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Sean Werick Principal Consultant

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2 Sean Werick Principal Consultant 502.320.2918




6 SQL Server 2016 Operational DBMS Business Intelligence Data Warehouse Advanced Analytics R + in-memory at massive scaleSelf-service BI per UserTPC-H non-clustered 10TB

7 SQL Server 2016 - Industry leading TCO Built-in with SQL Server vs. expensive add-ons with Oracle Complete mobile BI In-memory End-to-end security Advanced Analytics built-in $320K SQL Server 2016 BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE DATA WAREHOUSING OLTP ETL 11.7x more $640,000$803,000$1,272,000$3,433,000$3,745,000 Everything built-in MOBILE BI & SELF-SERVICE BI #1 TPC-H—DW INDUSTRY LEADER—OLTP BUILT-IN ETL R SERVERIN-DB ADVANCED ANALYTICS

8 SQL Server 2016: Everything built-in The above graphics were published by Gartner, Inc. as part of a larger research document and should be evaluated in the context of the entire document. The Gartner document is available upon request from Microsoft. Gartner does not endorse any vendor, product or service depicted in its research publications, and does not advise technology users to select only those vendors with the highest ratings or other designation. Gartner research publications consist of the opinions of Gartner's research organization and should not be construed as statements of fact. Gartner disclaims all warranties, expressed or implied, with respect to this research, including any warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. Consistent experience from on-premises to cloud MicrosoftTableauOracle $120 $480 $2,230 Self - service BI per user In-memory across all workloads built-in TPC-H 10TB non-clustered results as of 04/06/15, 5/04/15, 4/15/14 and 11/25/13, respectively. at massive scale SQL ServerOracleMySQLSAP HANA Oracle is #5 #2 SQL Server #1 SQL Server #3 SQL Server National Institute of Standards and Technology Comprehensive Vulnerability Database update 10/2015 8

9 0100101010110 SQL Server OLTP SQL Server data warehouse ETL In-memory ColumnStore In-memory OLTP Real-time fraud detection In-memory enhancements Operational analytics & enhanced performance Fraud detected 2-24 hrs

10 Data Scientist Interact directly with data Built-in to SQL Server Data Developer/DBA Manage data and analytics together Built-in advanced analytics In-database analytics at massive scale Example Solutions Sales forecasting Warehouse efficiency Predictive maintenance Relational Data Analytic Library T-SQL Interface Extensibility ? R R Integration 01001 0 10010 0 01010 1 Microsoft Azure Marketplace New R scripts 01001 0 10010 0 01010 1 01001 0 10010 0 01010 1 01001 0 10010 0 01010 1 01001 0 10010 0 01010 1 01001 0 10010 0 01010 1 Credit risk protection

11 SQL Server Analytical engines Full R integration Fully extensible Data Management Layer Relational data T-SQL interface Stream data in-memory Analytics library Share and collaborate Manage and deploy R+ Data Scientists Business Analysts Publish algorithms, interact directly with data Analysis through TSQL, tools, and vetted algorithms DBAs Manage storage and analytics together R integration and advanced analytics Advanced analytics

12 dbo.Patients Jane Doe Name 243-24-9812 SSN USA Country Jim Gray198-33-0987USA John Smith123-82-1095USA dbo.Patients Jane Doe Name 1x7fg655se2e SSN USA Jim Gray0x7ff654ae6dUSA John Smith0y8fj754ea2cUSA Country Result Set Jim Gray Name Jane Doe Name 1x7fg655se2e SSN USA Country Jim Gray0x7ff654ae6dUSA John Smith0y8fj754ea2cUSA dbo.Patients SQL Server ciphertext Query Always Encrypted Help protect data at rest and in motion, on-premises & cloud Trusted Apps SELECT Name FROM Patients WHERE SSN=@SSN @SSN='198-33-0987' Result Set Jim Gray Name SELECT Name FROM Patients WHERE SSN=@SSN @SSN=0x7ff654ae6d Column Encryption Key Enhanced ADO.NET Library Column Master Key Client side

13 Two App user (e.g., nurse) selects from Patients table Three Security Policy transparently rewrites query to apply filter predicate Database Policy Manager CREATE FUNCTION dbo.fn_securitypredicate(@wing int) RETURNS TABLE WITH SCHEMABINDING AS return SELECT 1 as [fn_securitypredicate_result] FROM StaffDuties d INNER JOIN Employees e ON (d.EmpId = e.EmpId) WHERE e.UserSID = SUSER_SID() AND @wing = d.Wing; CREATE SECURITY POLICY dbo.SecPol ADD FILTER PREDICATE dbo.fn_securitypredicate(Wing) ON Patients WITH (STATE = ON) Filter Predicate: INNER JOIN… Security Policy Applicatio n Patients Nurse SELECT * FROM Patients SEMIJOIN APPLY dbo.fn_securitypredicate(patients.Wing); SELECT Patients.* FROM Patients, StaffDuties d INNER JOIN Employees e ON (d.EmpId = e.EmpId) WHERE e.UserSID = SUSER_SID() AND Patients.wing = d.Wing; RLS in three steps Security

