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Carly Coombs Staff at Total Nutrition  To provide staff with an app that will get them to exercise at home without the use of a gym or equipment and.

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Presentation on theme: "Carly Coombs Staff at Total Nutrition  To provide staff with an app that will get them to exercise at home without the use of a gym or equipment and."— Presentation transcript:


2 Carly Coombs Staff at Total Nutrition

3  To provide staff with an app that will get them to exercise at home without the use of a gym or equipment and to keep them in shape.

4  Workout anywhere, anyplace  Select workout time from 5-60 minutes  Choose from strength, cardio, yoga, pilates, or stretching  Personalized workouts that fit your goals  Video of person demonstrating exercise  Build your own playlists (custom workouts)  Play from favorite album (standard workouts) No equipment needed!

5  Full Body  Power Circles, Push ups, Sit ups, Leg Lifts  Upper Body  Push ups, Tricep Lifts, Power Circles, Chest Expander  Core Strenth  Scissor kicks, Six inch and Hold, Bent Leg Twist, Burpees, Mason Twist  Lower Body  Leg Squats, High Knees, Hip Raise, Butt Kickers, Frog Jumps, Mountain Climbers

6  Four different types of cardio you can use  Light Warmup, Full Intensity, Plyometrics Jump Cardio, and Boot Camp  Some examples  Jumping Jacks  Power Jump  Up Downs  Lunge Jumps  Push Ups  Plank

7  Few different types  Yoga Sun Salutation Prayer Pose  Yoga Full Sequence Mountain Pose and Side Bends  Yoga for Runners Child Pose, Butterfly Stretch, and Downward Dog  Pilates Quadraplex, Squat Jacks, and Windmill

8  There are 4 different categories for stretching  Head to Toe Warmup  Full Body Stretch  Standing Only Stretch  Back Strengthening  A few examples  Overhead Arm Pull, Chest Stretch, Quadricep Stretch, and Butterfly Stretch

9  Download the app from the app store  FREE!  Get unlimited custom workouts with Sworkit Premium  $2.99 a month  $19.99 a year  Preview the app through ItunesItunes Click here!

10  Daily/weekly goals  Show calories burned per minute  Win medals for every exercise completed  Cheaper than a gym membership  Speak directly to a trainer with questions  Listen to music  Syncs with Spotify  Fit in 5 minutes

11  This app is cheap, easy, and convenient and will get you to get in shape without using any equipment or without leaving the house.

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