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Kingdom Archaea Formerly known as the Archaeabacteria.

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1 Kingdom Archaea Formerly known as the Archaeabacteria

2 What organisms make up the Kingdom Archaea? Extreme-loving micro-organisms – Live in extreme environments Prokaryotic organisms Unicellular Heterotrophs & autotrophs Do not cause disease Used to be considered bacteria, but scientists discovered that they are biochemically and genetically different from bacteria

3 Classifying Archaea Extreme-loving micro-organisms Classified based on their: – Metabolism – Chemical composition Live in extreme environments – Halophiles – Thermophiles – Thermoacidophiles – Methanogens

4 What are they? – Halophiles Salt-loving – Thermophiles Heat loving – Thermoacidophiles Heat and acid loving – Methanogens Methane producing archaea

5 Thermophiles Halophiles- used in cancer research! Methanogens- help to digest sewage and oil spills!

6 Archaea and the Connection to the Origin of Life Scientists expect that the earth’s early atmosphere first consisted of a harsh environment with no oxygen. Due to the fact that archaea can exist in harsh environments, much like that predicted on early earth, some scientists believe that it is possible that an archaea organism, may have been the very first living organism on earth.

7 Kingdom Eubacteria These are what we call Bacteria

8 What are Bacteria? Prokaryotic organisms Unicellular, but some stick together in colonies Usually have a single chromosome in the form of a DNA loop or plasmid Reproduce asexually by binary fission Can be heterotroph or autotroph Thrive only in moist environments and become inactive if the environment dries up

9 Structural Components Plasmid: a small loop of genetic material Genetic material is in the form of a loop or a plasmid Bacteria have a rigid outer wall that gives them shape Under the wall is a fluid plasma membrane Pili Hair-like structures help bacteria attach to each other and to surfaces. Can be involved in movement. CapsuleSticky coating surrounds some disease- causing bacteria, helping protect them from destruction by the host’s immune system


11 Classifying Bacteria (eubacteria) Classified based on their: – Cell wall composition – Shape – Configuration – Respiration

12 Bacteria Can be classified by their: – Cell wall composition (Gram positive or Gram negative) Gram-positive have a thick protein layer on their cell wall and stain purple Gram-negative have a thin protein layer on their cell walls and stain pink

13 Bacteria Can be classified by their: – Shape (spherical, rod-shaped or spiral)

14 Bacteria Can be classified by their: – Configuration (individual cells, form pairs, form cluster colonies, form chains)

15 Bacteria Can be classified by their: – Respiration (aerobic or anaerobic) Aerobic – need oxygen for growth and survival (think oxygen loving) Anareobic – don’t need oxygen to grow or survive

16 Getting Food Some bacteria are autotrophs, meaning they make their own food – photosynthesis or other chemical reactions Most bacteria are heterotrophs; they take in food – decomposers (breakdown the tissue of dead organisms) or pathogenic (disease-causing) Some bacteria are aerobic, and must have oxygen to survive. Others are anaerobic, meaning they require a zero- oxygen environment

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