14 Dynamic data masking walkthrough ALTER TABLE [Employee] ALTER COLUMN [SocialSecurityNumber] ADD MASKED WITH (FUNCTION = ‘SSN()’) ALTER TABLE [Employee] ALTER COLUMN [Email] ADD MASKED WITH (FUNCTION = ‘EMAIL()’) ALTER TABLE [Employee] ALTER COLUMN [Salary] ADD MASKED WITH (FUNCTION = ‘RANDOM(1,20000)’) GRANT UNMASK to admin1 1)Security officer defines dynamic data masking policy in T-SQL over sensitive data in Employee table 2) Application user selects from Employee table 3) Dynamic data masking policy obfuscates the sensitive data in the query results SELECT [Name], [SocialSecurityNumber], [Email], [Salary] FROM [Employee] Security

15 Capability Query Store helps customers quickly find and fix query performance issues Query Store is a ‘flight data recorder’ for database workloads Benefits Greatly simplifies query performance troubleshooting Provides performance stability across SQL Server upgrades Allows deeper insight into workload performance Monitoring performance by using the Query Store Performance

16 Order history Name SSN Date Jane Doecm61ba906fd 2/28/200 5 Jim Grayox7ff654ae6d 3/18/200 5 John Smithi2y36cg776rg 4/10/200 5 Bill Brownnx290pldo90l 4/27/200 5 Sue Danielsypo85ba616rj 5/12/200 5 Sarah Jonesbns51ra806fd 5/22/200 5 Jake Marksmci12hh906fj 6/07/200 5 Eric Mearsutb76b916gi 6/18/201 4 Rachel Hoganpx61hi9306fj7/1/2014 Sam Johnsonol43bi506gd 7/12/201 4 David Simontx83hal916fi 7/29/201 4 Michelle Burnsnb95re926gi 8/10/201 4 Reed Deanvc61ira536fe 8/23/201 4 Order history Name SSN Date Jane Doecm61ba906fd 2/28/200 5 Jim Grayox7ff654ae6d 3/18/200 5 John Smithi2y36cg776rg 4/10/200 5 Bill Brownnx290pldo90l 4/27/200 5 Customer data Product data Order History Stretch to cloud Stretch SQL Server into Azure Stretch warm and cold tables to Azure with remote query processing App Query Microsoft Azure Jim Grayox7ff654ae6d3/18/2005

17 New Portal

18 Updated Report Features

19 New KPI Features

20 Mobile Reporting

21 Brand the Portal

22 SQL Server 2016 Features So many great features, but which are included with which version?

23 Deeper Insights Across Data with PolyBase

24 What is PolyBase


26 Query relational and non-relational data, on-premises and in Azure Apps T-SQL query SQL Server Hadoop PolyBase Query relational and non-relational data with T-SQL Access any data

27 PolyBase Query relational and non-relational data with T-SQL T-SQL query SQL Server Hadoop Quote: ************************ ********************** ********************* ********************** *********************** $658.39 Jim Gray Name 11/13/58 DOB WA State Ann Smith04/29/76ME

28 PolyBase Can…

29 PolyBase Performance

30 Polybase scale-out groups

31 PolyBase Requirements

32 Setting up PolyBase 1.Install PolyBase a)PolyBase Data Movement Service b)PolyBase Engine 2.Configure SQL Server and enable the option 3.Configure Pushdown 4.Create external data source 5.Create external file format 6.Create Hadoop user 7.Create external table

33 PolyBase Configuration Option 0: Disable Hadoop connectivity Option 1: Hortonworks HDP 1.3 on Windows Server Option 1: Azure blob storage (WASB[S]) Option 2: Hortonworks HDP 1.3 on Linux Option 3: Cloudera CDH 4.3 on Linux Option 4: Hortonworks HDP 2.0 on Windows Server Option 4: Azure blob storage (WASB[S]) Option 5: Hortonworks HDP 2.0 on Linux Option 6: Cloudera 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, and 5.5 on Linux Option 7: Hortonworks 2.1, 2.2, and 2.3 on Linux Option 7: Hortonworks 2.1, 2.2, and 2.3 on Windows Server Option 7: Azure blob storage (WASB[S]) -- 5 denotes the connection type EXEC sp_configure 'hadoop connectivity', 5; RECONFIGURE;

34 PolyBase Configuration Restart: SQL Server PolyBase Data Movement Service PolyBase Engine

35 PolyBase Configuration


37 Create Scoped Credential USE [AdventureworksDW] GO -- 2: Create a database scoped credential for Kerberos-secured Hadoop clusters. -- IDENTITY: the user name -- SECRET: the password CREATE DATABASE SCOPED CREDENTIAL HDPUser WITH IDENTITY = 'hue', Secret = ''; GO

38 PolyBase Configuration Create External Data Source USE [AdventureworksDW] GO CREATE EXTERNAL DATA SOURCE [HDP2] WITH (TYPE = HADOOP, LOCATION = N'hdfs://', CREDENTIAL = HDPUser); GO

39 PolyBase Configuration


41 Using PolyBase





46 PolyBase Troubleshooting




50 Start Playing SQL Server Data Tools For Visual Studio 2015 Developer Edition

51 Pragmatic Works Offers a Variety of Services to Help You with SQL Server -Architectural Design Sessions -Detailed Assessments and Roadmaps -Migrations and Upgrades Ask us about test-driven migrations and upgrades with Legitest Sean Werick

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