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NGSS JUSD Science Committee Overview for Teachers.

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1 NGSS JUSD Science Committee Overview for Teachers

2 Support the effective implementation of the New Generation Science Standards. Support integration across content. Provide a support system for teachers Provide a forum for feedback for teachers.

3 Introduction to the NGSS science-standards- introduction

4 Where did NGSS come from? From the National Research Council (NRC) framework  Comes from the framework for K-12 science education practices, crosscutting concepts and core ideas  Performance expectations, not curriculum  Student expectations: should have a deeper knowledge of content as well as application

5 College and Career Readiness Provides a foundation for those who will become scientists, engineers, technologists and technicians of the future (STEM) Postsecondary education is critical to ensure the nation’s long term economic security Short fall of STEM employees is likely to increase, because of the increase of STEM jobs in the past ten years

6 Conceptual Shifts Provides an important opportunity to improve science education and student achievement Three dimensions:  Science and engineering practices  Crosscutting concepts  Disciplinary core ideas Importance of science and engineering in the 21 st century

7 Science and Engineering Practices 1. Asking questions (for science) and defining problem (for engineering) 2. Developing and using models 3. Planning and carrying out investigations 4. Analyzing and interpreting data 5. Using mathematics and computational thinking 6.Constructing explanations (for science) and designing solutions (for engineering) 7. Engaging in argument from evidence 8.Obtaining, evaluating, and communicating information

8 Why Practices? Engaging in the practices of science helps students understand how scientific knowledge develops; such direct involvement gives them an appreciation of the wide range of approaches that are used to investigate, model, and explain the world. “Students’ opportunities to immerse themselves in these practices and to explore why they are central to science and engineering are critical to appreciating the skill of the expert and the nature of his or her enterprise.” (National Research Council)

9 Crosscutting Concepts Intended to give students an organizational structure to understand the world and help students make sense of and connect Disciplinary Core Ideas (DCI) And have a role in the development of standards, curricula, instruction, and assessments

10 Crosscutting Concepts from the Framework: 1.Patterns 2.Cause and Effect 3.Scale, Proportion, and Quantity 4.Systems and System Models 5.Energy and Matter in Systems 6.Structure and Function 7.Stability and Change of Systems

11 Disciplinary Core Ideas Physical Sciences  Matter and Its Interactions  Motion and Stability  Energy  Waves and Their Applications in Technologies for Information Transfer

12 Disciplinary Core Ideas Life Sciences  From Molecules to Organisms  Ecosystems  Heredity  Biological Evolution

13 Disciplinary Core Ideas Earth and Space Sciences  Earth’s Place in the Universe  Earth’s Systems  Earth and Human Activity

14 Disciplinary Core Ideas Engineering, Technology, and Applications of Science  Engineering Design  Interdependence/Influence of Engineering, Technology, Science, and Society

15 NGSS Links Directly to CCSS

16 NGSS to ELA CCSS Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information Obtain, synthesize, and report findings clearly and effectively in response to task and purpose

17 NGSS to Math CCSS Models with mathematics Develop and use models Use mathematics and computational thinking

18 NGSS and CCSS Overall students will have a strong base of knowledge through content rich texts Read, write, and speak grounded evidence Construct viable arguments and critique reasoning of others Engage in argument from evidence In other words students will be exposed to rigor preparing them for 21 st century science

19 Sample Models for Course Transition to NGSS

20 Palm Springs Unified School District four year integrated middle school science sample implementation plan. Sample Models for Course Transition to NGSS

21 What will work better in Middle School: The integrated model or the domain specific model?

22 Integrated Model 6 th Grade7 th Grade8 th Grade Energy – Heat Cells and Organisms Weather and Climate Human Impacts Engineering Chemistry Ecosystems Natural Resources/ Geology Earth History Human Impacts Engineering Physics Evolution Astronomy Human Impacts Engineering Systems, Patterns, Structure and Function Energy and Matter Cause and Effect Stability and Change Scale

23 Pros vs. Cons ProsCons Publishers focusing on integrated model first Already mapped out Cross-cutting concepts Spiraling of ideas/concepts Supported by science community Aligns to CCSS progressions Enhance/foster collaboration Slow change to avoid gaps Builds on prior knowledge Students better prepared for HS, college and STEM jobs More interest for all learners More real world application K-5 already integrated Alignment to assessments Discontinuous learning Some concepts are forced together Less background for AP classes Requires extensive PD, release time, course work Student transiency Teacher anxiety/frustration Less depth of science content Teacher weakness in content areas Harder to see connections Staggered implementation??

24 Domain Specific Model 6 th Grade7 th Grade8 th Grade Weather and Climate Natural Resources/ Geology Earth History Astronomy Human Impacts Engineering Cells and Organisms Ecosystems Evolution Engineering Physics-Heat Physics Chemistry Engineering

25 Pros vs. Cons ProsCons Easier to get resources Specific subject Knowledge Cohesive flow Deeper understanding of content might be obtained Teaching expertise already there Comfort level of teachers Concepts can still be integrated Resources already available Too much content in 6 th grade Less variety in any given year Not aligned with common core Not developmentally appropriate in some instances Not supported by the science community

26 The Future  Science community supports the integrated model  Assessment may be aligned towards the integrated model.  Resources may be unbalanced towards the integrated model.  The district will probably decide by the end of January 2015.

27 Where to go to learn more about NGSS ?!?!?!

28 Online The standards and related info.: generation-science-standards generation-science-standards There’s even an app for that! California Department of Education (CDE): National Science Teacher’s Association (NSTA):

29 Me Resources  Next Generation Science Standards and Appendix  A Framework For K-12 Science Education I can provide you with ongoing updates we discuss at the District Science Committee mtgs.

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