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Fall 2012 Branding Campaign. Fall Branding TV Spots.

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Presentation on theme: "Fall 2012 Branding Campaign. Fall Branding TV Spots."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fall 2012 Branding Campaign

2 Fall Branding TV Spots


4 Fall Branding TV Weeks of 10/8, 10/15, 10/22, 11/12, 11/19 & 11/26 Avoid weeks of 10/29 & 11/5 due to political WBAL Early news (M-F, Sat, Sun) Today Show (M-F, Sat, Sun) Chris Matthews (Sun) Meet the Press (Sun) WBFF Early news (M-F, Sat, Sun) WMAR Good Morning America (M-F, Sat, Sun) Good Morning Maryland (M-F) WJZ Early news (M-F, Sat, Sun) CBS this Morning (M-F) Face the Nation (Sun)

5 Fall Branding Cable Weeks of 10/8, 10/15, 10/22, 11/12, 11/19 & 11/26 Avoid weeks of 10/29 & 11/5 due to political BRAVO Gallery Girls COMEDY CENTRAL Tosh.O South Park Stand up Comedy Daily Show/Colbert Report E! The Soup Chelsea Lately LIFETIME Project Runway MTV Awkward The Challenge TOON Adult Swim TRAVEL Man v. Food VH1 Behind the Music

6 Fall Branding Online

7 Homepage pushdown Expanded: Homepage banner:

8 Leaderboard (728x90) Frame 1 Frame 2 Frame 3 Frame 4

9 Leaderboard (728x90) Frame 1 Frame 2 Frame 3 Frame 4

10 Leaderboard (728x90) Frame 1 Frame 2 Frame 3 Frame 4

11 Leaderboard (728x90) Frame 1 Frame 2 Frame 3 Frame 4

12 Cube (300x250) This banner will run both with and without video.

13 Cube (300x250)



16 Large-size ads Sizes include 640x480, 700x500 and 300x600. These banners will run both with and without video.

17 Mobile Ads Ads will run on smart phones and tablets. Sizes include 320x53, 300x50, 216x36, 728x90, 300x250. Ads are static (no animation) and cannot accommodate video.

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