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11. Holocaust K-W->>>L  What do you know- or think you know- about the Holocaust?  What is your reaction when you hear that you will be studying the.

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Presentation on theme: "11. Holocaust K-W->>>L  What do you know- or think you know- about the Holocaust?  What is your reaction when you hear that you will be studying the."— Presentation transcript:

1 11. Holocaust K-W->>>L  What do you know- or think you know- about the Holocaust?  What is your reaction when you hear that you will be studying the Holocaust in school?  Why do you think it is studied so many times in middle and high school?  What would you like to know about the Holocaust?

2 12. Identity Journal  Web the major parts of your identity. (On the left page, facing where you will write your journal.)  On the right: What makes you who you are? Explain the 3 most important parts of your identity.  How would you feel if one of those most important parts of your identity was taken away? or made you a target for discrimination?

3 13 Pictures have power  What is the power of pictures and visuals when studying a topic or event?

4 Journal #14 Using the Dr. Seuss cartoon, analyze an example of propaganda. In addition to analyzing the individual elements and details, be sure to identify the types of propaganda employed and thoroughly answer all of the “questions for consideration.”

5 15. Terrible Things  After you’ve heard the allegory, explain the symbolism- what could each element represent? At what points could different choices have been made in the story and in the course of history to change the outcome?

6 16. Who is responsible?  It is a given that without the Nazis, there would not have been a Holocaust or WWII. However, there was, so we must also ask what was the responsibility of the rest of the world?  Who is responsible when human rights are being violated?  What is the responsibility of the most developed countries of the world?

7 17. NurembergLaws  Of all the rights that the Nuremberg Laws stripped from the Jewish people during WWII, losing which one caused the most damage?  What do you think is the most important human right?

8 Journal 18 Left Page Right Page Journal:  What did it take for an individual or group to resist the Nazis, to fight against their ideology, to save a target?  What would it take for you to be able to stand up for someone- even a stranger- in the face of danger? What did it take? CircumstancesSkills/ Abilities Personality Traits/ Qualities

9 19. The Sunflower Nearly all of the documents we have read so far in this unit have been nonfiction. However, many of them have been informational texts (encyclopedia style documents) and The Sunflower is a narrative non-fiction text (1 st person, tells a story, memoir).  What are the strengths and weaknesses of the different text types?  What type of audience does each appeal to?  Is one type more effective than another in communicating the facts, events and lessons of the Holocaust?

10 Active Listening QuestionsEvidenceAnalysisLeadership Body language and eye contact signal that participant is actively listening at all times. Asks clarifying questions or follow-up questions that extend the conversation. Supports ideas with well- chosen textual and historical, personal, or real world evidence. Offers enough solid analysis to move the conversation forward. Effectively contributes to the conversation by building on the ideas of others and drawing more people into the discussion. Clearly values and considers the ideas of others. Actively listening almost all of the time, whether actually planning to respond or not Asks clarifying or follow-up questions. Supports ideas with textual, historical, personal, or real world evidence. Offers some analysis. Builds on the ideas of others and attempts to draw people into the discussion. Attempts to participate in conversation, not just state their own ideas. Actively listening only when directly engaged in discussion. Does not ask questions or poses questions unrelated to the topic. Relies mostly on own opinion instead of the text. Offers little analysis. Does not build on the ideas of others or attempt to draw people into the discussion. Is more focused on stating their own ideas than having a conversation. Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Below Expectations

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