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CH 5. The Eukaryote Cell Cell membrane Cytoplasm Nucleus.

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1 CH 5. The Eukaryote Cell Cell membrane Cytoplasm Nucleus

2 Organelles: specialized subunits within a cell that have a specific function. Individual organelles are usually separately enclosed within their own lipid bilayers.

3 Nucleus: “nut”. First seen in 1858. Contains DNA. Information center of the cell. pores Nuclear envelope: a double layer with pores that let molecules in and out nucleolus Nucleus

4 Nuclear envelope: a double layer with pores

5 Nucleolus: small region in nucleus. Made up of RNA and proteins This is where ribosomes are made Chromatin - is a complex of DNA, RNA, and proteins that forms chromosomes (packaged and folded DNA)

6 Organelles in the Cytoplasm Mitochondria Convert chemical energy stored in foods into useful forms, AKA respiration. Double membrane Have their own DNA, which is circular Thought to be ancient bacteria that coevolved into a symbiotic (beneficial to both) relationship with cells

7 Organelles in the Cytoplasm Chloroplast Trap sunlight energy and convert it into chemical energy (photosynthesis) Similar structure as mitochondria Have their own DNA

8 Ribosomes: Where proteins are assembled Made of two RNA subunits and proteins Smallest of organelles (25 nm; 25 billionths of a meter) Dr. Shufran’s dissertation was on Ribosomal DNA The tiny dots are ribosomes

9 Endoplasmic reticulum (ER): Complex network of sacs Transport materials through the inside of the cell Two types Smooth ER-smooth inside. Do not have particles or granules. Store enzymes. Rough ER – rough inside. Dotted with MANY ribosomes. Where proteins are made and modified, exported and released.

10 Golgi apparatus (body): sac like Where proteins are modified, collected, packaged and distributed.

11 Lysosomes: only in animal cells. Not in plant cells Form pockets around foreign materials and digest them Engulf microscopic particles (Endocytosis) Breakdown old organelles with enzymes Garbage cleaners of the cell

12 Vacuole: Sac-like structure that is used for storage. Water Salts Proteins Carbohydrates Plastid: in plants. Many forms. Chloroplast Leukoplast – starches Chromoplast – pigments

13 Cytoskeleton: the cytoplasm is not simply like water or goo, as once thought when I took high school biology. It is made up of filaments that give it a framework. Microtubules Microfilaments

14 Sunfish, Leopomis spp. Green sunfish Bluegill

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