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SQL vs NoSQL Database BY: DEEPENDRA CHAUDHARY. Abstract This presentation reviews the features common to the NoSQL database and compares those features.

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2 Abstract This presentation reviews the features common to the NoSQL database and compares those features to the features and capabilities of SQL database. NoSQL database is referred to either no- SQL or Not Only SQL

3 Topics SQL databases  SQL history  SQL characteristics  SQL database Examples NoSQL Databases  NoSQL Definitions  General Characteristics  NoSQL Database Types and examples

4 SQL History Short history of SQL Database  SQL: Structured Query Language  SQL is based on the tuple calculus and relational algebra  Consists of data definition language, data manipulation language and data control language  SQL became a standard of the American national standards institute (ANSI) in 1986 and international Organization for standardization (ISO) in 1987  In 1970 IBM came with this idea and implemented in several database libraries

5 Characteristics  Data stored in columns and table  Relationships represented by data  Data manipulation language(DML)  Syntax elements similar to a computer programming languages used for selecting, inserting, deleting and updating database  Data definition language  DDL is a standard commands that define the different structures in a database.  It Creates modify and remove database objects such as tables, index and users.  Database abstraction layer  Application programming interface that unifies the communication between computer application such as SQL Server, DB2, MYSQL….

6 Cont’d  Acid Properties:  Atomicity:  Means that all the effects of the transaction must be completed successfully or the changes are rolled back. For example, withdrawal from ATM machine; the machine must both dispense the cash and debit to bank account.  consistency:  The consistency requirements ensure that the transaction cannot break the integrity rules of the database; it must leave the database in a consistent state. For example ; the data “I” in sex field must be either male or female.  Isolation:  Isolation refers to keeping the changes of incomplete transactions running at the same time separate from one another. Each transaction must be entirely self-contained, and changes it makes must not be readable by any other transaction  Durability:  Once a transaction is committed, it must persist even if there is a system failure — that is, it must be durable. In SQL Server, the information needed to replay changes made in a transaction is written to the transaction log before the transaction is considered to be committed.

7 SQL Database Examples  Commercial  Oracle  IBM  Microsoft SQL server  Sybase SQL  Open Source  MySQL  Ingres

8 NoSQL Database Definition:  A NoSQL (originally referring to "non SQL" or "non relational") database provides a mechanism for storage and retrieval of data which is modeled in means other than the tabular relations used in relational databases.

9 List of NOSQL Databases:  Cassandra  Hypertable  Amazon simpleDB  Cloudata  Accumulo  IBM Infomix  Splice Machine  eXtremeDB Finincial edition …etc  mongoDB  couchDB  RethinkDM  SequoiaDB  NeDB  Terrastore  JSON ODM  Clusterpoint server…etc  Neo4j  Sparksee  TITAN  IinfoGrid  GraphBase  Infinit Graph  Trinity  White DB…etc

10 NoSQL Characteristics  Non-relational  Schema-less  Open source

11 Non-Relational  NoSQL database are generally non-relational, meaning they do not follow relational model  They do not provide tables with flat fixed column records  Instead, it is common to work with self contained aggregates or even BLOGS  Helps to eliminates the need for complex object-relational mapping and many data normalization requirements

12 Schema-Free  NoSQL database are schema-free  There is no need to define any sort of schema for the data  Being schema free allows different records in the same domain (e.g. “user”) to have heterogeneous structure  This helps to migrate data easily

13 NoSQL Database Types  Four Categorized depend upon data-model they support..  Document stores  Graph database  Wide column database  Key-value stores

14 Document stores  Documents are self-contained, aggregate data structure  They consist values data types which can also be nested  Documents are main concept  A document-oriented database stores and retrieves documents(XML,JSON and so on).  Examples of Document database  MongoDB  CouchDB  RethinkDB  RavenDB

15 Document Store Dbs. Cont‘d How to Save Data.. mongo> ({ ID: “1”, Name: “ deependra”, Email:””, Favcolor: [“Blue”,”Red”] }); Query Interface to get data.. In MongoDB db.user.find({favcolor: “Blue”}) In SQL Select * From users Where favcolor = “Blue”;

16 CouchDB Cont’d  To create a database “user” for storing documents, send and HTTP PUT request to server: >curl –x Put http://couchdbhttp://couchdb: 44444/user  To save the user object as a document >curl –x POST -d ‘{“_id”: “1111”,……}’ http: //couchdb:44444/user  To get the object using its ID, simply by sending GET request: > curl-x GET http://couchdb:44444/user/1111

17 Key-value store  The key value type basically uses hash table in which in which there exists a unique key and a pointer to a particular item  Key value is very efficient for basic operations on keys such as set, get, del, replace, incr, decr  In a key-value store, a value is mapped to a unique key  To store data >store. Set(“user- 1254”);  To get data >value = store. Get(“user -1254”); Keyvalue “BSU”“131 Summer St ” “FSU”“600 W College Ave”

18 Column Store Database  In column store database, data is stored in cells grouped in columns of data rather rows  Column families can obtain a virtually unlimited number of columns that can be crated during runtime  Row keeps all the information about one entity together  Column stores all attributes information together  Example: Hbase, Cassandra ID 1 2 Title The Fly The Birdcage Genre Horror Comedy

19 Graph Database  In computing, a graph database uses graph structures for semantic queries with nodes, edges and properties to represent and store data  In other word, its an abstract representation of a set of objects where some pairs are connected by links object(vertex, node) link( edge, arc, relationship)  Most graph database are NoSQL in nature and store their data in a key- value store or document-oriented database  Data can be easily transformed from one model to other using Graph Base NoSQL database

20 Graph Database cont’d  What is Neo4j ? Neo4j is a graph database management system developed by Neo Technology, Inc. Introduced in 2010 It is similar to ACID – compliant transactional database with native graph storage and processing Most popular graph database according to It is open source and java based Full linked with nodes Stores data as nodes and relationships

21 How Neo4j Works Storing Objects  Domain objects take a node  Jo4neo framework Public class person{ //used by jo4neo Transient Nodeid node; //simple property @new string firstNmae; //helps to store a to neo4j @neo Date date; //jo4neo will index for you @neo (intex =true) sting email; //many to many relation @neo collection roles; }

22 When to use NoSQL?  If high quantity of data is need to retrieve  If storing relationship between the elements is not important  While dealing with growing lists of elements: like twitter posts, blogs, internet server logs  While dealing with unstructured data and structured is changing readily with time then NoSQL is answer

23 References: system.html

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