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External Outlook Philippians 3: “Birds of a feather flock together.”

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1 External Outlook Philippians 3:15-21


3 “Birds of a feather flock together.”

4 “Eagles and pigeons don’t hang out together.”



7 Follow Christ-Like Examples 1.Practice what you’ve learned (vs. 15-16) 2.Follow my example (v. 17) 3.Avoid practices of enemies of the cross (vs 18-19) 4.Live as citizens of Heaven (vs. 20-21)

8 DISCUSSION GUIDE 1.Paul begins verse 15 by saying that mature believers should “take such a view of things.” Think about last week’s lesson. What is Paul saying?

9 DISCUSSION GUIDE 2.What was Paul’s hope for the believers who disagreed with him? (Philippians 3:15) Paul hopes that if some believers don’t have the attitude that he has previously described, God will make it clear to them.

10 DISCUSSION GUIDE 3.What should be our “minimum standard?” (Philippians 3:16) Paul says that we should live up to that standard that we have already attained.

11 DISCUSSION GUIDE 4.What is Paul’s meaning?

12 DISCUSSION GUIDE 5.What is Paul’s very first admonition in verse 17? Paul tells the believers to “join together.”

13 DISCUSSION GUIDE 6.After the believers have “joined together” what are they to do? (Philippians 3:17) The believers are to join together and follow the example of Paul.

14 DISCUSSION GUIDE 7.Who are other models for the believers in Philippi? (Philippians 3:17) Paul says the Philippian believers should watch other believers that live as Paul does.

15 DISCUSSION GUIDE 8.Have you ever told someone else to “Follow my example?” What requirements does that place on you? Who might be looking to you as a role model?

16 DISCUSSION GUIDE 9.What fact has Paul shared often with the Philippian believers? (Philippians 3:18) Paul reminds them that many live as enemies of the cross of Christ.

17 DISCUSSION GUIDE 10.Paul makes four statements about these enemies of the cross. What are they? (Philippians 3:19) Paul says that these enemies of the cross: 1.Are destined for destruction. 2.Have made a god of their sensual desires. 3.They glory in things they should be ashamed of. 4.Their minds are set on earthly things.

18 DISCUSSION GUIDE 11.Using Paul’s definition, who are enemies of the cross in our world today?

19 DISCUSSION GUIDE 12.Where did the Philippian Christians have their citizenship? (Philippians 3:20) Paul reminds the Philippians that their citizenship is in Heaven.

20 DISCUSSION GUIDE 13.What will Jesus do for us? (Philippians 3:21) Jesus will bring everything under his control and will transform our lowly bodies to be like his glorious body.

21 Definition of antinomian 1.One who holds that under the gospel dispensation of grace the moral law is of no use or obligation because faith alone is necessary to salvation. 2.One who rejects a socially established morality.

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