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Work Safety Health and Living Environment Textile Finishing Technology SMKN 1 KATAPANG KABUPATEN BANDUNG KELAS X SEMESTER 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Work Safety Health and Living Environment Textile Finishing Technology SMKN 1 KATAPANG KABUPATEN BANDUNG KELAS X SEMESTER 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Work Safety Health and Living Environment Textile Finishing Technology SMKN 1 KATAPANG KABUPATEN BANDUNG KELAS X SEMESTER 1

2 Di susun Oleh : ASEP RUCHIYAT S, S.Pd Bk Teks Work Safety Health and Living Environment

3 1. Work safety anf health description 2. K3 procedure implementation 3. Living environment concept implementation 4. First aid procedure implementation LEARNED BASIC COMPETENCE

4 1. Standar Operasional Prosedur (SOP) SOP is an important thing to do for work health and safety of workers in work field. SOP has the advantages in handling work risk for workers to do their job safe.

5 SOP is made according to its jobs and regulations to minimalize work accident which is caused by careless work. SOP will be efficient and effective in preventing an accident iff there is cooperation between workers.

6 2. work health and safety procedure SOP should be considered to : 1. the area of work field 2. the traffict of work field 3. lighting 4. ventilation

7 5.Work equipment should be adjusted to work process. 6. Work equipment should be set appropiately. 7. Electric switch should be able to reach easily 8. Work health and safety equifments must be in good management.

8 9. lab wall should be painted colorful 10. Make border every work space 11.Ware shop should be able to watch easily 12. Oil warehouse must be located away from work field

9 3. danger and caution signs procedure in making instruction signs and way of locating them as follows a. every stair, holedd floor, tunnel b. Every room containing bio hazard/ flameable substance c. Every room containing poisoned substances d. Signs hould be seen clearly by work

10 Pay attention to this caution : Danger Circle Red for background White for font black for font white for background Be careful Do not work without protector

11 Waitch for symbols of caution :  Explosive (explosivable subsatnce)  code: E

12  Oxidizing (pengoksidasi) code: O

13  Extremely flammable (amat sangat mudah terbakar)  Code : F+

14  Highly flammable (sangat mudah terbakar)  code: F

15 danger for health  Very toxic (sangat beracun)  code: T+

16  Toxic (beracun)  code: T

17  Harmful (berbahaya)  code : Xn

18  Corrosive (korosif)  code : C

19  Irritant (menyebabkan iritasi)  code : Xi

20  Danger for environment  code : N

21 4. Work safety equipments Picture 1. goggles

22 Picture 2. helmet Picture 3. gloves Picture 4. weld goggles

23 Picture 5. ears protector/ earphones Picture 6. boots Picture 7. respiratory mask

24 5. Emergency handling 1). Burned injury 2). poisoned 3). shocked 4.) abrasionand bruined 5) Injury by sharp

25 6). Injury by needle 7). Eyed iritation 8). Injury by electricity 9). Bleeding and the way to stop

26 6. Chemical protection and safety 1). Sulphuric Acid. 2). Coustic acid 3. Zat Hidrogen Klorida

27 7. Conflagration handling Kind of conflagration :  Class A conflagration of solid, except metal  Class B conflagration of liquid or gas Examples : gasoline, kerusen, diesel fuel, turpentine, acetylene, lpg

28  Class o conflagration by electric current examples : electric isolation, electric switch, electric motor, etc  Class d examples : magnecium, potassium, titanium

29 Conflagration signs can be detected through :  Smoky smell : burned rubber, cloth or wire  Rising smoke : white smoke, burned fosfor, black smoke or burned oil  Conflagration sorces are from lpg, kerosene (kitchen), gasoline, diesel fuel, acetylene, electric wld, dynamo, generator, oil lamp candle, garbage burning, cigarette etc.

30 Kind of extinguisher :  water  foam  Dry powder  Hydrocarbon, etc

31 1. spillway 2. peacemaker key 3. gas tube 4. channel go out serbuk 5. conclusion tin 6. rubber tube 7. channel go out gas 8. conclusion tin.

32 If you see conflagration, just remember 6 steps : Push danger signal / alarm Tell fire department

33 Tell every to get out Extinguishing fire with available equipments

34 If necessary, get out quickly Do not enter the burning building

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