret online – consider what others would think of you if you have been a cyber-bully. Cyber bullying – the facts!

9 Several Times On Purpose Verbal Social Physical Cyber Stand Up Take Action Open up Protect Yourself Help keep Hillcrest a Bully Free zone

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