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Legacy Elementary School Parent Update Meeting Spring 2016.

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1 Legacy Elementary School Parent Update Meeting Spring 2016

2 Tonight… Just as important as our society as a whole are our small communities: our neighborhoods, workplaces and schools. Jens Stoltenberg Current curriculum and the 2016- 2017 literacy adoption Legacy successes and direction Future plans Ways to get involved …You will learn about

3 Legacy’s focus areas Develop meta-cognitive thinking in all students so students can respond to text and in writing. Extend the thinking skills to small group work after school academic work. Use inquiry as an intentional instructional tool by incorporating it into planning. Align questioning of grade levels, expanding inquiry to all subject areas. Students pursue answers to questions that they have around content areas through presentations, project based learning, and opportunities for them to teach each other. Explicitly teach students problem solving processes. Continue to use student generated thinking maps and graphic organizers. Continue to align instructional strategies and academic language in math, reading, and writing. Identify relevant vocabulary in the curriculum. Increase content vocabulary instruction. *Source: Legacy Unified Improvement Plan (UIP)

4 Student learning Math Expressions Literacy By Design FOSS science kits Instructional program material Programming Gifted and Talented enrichment and Advanced Learning Plan (ALP) support Before and After school enrichment and clubs Literacy intervention support Technology tools include: chrome book carts, iPads, MacBooks, and two labs.

5 Student learning ReadyGen – from classroom teachers’ perspective …students can respond to text and in writing. Use inquiry as an intentional instructional tool by incorporating it into planning. …expanding inquiry to all subject areas. Students pursue answers to questions that they have around content areas through presentations, project based learning, and opportunities for them to teach each other.

6 Accountability Common school “framework” across the state 2014 School Performance Framework available on Legacy accredited at Level 2: Performance plan 2010-2014, Legacy accredited at Level 2 four times and Level 1 one time School Performance Framework Performance Levels Level 1: Accredited with Distinction (Performance Plan) Level 2: Accredited (Performance Plan) Level 3: Accredited with Improvement Plan Level 4: Accredited with Priority Improvement Plan Level 5: Accredited with Turnaround Plan Level 6: Unaccredited

7 Measuring Success 2015 St. Vrain Valley Schools achieve higher than the state by an average 7.0% Legacy outperformed the state and the district averages with a range of +.8% to +7.9% Legacy’s highest assessment was 4th grade ELA with the lowest being 5th grade math Opportunities beyond the traditional school day. Summer enrichment and skill supportSummer enrichment skill support Community School serves 200+ (30%)/ week Community School Positive feedback from middle schools “I can always pick out the students who came from Legacy.” Results

8 Future growth Projection Room for expansion Available space for 3 additional homerooms Continue to budget for additional materials Regional planning Using existing funds for proactive planningproactive planning Long range facilities planning committee Partnering with municipalities Potential 2016 Bond Measure2016 Bond Measure

9 Involvement At the end of the day, the most overwhelming key to a child's success is the positive involvement of parents. Jane D. Hull Amory Siscoe, Board of Education, St. Vrain Valley Schools Brian Norwood, current participant, Leadership St. Vrain Leadership St. Vrain Grassroots St. Vrain

10 Legacy Extra Facts Opened in 2004 Current student enrollment is 629 students K-5 Students recognized monthly for exhibiting positive traits Academic assemblies recognize academic successes on a trimester basis. Student council completed 4 community service projects this school year. 70% of teachers hold, or are working toward, a master’s degree. Legacy has two mentoring programs through KidsHope and Frederick High School Athletics

11 720-652-8160 @LegacyElem Thank you for making your school great!

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